Mods are now deleting linux threads

>mods are now deleting linux threads
Favourite linux games?

Other urls found in this thread: - Wireless Adapters-_-ASUS-_-33320181&gclid=Cj0KEQjwvZq6BRC9kfq2zKfQ_94BEiQAOeUVC3Vd1w2mnXnwXjsydO0JbjYHsqPMQ98dCGYZXfyEM6AaAqwk8P8HAQ

I'll start by dumping some of my own



Literally pick one boy

I can't use Linux very well. What's ~sudo or whatever? And a few times it had me put a persons name in the command line. I was so confused.

Civ VI has been confirmed for linux, btw

That means linux has no games to discuss.

it gives you admin rights for that command. not sure which persons name you're talking about

















inane posters









L-linux has no game

World of Warcraft








>free software movement
>posts propietary closed source software

Interested in trying linux? Have a look at these: - lightweight, runs on toasters, boots fast - user friendly and recommended for windows converts - pretty and recommended for mac converts - the most popular linux desktop

All these websites provide CD images you can burn to a CD. Or, if you'd rather install from a USB drive, this tool will automatically download a linux flavour and load it onto a USB drive, which you can boot from

You can run linux straight from the CD\USB, and you can install it alongside your current OS without disrupting that OS.

Many popular game engines (including Unreal 4 and CryEngine) are now open-source. And I'm sure more will follow. But in the meantime, running proprietary software on a free OS is better than running proprietary software on a proprietary OS. Off to GNU\HURD with you!

>no Arch linux
Jump into the cold pool, winbabbies, it'll be better when you're accustomed to it.


Arch taught me a lot about linux but I do not use it every day.



Joking aside, I do recommend Mint and Xubuntu for Windows users, too. I've used both for a long time and they've done me well in stability and ease.

Arch or Debian minimal?


debian minimal is pretty nice but i only used it on servers, not for desktop



my sides

There's almost no way to incentivize game development if it's open source, hobbyists can't create AAA quality games if people will just redistribute it for free. I'm OK with games being closed source because they're just games, not operating systems that store all my personal information.

most games that go open-source just make the engine open-source, all of the assets (including the levels) remain proprietary. they're not code, after all. seems like a good way to do it to me

what do you think i've been posting, silly barackposter

Holy shit all this indie trash and 2K shilling

>All these multi-plats

Nice try Linux keks, I'll just be here playing my great W10 exclusives like Quantum Break.


I have that on PS4, it's bretty good so far.


Get back to your containment board aspie

Is there anyone who games only on Linux? I installed Ubuntu on an old hard drive to try out Steam on Linux, turns out my wireless card isn't supported (yet at least) and I couldn't even download Steam.

I would probably make the switch if Battlefield came to Linux desu.

> silly barack poster



i game on both, but i'm gaming on windows less as the ports come through and also as wine gets better

The FSF doesn't care about availability of other stuff, so a model where the source code is free but you need to buy the assets is fine by them. Doom 3 BFG basically worked like that, the source was released only a month after the game was released but you still need all the 3D models, textures, level files, etc. to actually run the game.

Of course, a third party could theoretically figure out all the files needed and recreate them and release them for free, but for an AAA game this is too large of an effort to be reasonably doable.

I don't really care that much, but I like looking at the various open source engines from time to time. Would never bother modifying anything though since most of the time any change I would want is done by some other freetard anyway (like porting Doom 3 to Linux)

silly, silly barack. you are a hoot

get back to yours

It's entirely possible to only play on Linux if you only like indie games, CSGO, Dota 2, etc.. And people who like e.g. Dota 2 have a tendency to only play that, so for them there really is no reason why they couldn't use Linux.

I use Ubuntu for most of the stuff I play on a day-to-day basis, but dual boot Windows for any new games I want to play since Wine isn't catching up on DX11 fast enough.

The last thread was deleted for flame war bullshit. Not for being about Linux.

devolver, take-two and various others support it, as does UE4... but i really hope that vulkan is a success. would hate to be stuck with ogl

most of Sup Forums is a flame war



I use Linux every day but I never game on it because X and gpu drivers suck major dick





I literally only play Skyrim, Lincucks :^)

gold compatibliity in wine

Works in Wine :)

that's all form me but check this post for info on switching to linux - Wireless Adapters-_-ASUS-_-33320181&gclid=Cj0KEQjwvZq6BRC9kfq2zKfQ_94BEiQAOeUVC3Vd1w2mnXnwXjsydO0JbjYHsqPMQ98dCGYZXfyEM6AaAqwk8P8HAQ
This is my wireless adapter. Do you think someone will make a Linux driver for it eventually or should I just start looking into getting a new Linux compatible adapter?

Apparently it's a broadcom chipset. Did you try installing the broadcom driver module?

In the terminal, type

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source
modprobe wl

First one updates your list of software packages, second installs the module. Last one loads the module

I'll try that when I get home, thanks.

>t. Stallman

Banner saga 2 works on wine

There's so many fucking distros so I picked Ubuntu because it was at the top of some list online somewhere. Been using it for a good few months now and I like it but want to try something else. Any recommendations?

Fuck Linux, freeBSD is the only truly free OS.

t. Sup Forums memes pro

I'm just not at that level of autist yet I'm sorry

other folks have said that it shows up under 'additional drivers' in the control panel

most of the different distros don't change the way linux functions, fundamentally, just what's installed by default

if you're looking for something new, but like ubuntu, ubuntu has various flavours with different desktop environments. xubuntu and lubuntu are both lightweight desktops and will generally be faster at the cost of nice features and visuals. linux mint and elementary are both ubuntu spins with different DE's - linux mint feels like a more customizable windows, elementary feels more like OSX. finally PCLinuxOS is a great beginner distro with KDE installed by default. KDE isn't pretty or fast but it is ultra customizable, there's barely a damn thing in the whole UI that you can't tweak, recolour, reposition or chage somehow.

If you're looking for a 'harder' distro (to learn more about linux) try debian, which is the closest to a 'vanilla' linux experience you'll get - rock solid and ultra stable. if you want all the cutting-edge software, try fedora. again both of these are harder than *buntu derivatives.

>bajillion indie garbage games and like 10 real good ones
>can't pirate

Debian sounds like what I've been looking for, thanks.

im running debian with cinnamon, but sometimes can be a bit pain int the ass. no proprietary repos (eg. nvidia and wireless drivers etc) cause policy

also stable is stable, but the packages can be fucking old

its easily fixable though, add contrib repo, switch to testing...

openmw runs suprisingly well

A bit late here since I was away from the computer for a while but Ubuntu really is the best when it comes to being able to google solutions for problems and getting support from developers. If you have problems with a game on Steam and send a ticket about it 99% of the time they'll tell you they only support Ubuntu and if you tell them you use any other distro they wont help you. Of course, the games should just work to begin with but if they don't you'll be out of luck on non-Ubuntu distros.

The only other distros I feel like they have similar "google-ability" and support is Debian and Fedora, though neither of them have the same support when it comes to games specifically.