Game has a very aggressive profanity filter

>game has a very aggressive profanity filter
Who the fuck thinks this shit is right? Who are they protecting?

It's really dumb in Dark Souls 2 and 3 where having "Knight" in your name will be censored because it has "nig" in it.

post the full picture

>can't even use my name on Nintendo stuff
>name is apparently a swear in some shit hole European country

They're japanese, their coders probably don't really get that they completely fucked over the way you construct a name in english. And since they don't really have a concept of profanity in their language they probably don't get that it's not really a big deal in a game series that's that full of horribly fucked up themes.
>bowls filled with human gore
>countless images of torture, bodies in bags hanging from ceilings en masse
>cannibalism of children
>experimental eugenic inbreeding
>corpse used as puppet
>drowned corpse spider monsters
but nig and ho are NOT OKAY

I didn't know Spade was a "offensive" term until recently because of pokemon

It doesn't censor for capital letters so you can be "Nigger K***ht"

Post full pic


I want to fuck that villager

>its a lunar lander
>its a princess bed
>its a whale shark
>its some other big 2x2 item

You can't trade a Cofagrigus without a nickname because it has "fag" in it. The game itself calls it this, but you can't. You have to change its name in order to put it on the GTS.

>Warned for language in an 18+ game.

They fixed that in gen 6.

>There are no lewds of that exact female villager

Literally why

>long time ago
>playing private server ragnarok online
>coudnt write "feliz cumpleaƱos" (spanish for happy birthday) because has the "cum" word on it
>nobody in the entire server used ever the word "cum" for anything as all were spanish speakers

Because you haven't learned to draw yet

If you're spanish you deserve what you got you fucking BR.

what's even worse is that dark souls 3 is rated M so it doesn't even need a name filter to keep the rating

Online interactions aren't rated anyway so why is it even there


I don't wanna, you learn how to draw. well

>want to give the name Penelope to one of my Pokemon
>can't because "pene" means penis in Bangladesh or some sort of complete bullshit

someone post the ds2 readoff
of censored
words please

Nigger do I look like your draw slut?
Read a book.

BRs don't speak spanish you ignoramus

Yeah you do, that's why I asked you whore.

I travel and read often thank you.

double nigger

Pene is penis in spanish

>Decides to name my character "Bastard Billy"
>Game censors "bastard"
>There is a Bastard Sword in-game that is not censored

What kind of fucking logic is this?


Who the $*(@ thinks this @#!% is right? Who are they protecting?

It's that stupid *$#! pizza!