Whatever happened to Morgan Webb and Adam Sessler?

Whatever happened to Morgan Webb and Adam Sessler?

Did they fade into obscurity finally?

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More like fall into drug abuse


faded into bolivian

Adam Sessler is pretty hard into drugs right now. He did that one self made shitty low budget movie but I think he's down pretty hard with a bad coke or heroine addiction.

Morgan Webb got a job at Blizzard as their "Is this safe / acceptable for female audiences?" person the devs ask.

>We'll never see their awkward sexual chemistry on screen again.

Why even go on? Is there any youtube channel that even comes close?

I think she just ended up as someone's trophy wife.

>it's a morgan gets a breast reduction because her husband says so episode

She did. Dude had her drop like 20 lbs and get breast surgery too.


Whatever happened to Laura Swisher?

I want to manhandle her milkjugs

what kind of wasteful faggot tricks a woman with okay cans into marriage and then makes her chop them off

the absolute madman

>okay cans
They weren't that big to begin with. It's a mystery.

What ever happened to Morgan Webb's humongous mams?

Better to keep your wife locked down than it is to have her tempting other better looking men into approaching her.

That face could melt stars.

>tumblr filemame

That subtle glimpse of panties

Who the fuck is that guy with hair, that's not the Sess I remember

Adam Sessler hangs out with the san fran indie clique now and has pretty much renounced his past of being a video game enthusiast/gamer.

He became really close with Zoe Quinn after meeting her and her boyfriend, Alex Lifschitz.
Additionally Zoe's actually Adam's coke dealer but I doubt she's the only one dealing him drugs.

I knew he was done with journalism to be an "actor" but did he really renounce all video game past.

those fuckable pits

Something to that effect, he said his enthusiasm was all just an act.

Sessler officially died when he sided with Quinn and other hacks during GG.

I'd like to see this picture

being a crack addict, nothing matters

>what is google images
I'm sure you'll fit in here someday newfriend

Adam is producing some show I never heard of and a Friday the 13th game.


Early Morgan best Morgan dat diamond cutting jaw tho

Isn't Sessler dead? I thought he overdosed on a drug binge in Tijuana.



They added that Blake faggot and took out the skits, immediately turning the show into absolute trash

If you want that jaw and shorter face you just gotta keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth, keep your lips shut, breath through your nose, have good posture, and chew gum / eat a lot of tough food to work out your jaw. This takes years and is much harder the older you are but it does work.


Morgan always had that vibe that said she'd light up a smoke, then sit on your cock while she was playing a game.

fapped to this many a time back in the day.

Damn, g4 used to be the shit before it all turned into cops

>tfw you entered that date Laura Swisher contest when you were 13.
>tfw you still miss Unscrewed.
>tfw no gf ever

can someone explain me this image, I see it posted so often

Not a Wowfag

>hiring women that don't play video games to host shows about video games

Whatever happened to that hot short haired blonde chick that literally cried on camera because of self-esteem issues?

Outsidexbox kinda?

is this some kind of retarded maymay or do you honestly believe this? Protip: both answers are gonna be a bad time for you.

He's still heavily embedded in the gaming community, more as a single person rather than part of a company or anything though.


the tumblr image meme only applies to common Sup Forums memes or .gifs, of which this is neither

I sympathize with him.

I have constantly have issues with being constipated, so I know how he feels in that gif

Why would adam kekler need to start taking heroin? Did some shit go down in his life?


>dat diamond cutting jaw tho

she'll need it if your dick is diamonds

hes clearly got an addiction problem of some sort. I haven't seen him in the gaming community doing anything other than occasionally showing up with greg miller on his show.

How new?

That diamond cutting jaw couldn't scratch my dick

Most of Sup Forums's current userbase consists of literal underage children (especially Sup Forums) and have little knowledge of anything, especially something like drugs.

This and also being that living in your mothers basement as a 20 something kissless, handhold-less virgin doesn't help either.

>gaming community
no such thing exists
adam is going to host shows on an abortion of a television channel related to comic con the last i heard
it will fail

Sessler heard Zoe was giving up hand jobs and was just like "I'll take one."

I don't know why you responded to me when you would be related to the category that I described.

In WoW, human mobs make a "HUH!" sounds when you aggro them, hence the filename.
The mob itself is a Defias spellcaster, a mob that hangs around a low-level area notorious for being full of mobs. If it got low on HP it would try to run to another nearby mob and aggro it on you, so you'd be hearing a lot of HUH! if you didn't carefully los the mob and pick your battles. Multi-mob pulling was dangerous at lower levels in vanilla/tbc.

Hey I'm just adding to your stereotypes bruh no need to get hostile about it.

>work on up and coming tech network
>dating cool co worker (Kevin Rose)
>all is right in the world

>G4 Merger occurs

>network is transformed to shit
>Olivia Munn replaces you
>Leave boyfriend because she doesnt want to leave failing network
>Marry Douchbag Brendan Moran Instead
>Decide to travel World on life savings, come back broke
>Divorce Brendan Moran due to infidelity
>Kevin Rose is now a millionaire building a small empire
>Contract Brain eating Virus from eating weird contaminated food from world travels that gives her seizures and now has to take medication for life.

Sarah lane's Life is suffering

Damn really? Oh wow.

That isn't the same at all but okay, this is fruitless anyway.



which countries did she travel to so i can avoid them

she got it from egypt as i recall

The truth is getting out

He lived through all of zdtv turning into techtv and then the merger with g4 until pretty much the end of the channel, it's enough to break any man's psyche if the stories are true

I came to this so many goddamn times.

It was amazing.

Man! I remember Sarah Lane! I thought she was super cute way back when.

Hmm lots of people saying it's a joke and dumb.

Lots of people are retards.

Sometimes I miss G4. Sometimes.

Lots of people on /fit/ are fucking idiots

who is this semen demon

>ywn spend a warm summer afternoon with the whole day off watching G4
Hell, at this point I'm even a little nostalgic for AOTS

Sara Underwood

She's actually pretty cool - a lot more genuine then olivia "ill do anything for a job" muun

Her nude yoga videos are also awesome

She's such a little qt

much obliged user

>slight stretchmarks on hips

I feel like she didn't always know about the stuff she was talking about but God bless her she was always trying. Munn was just a dumb cunt

Muun's reputation in hollywood is that she will literally do anything for a job, no matter what. It's definately propelling her career upward though

If only her reputation would spread into the mainstream so people could start justifiably hating her.

Didn't she just get shit on by a lot of people for some controversial comments concerning her new gig with X-Men?

I saw Ride Along 2 at a friends place recently movie was pretty terrible all in all but she seemed like an okay tolerable actress. Not saying she's good or anything. I was really surprised.

She also has super herpes.

She got shit on because she declined playing Deadpool's girlfriend.

To be fair, she's Psylocke which is a huge step up.

Pretty sure it was Cliff Blezinski talking shit on her because of stories he'd heard about her from the G4 days and beyond about being a bitch and generally a nightmare to work with.

I'd be willing to believe he's telling the truth, or at least as far as he is aware of it from what people tell him. Can't see what he has to gain from shitting on her, and I'm sure he's got enough connections to know people who knew her directly.

Still super attractive, but kind of a bummer if she is really as terrible as he seemed to make her out to be.

Was it that? Maybe I heard wrong but I heard that she was complaining about her character and how they deserved a bigger role in the movie or something like that

what ever happened to Lisa Foi less?

Holy shit, I completely forgot she even existed.

>you now remember she was about to start doing porn if g4 hadn't hired her

Can't g4 do anything right

Maybe, could be something completely different.

I just remember a few months ago (I think around the time the first X-Men trailer that had her in it was out) Cliff was saying shit about her and then the usual games writer/personality crew rolled around to shout about how he had gone full GG because apparently all you need to do is invoke the name and you can free yourself of all criticism.

>Get blessed with nice tiddies
>Get cursed with manchin
>your fucking husband tells you to lose the tiddies in elective surgery but not to have the jawbone shaved

What ever happened to that Cheat! woman? She seemed pretty good,

muh dick

She died



Here's her kissing her boyfriend. He's not gay,he likes women.

SJU was a literal 10/10 for me until the operations.

it applies to everything because tumblr is fucking shit and you should be embarrassed to be associated with it at all, even anonymously