Silver 3

>silver 3
>play a game this morning
>win 16-8
>top frag with like 30 kills
>rank down to silver 2
>play another game later
>win 16-1
>still silver 2
What the fuck?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Rank Down

That's not supposed to happen...

If it did it means Valve fucked up the rankings even more since I last played

That means you were playing with a hacker and they got banned, you get deranked as well.

Contrary to popular belief, 'just' winning is not enough to rank up

if you're like 2/0/20 at the end of the match with 0 MVPs you're gonna get negative elo since your performance was terrible

On the other hand, even if you lose and go 30/10 or something with many MVPs you will still gain elo, possibly getting a rank up. Happened to me two times.

I would expect this. But I did top on one and 2nd to top on the second one.

I actually want even in the game pre rank update. So I don't know what it was like before.

then it might be exactly what the other person suggested - you played with a cheater without knowing it, he got banned, and the victory you had on that match got taken away, reducing your elo and probably your rank along with it


I didn't notice anything hacky though

Just enjoy silvers OP.

I don't enjoy silver, not really

>don't play MM for 3 months
>rank deflation happens
>play MM again - rank GN1
>don't play for another month
>play MM again - rank SEM
>continue to play casual and improve my aim and game sense there because I can't handle the pressure of MM

>play 7 months ago as DMG
>update rolls out and I stop playing because it deranks me
>play again last month it ranks me GN1
>win like crazy for weeks to GN4 with people actually bitching on my steam profile calling me a smurf or hacker

fuck this game

>playing CS:GO
>playing MM
bait thread?


>Sup Forums confirmed silvers

I'm silver so I haven't met any good players to queue up with
They say to add people who top frag but I'm often the top fragger

do wins even matter? i've read that each round is taken and analyzed as a single game

Quit CS:GO, seriously you'll be happier in the long run.

Why can't valve just fucking tell is how it works? There's a ridiculous amount of speculation


quit soloing, have at least one guy with you. it is much better that way

This shit pisses me off. I cant count how many times ive played with throwers/griefers or guys that have 2 kills at round half and we couldnt kick because they queued with a butt buddy.


Why not ask your friends from school/uni or your coworkers? Nowadays every normalfag plays CSGO.

>Not just using cheats to get to a high rank

In league of legends silver 2 is higher than silver 3 is this not the case?