Tfw poise will never ever be enabled

>tfw poise will never ever be enabled

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pisses me off so much.
"working as intended"

>Poise is disabled because of PvP instead of just fixing it
>As a result Rats and Dogs are the most dangerous enemies in the game because they can stunlock you to death.


>"working as intended"

>Dogs most dangerous enemy in any game

This is so bullshit. They should be easy to kill. They're just fucking dogs. They don't deserve to "dodge" side ways, no dog does this. They should be able to bite, run and tackle... the end.

Too fucking cheap, deserve nerf and yes I mad.

Oh on the topic of dodge.

Fuck those skeleton "ninjas". It's bullshit that enemies get twice as many Iframes on dodging that you do too. That's not "difficult but fair". That's padded artificial difficulty. Design better enemies.

>complaining about dogs
You've had two whole games to get used to-- oh wait, PCucks haven't played Bloodborne.

>Hold up shield
>Dog bounces off shield
>Dies in two hits

So hard

Dude just use any blunt weapon, they won't ever even stand up again

There something bad about the game not having poise?
it's way better.

How do people struggle with dogs in any From Soft game? They lunge, bite, then back off. At best they do that quick strafing bite which is easily avoided by taking a step to the side. If you have a shield just block the lunge, watch them fall back helpless, then smack them. If you don't use a shield, just smack them as they lunge, or dead angle them with a rolling R1.

Or if it's Bloodborne just shoot them in the face then butcher them during the hour it takes them to get back up.

>using the lucerne hammer
>fuck up a swing outside the gate, miss a dog
>4 dogs coming at me at once, every time I swing I either get hit out of it or they jump away

I killed them eventually but boy was it annoying to deal with.

>I want hyper armor and poise!

Very easy to tell what kind of people ask for poise back.

>How do people struggle with dogs in any From Soft game?
Because there are always 2-4 of them at a time in DS3, and Poise doesn't exist, so if one of them nips your ankle you get gang raped by all of them at once since any attack at all makes you stagger. Unlike bloodborne you don't have guns either

Feels good. Poise is for terrible players.

>it's way better.


>185 hours of play before the first Darkmoon summon
>even still it's just popping into the world, the victory splash coming up, and warping back to yours
Such is the eternal mandate of the Dark Sun.

Maybe you should try carrying a shield, they're useful. Or if you think you're big dick Johnson and don't want to use that pussy shit, just time your attack properly and hyperarmor through the hit.

It's really not difficult.

>just time your attack properly and hyperarmor through the hit
While I also agree that there are many satisfactory ways of dealing with dogs even without shield, I'd like to point out that when multiple dogs attack, they attack fast enough that certain weapon types have little chance to connect before either their hyper armor activates, or have no actual hyper armor.
Example, spears.

Either way, the problem isn't dogs being impossible to deal with, but even an endgame red eyes Lothric Knight with full light magic buff on its weapon has a bigger interval between its attacks and overall lower DPS than dogs unless you get hit by one of its rare combos.

It's so obvious that they rushed DS3 out.

>You're not using a weapon with hyperarmor? You MUST be using a shield, or a ranged method of attack!
>You are unable to two-hand weapons that don't have hyper armor. Therefore, you must be able to handle these dogs!
I shouldn't have to conform to certain playstyles to beat the game. I should git gud, but fuck your definition of gud. Dark Souls 1 was great. Not only was beating the game with over 100% Equip Burden possible, but it was fun.

> They lunge, bite, then back off
Thats fucking bullshit and you know it. My first death in Demon's Souls was getting fucked by two dogs under the dragon bridge because they stun locked me to death in a corner. This is STILL how dogs act in Ds3 and it wouldnt be an issue if poise worked. It's fucking amazing that the hardest enemy in the game is fucking dogs because they always appear in groups and they never stop attacking long enough for your weapon swing to connect. God forbid you get stunned by dogs with a heavy weapon equipped.

reminder this ring is useless

>It's fucking amazing that the hardest enemy in the game is fucking dogs
Hey now. Let's not be hasty. The goddamned unarmed bipedal Ghru exist.
>it jumps on your head and kills you

What's wrong with that? Better armor wouldn't be affected as much by light weapons.