Whats up with fighting games anyway?
I want to get into them but then its all like "press left, left-down, forward, kick" for a single attack.
How do people get comfortable doing this kind of nonsense?
Whats up with fighting games anyway?
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rote memorization
or do you not like the feel of it or something
muscle memory.
It's too late to get into it now though. You will never surpass people who've been playing near two decades at this point. It will just never happen.
Lack of an arcade scene in the west has also sort of fucked the ability to play RELIABLY against other people. You have online play sure, but 99.99999999% of western players have absolutely trash tier infrastructure and internet in general.
What's with that hadouken input?
Shin hadouken you dweeb.
Are you implying with this image that its harder to learn the piano than it is to shoot a ball of fire from your hands?
I sometimes try to do special moves but one slip up and it end up being a normal punch or something like that. Its so frustrating to memorize and execute them on command.
It's either that, making a control with a fuckton of buttons or simplifying the game.
It's no different than learning to whip a grenade, crouch jump in old deathmatch games, etc.
Those special inputs exist in part because the alternative is
1) removing other moves altogether
2) adding buttons
In any case, several fighting games like Marvel or GG or even some SF games offer a "simple" mode where specials are a dedicated button, or just pressing a button and a direction.
There are many people who only got in it since SF4.
Once you can get technical skill up to a certain amount, reading your opponent well can start to pay off.
Knowing when to do anything is a skill that can come quicker to some people than others.
Get gud, that's the only way to do the specials flawless.
Clearly it's the hadouken input from SF1.
>How do people get comfortable doing this kind of nonsense?
You git gud.
The inputs simplify to motions instead of pressing each button individually.
Rotating Japanese flag + White Pride
equals world war two?
Do people really have trouble doing specials? I've never been good at fightans, but I've fucked around in them since SFII, so throwing a fireball or a DP on command is second nature to me. I assumed this was really really simple for everyone. Doing combos and timing things perfectly is another matter altogether, but I can't grasp anyone having trouble with input for specials.
It's the complete opposite of "press x to win".
It's the input for Harry Truman's super.
>rotating the stick is hard guys
>tfw you lose a match because you can't quite get the motion on your super quick enough
>tfw my friend wont play these games because its too hard compared to smash to do fireballs
how is it so hard to people
someone post that one webm of a ryu in practice mode trying to do some combo but ends up punching 3 times, you know the one
Last one reminds me of playing Akira in Virtua Fighter...
>D/F P+K+G, B D/F P+K, D D/F F P, B F P+K
Or maybe playing King in Tekken
Holy fuck it is not that hard to move a stick in a direction and then hit a button or run your thumb along the d-pad in a direction and then hit a button.
If you're too retarded for basic inputs you are so not ready for anything else a fightan has to offer.
>It's too late to get into it now though. You will never surpass people who've been playing near two decades at this point.
Bullshit, a lot of SF IV champions and now tops in SF V started with SF IV. It's never too late.
Oh, forgot a LK+RK before the big LP+RP+LK+RK at the end. Looks like I would have not done the muscle buster.
Not like it would have mattered though. Anyone who knows how to play would have hit RP during any of that and broke the grab.
Those are just special moves you're supposed to cancel normal attack combos into them. Jeez.
>You will never surpass people who've been playing near two decades at this point. It will just never happen.
>It's too late to get into it now though. You will never surpass people who've been playing near two decades at this point. It will just never happen.
>Infiltration started playing seriously with SF4
>is undoubtly the best SFV player at the moment
>literally got that good just sitting in training mode and grinding
>SonicFox's entire existance
it is never too late
Thats the whole point dumbfuck.
A mix of muscle memory and finding a controller they are comfortable with. Some use arcade sticks, some use the default Xbox or Playstation controller, some use a controller with a different layout, some use an arcade stick with the stick replaced with buttons, and even some use a keyboard. There's not really anything that says you HAVE to use this one type of controller. Find what you are comfortable with, not what others are comfortable with.
Part of it too is really just practicing until you get the flow and feel of it. Don't try to force yourself to learn everything in fifteen minutes. Go at your own pace until the inputs become second nature to you. After that, you will start learning what moves or options are optimal and not optimal based on the situation you are in.
Me and everyone I know starts mashing triangle as soon as King manages to land a grab, his are flashy and satisfying as hell but sadly are only really effective against scrubs
>You will never surpass the top japanese players
>I literally cant shoot someone in quake, the game is too fast and i literally cant keep track of where everyone is on screen
>I literally cant play Dota2 because there are way too many characters and abilities to keep track of
Games without special inputs are ALWAYS incredibly casualised by their very nature. Rising Thunder tried "one button specials" this in a traditional fighter framework and it failed becuase it massively reduced design space for normals and specials. The same applies to Smash, love it or hate it, its an incredibly simple game. Either learn to fucking roll your stick from a down position to a forward position or just fucking dont play.
press the button at the moment you end the motion instead of directly after completing the motion.
though if you weren't able to deduce that shit yourself, or can't google. then you might have a hard time regardless.
But what if i am playing on a keyboard like a noob?
can you hit S -> D+ J on your keyboard?
Congrats you can throw a hadouken
I started playing fighting games on a keyboard and held my own fairly well, and have moved to using a Hitbox. It's still doable.
then that's even simpler, because then there's not even any motion-esque kind of movement, just hit the buttons.
>tfw write the names of any notable opponents, their main, and if they rage quit or not in a pastebin
am i autistic
agree with everything but smash.
at least melee / project m. the other ones are pretty awful.
but those two require tons of frame perfect timings and have much more advanced tech than any SF. I don't really mess with anime fighters at all so I can't speak to them.
as a fan of both SF and smash, smash is much quicker and each interaction matters less (but there can be 30+ interactions per life). while SF is way slower and more deliberate with each encounter likely leading to a 30-50% combo.
too many people don't look deep enough into melee and project m, and blindly hate a game that they'd probably like if they tried it.
it failed because the community is filled with purists who scream and shriek and at sign of change. it's the same situation that the roguelike genre was stuck in for over 20 years, any game that wasn't stonesoup was shit on relentlessly by the community. it wasn't until recent years that the genre has begun to break free from these hyper nerds. I hope one day fighting games can achieve the same thing but until then it's doomed to be niche genre with the most popular and recent fighting game sf5 managing 500 viewers on twitch.
Why is he so perfect?
If only he wasn't playing Coldsteel.
but he makes coldsteel look so good
He'd make anyone look good.
If you paid attention (which you didnt because you are either a funposter or retarded) during the alpha of rising thunder, many pro players and the community as a whole gave it a solid go. Many even calling it a solid game, but it had no depth simply because of the nature of only having 6 normals and 3 specials per character in a traditional fighitn game and it died off. Not because of raving autists but simply because fighting game enthusiasts grew bored of it. Which leads to the other side of the coin, why didnt casuals get interested in it? 1) No brand appeal, it got decent exposure but without a brand appeal people wont easily take to it and 2) It was competitively focused. Even if it was casualised it was fundamentally a 1v1 traditional fighting game at its core.
Have you ever seen a competitive videogame be popular with casuals that wasnt a team game? They dont exist because team games by their nature are more accessible. If you are 1v1 and you are getting fucked that is 100% your fault, in a team game people can blame their teams, but also their teams can help them stay invested in the game.
mfw favorite fighting had to pander to a casual crowd for a game or two and ruined the series' fanbase
there is no fun in beating up dumb predictable computers you twits
>If you are 1v1 and you are getting fucked that is 100% your fault
Bullshit. It's that fucking Mika. Broken ass character. REEEEEEEEEE
guilty gear?
no not really
While the lack of arcade scene is really detrimental, I'm pretty sure you can still get good enough to win against anyone but like the top 5-10 Japanese players.
>tfw capable of utilizing Guile and Ryu's special moves at the age of 5 in Street Fighter II
>tfw people in today's day and age seemingly can't do for whatever reason
I'm no grand master of Street Fighter or anything, but I'll never understand the struggle people face with these inputs.
>tfw still new at fightan and people being good at charge characters seem like wizards to me
I know that it's just practice, and it's basically the same as buffering motions, but I'm still shit at them.
mostly because those people where told they could never be wrong and get mad when they are wrong
blame smash
dont feel too bad user my favorite fighting gets shitposted by people saying nothing but lel mexicans
but people are actually serious about liking the casual content like it was the 2nd coming of jesus
Fuck this mentality, you CAN get good enough to play against top players on equal footing
well of course because they can't do anything else so they latch on to the only thing they can get
>mfw meleefags try to convince me that their game requires more inputs in a shorter amount of time than street fighter
Infiltration is a freak of nature, he had like 5 pocket characters that he could easily use on a tournament level.
I know that feeling man. I can only sonic boom consistently if i do the sonic blade first...
do you know that you can hold down+back, and it still counts as a charge for both down AND back at the same time?
This is adorable.
hello yes i'd like an order of balrog to go please
Why can't I get a Karin of my own?
A truer post than you think. At least at my college. Never have I heard such stupidity until I attended one of the college's "FGC" nights which is just mostly smash with some occasional SF and anime guys thrown in.
>I should be able to do a hadouken with one button
>Why can't I DI out of these combos
>Smash is the fighting game with the most depth
>Who is the Fox of this game
At least the TO is cool. He used to play a lot of Third Strike before Melee and PM became his main games and urges many smash players to play Street Fighter to develop footsies and a neutral throughout all Fighting games, though with very little success.
Smash Players are the most inflexible gamers I've ever met.
>mfw street fighter fags continue to act high and mighty while playing a casualized, half-finished game just because it's new.
>mfw smash bros. will pull bigger numbers than MvC3 or SFV at this year's EVO.
Oh man, I can't wait for the tears when Capcom Fighters get phased out for new blood in a few years.
Anything with a diagonal input has always been tricky for me to input for some reason, so I just stick to pissing off people who think they're good by chipping away at their health with endless punches. Obviously doesn't work against players that are actually good.
because she's mine
>not being the most viewed each year every year
mvc3 is shit though
SFV will be the #1 game, there's no doubt.
Second and third will be Melee and Sm4sh in some order, and most likely they'll combine to be more than SFV.
MvC3 will be near the bottom, Pokken and MKX will have more.
>Smash Players are the most inflexible gamers I've ever met.
If SF2 was the peak and Capcom decided to shit all over SF by making into a non-competitive fighting game, SF players would be just as "inflexible" as meleefags.
Either way,
>Why can't I DI out of these combos
is an actually good question. Why don't more fighting games give you ways to escape combos that aren't a "burn this resource to break free from combo" points?
Whose even paying attention to SFV man?
It's sales are in the toilet and nobody wants to play it because of how badly they handled the online.
>Fifteen years old
>Bringing new blood
>Smash 4
>Ever taken seriously
>Start playing on stick
>Suck hard
>Keep playing on stick anyways
>Suddenly realize I can actually play on stick
>Playing on pad feels weird now
Damn it.
Fuck, that was me when I first started playing fighting games.
>SFV will be the #1 game, there's no doubt.
Maybe if you're delusional and haven't been paying to attention to how badly they've been fucking up SFV since launch.
Having a $60 fighting game with no content and ripping out most of the shit that made SFIV competitive in favor of casualfags was the worst thing that Capcom could've done.
>how they handled the online
the online is just fine though, offline content for casuals is whats lacking
lots of people will watch sfv during evo, because its sf and its evo, simple
It's already got twice the EVO entrants of the previous record breaker, which was USF4 in 2015.
>Bringing in new blood
Combos are meant to reward you, no one would go for them if you were able to escape them at will.
DI is equivalent to resets. Against someone who doesn't know what they're doing, multiple not-real-combos get strung together into continual series of attacks. But an experienced player knows when he regains control of his character, and what he can do to avoid getting hit immediately after.
>no one would go for combos if you were able to escape them at will
Thank you for describing everything wrong with Sm4sh
It had over 4k entrants registered a month ago. You're seriously out of the loop if you think all that shitposting means it won't be far and away the most significant game at EVO.
Japanese players are not as skilled as people make them out to be
It's the same as anywhere else, many shitters and the same proportion of good players. What japan is good for is having scenes for niche games and easy access to offline play. This does matter and leads to a higher amount of good players than other regions, but at the top end it doesn't matter.
GO1 is also starting to compete with the gods. He's catching up to Nuki
SFV will be the #1 game*, no doubt
*#1 in this case refers to the game with the most entrants, prize pool, viewer count, and last time slot at the Evolution Tournament 2016
are you really that fucking dense
yeah because all of those comeback mechanics made sf4 enjoyable at a high level of play compared to sfv and less casual?
oh is that why everyone migrated back to sf4? because that game is dead too.
for DP motion, I've always found it easier to think of it as forward+fireball motion rather than the zigzag motion shown in command lists.
The thing is, DI doesn't necessarily allow you to truly escape combos, it just allows you to have a semblance of control over where your character is going to be.
I understand what you're saying though but in a game where one hit can lead to you losing 50%+ of your lifebar in one combo, it'll all basically come down to a game where the fastest characters with the better combos wins.
Especially in games like MvC3 or SFIV where you have supers that can deal additional damage on top of that.
Because at the end of the day, it's up to YOU to not get hit. You make a mistake that leaves you open, you should get totally punished without mercy. It makes you aware of what you can and cannot do in any given situation.
Also, most SF players are willing to try fighting games outside of SF because most fighting games that aren't smash can attribute their existence to SF. They may not stick with them half the time, but they won't usually complain about not having a mechanic from SF in this new game they're trying.
can someone answer this why can't people who play smash decide on one game to play during a tournament? i really dont see the need to have 2 smash games at evo
Holy fucking shit, these kinds of threads make me so fucking mad.
I started playing fighting games like two years ago and I am decent. It isn't "Too late to start". Even thinking that way is absolutely retarded. You're letting yourself be defeated before you've even started which is the most idiotic thing you can do.
If you're really interested in playing fighting games, it's not as hard as you think. It's like any other game. The game has rules, you learn the rules, you succeed.
I would write out my intense guide on how to get into fighting games, how to get better at them, and how I got into them, but there is no point. This is a bait thread.