Would you buy a Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball game if it centered around the male characters...

Would you buy a Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball game if it centered around the male characters? Or get the DLC for the male characters for DOAX3 if they made it?

No since I'm not a woman or gay. But I wouldn't have a problem with it existing.

No but I'm sure some people would be into it


It would have better games since men are stronger and more competitive.

>no packages

Sure would create extra buzz and ships.

Nobody would buy that kind of game

Put Eliot in a bikini and he's basically Marie Rose

>modeled and detailed and jiggling bulges for fanservice
>Eliot has the largest of all the men

Yes please.

If you can't tell this is a boy, you need glasses.

they'd have to really buckle down and get those bulges and dong physics in place

i've been wanting a male equivalent of DoA for so long

fuck you, I would

He needs to fuck Tina.

>wants men in a girl swimsuit ogling simulator
Definitely one of those gays I've heard about.

I've always shipped Eliot with Tina and Lisa. Gorgeous odler woman with young virgin man is elder god tier. Eliot x Honoka is really nice too, she's got the body and boobs to be pleasured by such a hot young buck.

Yes yes. girls don't play games and only like other girls.

I would only buy a dead or alive game if it centered around males.

Next question.

banana hammock option?

this is fucking disgusting to be honest. it shouldnt be allowed and makes me very uncomfortable.

Of course. Along with speedos, thongs, asymmetircal thongs, boxers, trunks, shorts, sailor suits, old-time bathing suits, etc.

I'm just into them a lot, exploring insecurity, hiding a sex god by fucking a blond bombshell semen demon and they are barely older like, 4 years i think.

I wanna make out with Hayate, I want him to snuggle me with his arms. I want to feel his chest with my hands as he gropes my butt.

Why doesn't doax have online multiplayer so you can play titty volleyball and pool hopping with people from around the world?

I want to do all that and more with the DOA guys. It's a fucking crime that they don't even get half the attention to detail that the women get.

Is this in game or mod?

yes. Yes I would. As long as dong/pec/ass physics are as great as the girls' tits/ass jiggle physics

If the volleyball was actually compelling, then whatever. I've only played DOAXBV, and the volleyball and games really kind of weren't.

Super Spike V'Ball was great on NES.

to think that Team Ninja used to be a respectable and high profile dev studio.

Because Team Ninja is stupid.

Give the women what they want, give the guys tittys.

Fuck those people trying to moralize gaming.

See, look at this, the guys don't even get clear textures.

Seconded. I would love to have Ein/Hayate in speedos with physics.

First post is best.


>hurr they make titties that means they fall so far

It's so cute when people think that anything even remotely sexy = bad. Also really sad, this is why religion needs to die.

kek, they hardly make DLC for the males in DOA5 anymore since no one buys them. Holidays are an exception.

Because Japan prefers single players games for consoles and online multiplayer for handheld

Wouldn't buy a standalone game or male DLC. Wouldn't care if they made it, but it's just not my cup of tea.

Besides, they still have the rest of the girls to add to X3.

Obviously. The fuck rock have you been hiding under?

>still no Tina or Lisa

Fuck those Japanese fucks and their hatred of older women. I need my chocolate swirl duo.


Why did no one tell me the Adventure Island series got a reboot?

These pictures are disgusting. Is this what girls feel like when they play sexist video games?

W-what are you?!


Sadly, too many (three) obnoxious people (Portlandier women) would complain (screech) that the game is not to their taste (bowing to the Matriarchy far too late & not knowing what REAL women like).

Hopefully wont be soon, their lewd bikinis are already being put in the game.

Batman, obviously.

Where is his junk?

>Would you buy a Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball game if it centered around the male characters?
>Or get the DLC for the male characters for DOAX3 if they made it?
Yes. I'd play the fuck out of some volleyball with a Hayate/Bayman team.