Aw man...

Aw man, Sup Forums! Your player left the controller on the couch to make a sandwich and forgot to pause! Post the idle animation he's going to catch you doing when he comes back!

Other urls found in this thread:



>there will never ever be a season 3

What show is this?

Show name pls? The animation looks super good.










How is this thread even in the slightest related to video games? Not even the OP is trying. There's an entire board dedicated to just dumping random gifs.

So is this a dance thread or not?


See that little arrow before the post number? Try clicking it, fampai. It might help


Next time dont leave the game on.

That was pretty random dude, you are a pretty random person.

Watch out, anime faggotry police is on its way

No really, youre right, but your reaction pic destroys 99% of your credibility

Tetsuwan Birdy Decode

Well fuck you, I already found it.


I don't care about credibility nigger, I'm just asking why was this thread made in Sup Forums out of all places.



Shit sucks
I love Birdy



evil tidus

So I ask you why you use anime pics out of all places ?

See ? It makes no fucking sense for sane people


What exactly is the issue with using anime pictures? It's not like I'm making an entire thread just for it.

You wouldn't be upset by anime, would you?


Where's this from? Much appreciated.

Please, not this bait arguement again.

Its just the same simple question you just asked me:

Why would you use something that has nothing to do with the topic ?

Are you so overattached to anime that youre unable to express yourself without it ?

Im truely curious


>asking why he's using anime image reactions
>on Sup Forums
wew lad


Anime is always related to this website, so it's OK to use it at all times.



anybody else's Chrome browser crash or freeze up while they're scrolling through file explorer to pick an image?

Even the official banners use anime on every board
It's my our fault it triggers your autism.


Because this site was once used to only talk about anime years ago where you weren't actually here ?

Well, I think youre out of arguements and I certainly cant stop you from doing what you do so lets agree to disagree

not our* rather.

I have an important question. Are you the user with the folder of girls with question marks over their heads?

Whoops, wrong one.



read this fag:
btw, I dont even know the anime you posted but for seeing it everywhere, I know your opinion is as much worth as the one of a blind sheep

At least you understand your situation.

No, I wish.

>anime banners
>anime on ads
>anime image reactions in every board
>anime games discussed on Sup Forums

Not him but if you seriously think that anime doesn't belong here you are pretty fucking retarded mate




>anime image reactions in every board
yea, not really



It took me like 4 attempts to work out what the fuck you were trying to say.

* argument
* It's
* over attached
* you're
* I'm
* Truly

Normally I wouldn't care if someone were shitposting on Sup Forums with terrible grammar, but yours just sticks out.

I can't tell if you're underaged, or
legitimately that fucking stupid.

Your parents must fucking hate you, or you must have skipped college/uni.


Slutty oni.

Thanks bud. Stay awesome.
Whatever it is, is it any good?

That's a hermit.


I liked it
Dunno what else to say


Female superman cop from space done right.

It's a remake of an older anime but a better remake.

looks liike I have to go back to playing Destiny

An OVA doesn't count as an anime series
The OVA is still worth checking out




Perhaps. It's less awesome though.



>Americans only learn to spell in university



