Where were you when Digiorno pizza and Sonic BTFO Mighty No 9?
Where were you when Digiorno pizza and Sonic BTFO Mighty No 9?
>I love being advertised to
I bet you think every thread about a product is an advertisement.
It is.
Yeah I prefer the industry when I literally don't know anything about games that are coming out, where to get them or what I need to play. My ideal gaming industry is me alone in a dark cave remembering that videogames exist
Get out retard
>not de-greasing your pizza before eating it
whoever handles the Sonic twitter needs a raise. He brings the bantz with perfection every time.
Whos idea was "An anime fan on prom nights" Idea?
I mean fucking basics of Marketing is to not fucking exclude a market audience
And Im going to say a pretty solid percent of MM9's "Fanbase" are anime fans
Finish platform masters
It will never be done.
He is too autistic to finish it.
He'll just keep thinking of things to add to it until he dies.
They just don't give a fuck anymore
>people complain about the explosion effect in the trailer
>decide to check this trailer out
>the trailer was so fucking bad that I didn't even notice the pizza explosion
Like the top comment said, "Hello fellow kids" - Trailer
like i dont get it. im a turbo autist weeb (elite mastery of powerlevel hiding tho so only my gf knows) and ive been to 2 proms and i didnt cry once
I warned everyone about Inafune from the moment the Kikestarter went up, nobody listened.
>he has a gf
23 kiss less virgin reporting in.
>All this attention and free publicity
Con Man is truly is a businessman!
I did
I almost backed it but decided not to from those talking about him.
That and i have a tenancy of forgetting what i was going to do if it takes me more then a day to figure it out
They never listen until after it's fucking happened. I don't like seeing people getting jew'd but goddamn did they deserve it for supporting this shit.
After seeing that trailer I pre-ordered 10 copies if the game.
heres how you do it. make an okc account and find yourself a qt in highschool or freshmen in college. im 23 too and my 17yr old gf loves that i have a car and im older and mysterious. then after she falls in love with you reveal your powerlevel and shell still love you even after forcing her to watch all 13 one piece movies with you
>only 23
29, you're small time
i want out
>even advertisements gang up on Mambo No.9
Trump excludes mexicans, and look how well he's doing.
>Funded on September 2013
Jesus, has it really been that long? How many times it's been delayed? How many more?
I love this Sonic twitter guy.
>this what a Sup Forumstard thinks a funny joke is like
He has the worst favorability ratings of any presidential candidate in American history.
You know who second place is? Hillary Clinton.
If you're still a virgin at the age of 29 just get a nice hooker, not one of those street hags, and have a good time.
And if you're poor, well, you're fucked and should have spent your energy on something better than being a virgin.
I don't go to pol any more than once a month. I'm just saying that an us vs them mentality works sometimes.
I spent my energy on trying to stay financially afloat.
I hope they never fire the guy in charge of the Sonic twitter
Holy shit, whoever put the intern I'm charge of the official Twitter account is a genious.
one year to go until wizardhood, don't fucking blow it mate, arcane secrets await
>mfw it's real, all of it
But I don't want arcane secrets, I want a family
I wonder what he is going to say when they release another shit sonic game.
its got the red squiggly and everything man
>It's fucking real
>we hate weebs too that's why you should buy our game, fellow kids
You're right, on Trump's hands America is going to flop just like Mighty No. 9.
>quit masturbating
>spend your newfound energy on self-improvement
>set up a date
wow fucking difficult
you can conjure a fucking family if need be and summon a hot mistress and all of you live happily in your wizard tower
Post the one with the make your own hedgehog name chart
Illegals you mean senpai
living the dream user
>yfw you've never contributed to any kikescammer
how do you show you have interest on her while also acting misterious?
there is this girl she knows i watch her form a distance, and i think she likes it.
twist: it's the same marketing agency
Called the police
I think I'm going to cancel my preorder of Might No 9. I have no idea why I preordered that garbage
fukken rekt
I have legit autism, I can barely talk to other people. Don't you think I would've found someone by now otherwise?
Besides, where I live literally only money matter. Well that and not being a 大陸人.
>quit anime
>go outside
Had a hard time?
There's more of him, but I don't have any more pic saved I think.
So here's 50cent.
zero fucking chill
Maybe they're just butthurt about how the red ash KSes went
Nearly 23 year old autistic virgin. I don't look forward to the future.
just talk to her i guess. if she doesnt seem interested then ditch her and find someone who is. i probably messaged like 100-200 girls and only like 10 of them responded and i had conversations with 3 of them that led to getting their phone numbers. my biggest mistake for years was being hung up on one or two people. its basically a numbers game. sure shes not THE cutest girl i tried talking to but shes really cool and she loves me is the best part.
>user was blown the fuck out before this thread was even made
I cried on my prom night after my date left.
Stood outside of the dance room and stared out the window for about 40 minutes.
He's no intern. He's worked with Sega for quite some time.
20 year old autistic virgin here. Does it get better?
>she loves me is the best part.
Uh oh...
>I want a family
user, that really fucking hurt to read
>just act like you don't have mental issues and you don't
>it's that easy
Either way, I do go outside. I just can't talk to people beyond basic conversation without sperging out.
If someone asked me "what do you think of Leung Chun-ying's policies?" I'd probably have a thousand yard stare. Not that I don't know his policies, I just won't be able to say anything.
>haha xD sanic go fast and chris chan, am i rite? guys were in on the joke!
No, you ARE the joke.
I bet these tweets will really be upheld as "top bantzzsss xDDD" when the next Sonic game ends up being the same autistic shit. I would love to see the PR team use memes and passive aggressiveness to damage control that shpeal.
No. I got the confidence to approach women without stuttering like an idiot after a shit ton of practice which involved knowingly being that weird asshole who won't go away. All it did was make me even more miserable since it made it an undeniable fact that I'm not desirable. Keep your innocence. Don't bother trying unless you're attractive despite being an autist that comes to Sup Forums.
>all this talk of prom nights
I've never even been too one. The sheer thought of going made me shudder.
post the one where jimquisition says the sonic cartoon is shit and the twitter asks him about the sonic posters
oh and the mysterious bit: just ask her a lot of questions and talk about whatever she mentions. only randomly in a single sentence out of the blue talk about something interesting to you. like we went to mexican art museum on our first date and another art gallery on like a third or fourth date but i didnt mention i liked to paint until a we were already a couple. now she wants to know everything and we talk for hours about my stuff.
>where I live literally only money matter
Okay, well then just get a lot of money then. Find a job where you don't have to interact with people very much.
Are you just really uneducated?
Is this a joke, or is he really broke?
Really broke
I'm trying, but this isn't quite the land of opportunity. Here either you get lucky and become rich overnight, or you stay in the class you were born into your whole life.
I'll be fair. I expected the game to be a shallow MM clone, but I really didn't expect this much of a trainwreck. Will Inafune ever recover from this?
I don't know how prom is where you are, but prom ("Käpplefest") is fucking great in Austria.
Getting drunk in school, dancing and just having fun.
They will do a full damage control with memes or just ignore it as always.
100$ just to shovel snow is free money. id quit my job immediately for that (im financial analyst 70k/year)
I didn't have anyone to dance with so I just remained in my seat and twiddled with the plates and cutlery
after 30 minutes or so I was playing that five finger fillet with the bread knife and a teacher tells me to go home
He's already dead. Just look at the Red Ash debacle for proof.
Wait what does this have to do with...
>see new trailer for MN9
Boo user :/
maybe I can be your prom date!
If true, that's sad. I remember he was the biggest guy when I was in middle school, right next to Gwen Stefani and MCR.
If you're not Drake Bell, how do people lose millions of dollars? And what about royalties?
If I ever get rich, I'm gonna shove it all into my checking account and never see it again, assuming I'm not paranoid enough to bury it all.
I actually unintentionally ruined the crowing ceromy of the prom King and Queen
It's just a joke bro, he sent a video of him having a briefcase filled with 50s and 100s in January.
I'm American and the proms around my area were notoriously trashy. One year a girl stuck a beer can up her vagina in the middle of the dance floor. It was the only thing anybody could talk about for a month.
Do tell the story, user.