Should I study software engineering to make games Sup Forums?

Should I study software engineering to make games Sup Forums?

Absolutely not. Study medicine, the world will always need doctors and that shit will make you rich.

Stay the fuck out of my industry. There's enough mouth-breathing retards that I have to deal with already.

I'm a thirld worlder, doctors make strikes to get pay after a year of not being paid here and most public hospitals are broke as fuck.

nice meme though.

Its a living hell until you get your own private practice, and there's no guarantee you'll ever get that. Be prepared to completely sacrifice your life outside of work.

Absolutely not. Any programming needed to make your typical indie game can be learned in your spare time. Pursue that field because you enjoy programming, or at the very least have enough interest to be competent at it.

For people who actually make it all the way I have a lot of respect for them. Shit is tough.

>Becoming a doctor just to be rich

>what is a dentist

You should kill yourself instead, you stupid aborted fuck.

Where do you even start from with games ?
I know C# but wtf do i do ?

>becoming a code jockey

I'd tell you to do computer engineering but you already seen like a dumb fuck for considering going into video games

You're a failure as a programmer if you have to ask that type of question, any real programmer investigates by himself and starts on his own.

Just like make game.

i never said i was a real programmer dumbass

Game companies love naive kids like you. They work you 80-100 hours a week with shit pay until you're burnt out and then they kick you out.

The odds of your working on a game that's not shovelware or some other kind of crap are nearly nil.

And gamers are ungrateful little fucks that will be happy to shit all over your work for the slightest reason. Look at Sup Forums for fuck's sake.

Then you're nothing more than a retard, fuck off.

study computer engineering
you'll take most useful cs classes and learn how electronics work

>learn how electronics work

>this is what CS fags actually believe

EE masterrace here, you're literally a joke everywhere, lmao.

CS and CoE are not the same.

What the fuck do you do with computer engineering? There must be like 5 jobs about computer engineering.

Software Engineer here. Endless opportunities and I can just make my own software when I get fired. Try making your own computer components, loser.

you should look at the course offerings of a computer engineering degree, analogfag
also my major was pure math in both undergrad and grad school

you can design hardware or software, user
literally anyone that would hire you would hire someone with a computer engineering degree

Don't go after making games, it's nothing at all like what you're thinking.

You become an artist, animator, or programmer and you MAY end up in game design somewhere, but you make up only like 0.001% of the game and get no say in any of the big stuff.

If you want to actually make games, indie is the only way to go. For that you teach yourself a programming language since a degree will be useless, or you git gud at doing graphics or sound, then you find some fags on the internet and make something, and then you continue to live in poverty until you possibly luck out and get a big hit. But you'll make many, many, many complete abortions before you make something worth playing at all.

So decide: if you REALLY have a passion for game design, and want to make small, innovative projects that you put thousands of hours into, go indie. If you want to work on AAA projects like Asscreed and Cowadoody and shit, give up now because the best you can be is a tiny cog in a massive machine.

Can confirm, this guy knows what he is talking about.

indiefag here.
I know how to code in java and C# but the lack of proper CS subjects is hurting me in the long rung.

I need to study now calculus, linear algebra, trigonometry, physics, computer graphics, signal processing, networking.

>inb4 use unity

this this this
fucking T H I S

the math skills are useful even for gameplay programmers
the rest is important if you are going to do engine development and as techniques became more elaborate, the skillset expanded to include statistics
people that only make knockoffs of snes games won't believe you though

I'm gonna say yes, do it. Software Engineering is not catered to making games, but you'll learn good practices and write good code instead of garbage. Study hard though, coding isn't easy, but practicing makes it click and then it gets easy.

good luck user

I want to move from engine baby towards a real game programmer, that's why I want to enter college, because my skills are starting to become obvious they're not good enough.

BTW I'm taco, so no american college debt.

>since a degree will be useless

LOL Sure, yeah, if you plan on making shit like Flappy Birds or some shitty RPG Maker game maybe.

Fail to know your CS and your game will run a 5 frames per second and have AI dumber than the average Sup Forumstard.

good luck, user
there's a lot of cancer here in burgerstan, so hopefully gamedev picks up everywhere

>Software """Engineers"""" thinking they're anything more than code monkeys