How can Overwatch even compete?

How can Overwatch even compete?

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make more sfm : ^ )

league fags in denial about their game dying.

With what? There is no competition.

>one CURHAYZEEE chick
>vs a dozen top tier wives

Jeez, I dunno user.

>that face

jinx biting her lip is a miracle of the universe

they cant

Easy its fun

I don't care but now I need more pictures of her

What are you talking about? Compete with what?

>ywn be so in love with carnage and mayhem as Jinx
>you will never get debilitatingly aroused at the smell of gunpowder and blood
>ywn reach orgasm in the middle of a heated gunfight, each surge of pleasure pulsing through your body coinciding with a distant explosion or an exploding torso
>ywn moan in ecstasy as you strip off your soaking wet panties and finger yourself to one last earth shattering super-O as your foes lay dead and dying at your feet, your shrieks of pleasure and ecstasy the last thing they hear as their consciousness fades into the void

feels depressing, man

Post a normal link that doesn't require a fucking sacrifice to see.

>let you fuck her and while you are doing it makes you take drugs that knock you out
>by the morning she took even your TV away

>welcomes you home, give you the best blowjob in the world and yells HEROES NEVER DIE when cumming
>cuddles with you until morning

Fresh off the boat from Reddit I see :^)

League gameplay sucks, only good for waifus, OW on the other hand has good gameplay to match the bitches.

I love tits but why do I find her sexy anyway?

No, just not autistic enough to bother with that trash.

Waifufags are the worst. Wanna prove me wrong? protip: you can't

You gotta go back kid

>Jinx not acting crazy
Fucking hate fanart that ignores the personality of a character. Might aswell be any random bitch at that rate

It's not difficult at all, kiddo

"Teach a man to fish..."
You know you really are helpless, user? Like a little baby?

Less of a knowledge barrier to understand the game compared to MOBAs.

people who make Mercy this ugly should be whipped in the town square.

How the hell do you fuck up a face like hers?

>would keep reversing time and fucking you till your dick falls off

pro-tip, try replacing "ex" with "g.e-" since it works most of the time

are you serious

It's literally the first result on google you dingus

>robot whips out dick

I'm linking this thread to Blizzard as we speak. All of you are about to have your Sup Forums accounts suspended, I hope you had your fun posting our beautiful designs you degenerates.
Here's the non-color version.

Literally who? Is this vidya?

he started seeing the DMT soul recycler, probably

Too bad the ingame models look nothing like the artwork.

>throwing best girl in trash

>knowledge barrier
>not learning curve

Are you fucking Canadian, or just retarded? And furthermore, since when is MOBA-tier trash considered the casual-filter Standard??? Jesus fucking christ people like this need to be thrown off the cliff as babes.


Who the fuck wants that?

>best girl when pic related exists

What?you dont?

I was talking about spectators, since that seems to be where all the money is coming from nowadays.

I like dfc. Even adult girls with dfc are acceptable.

I don't think any game can compete with such a perfectly flat character.
Usually I'm a fan of absurdly huge monster boobs, but this flatness is just hypnotizing.

The coloring on the other version is crap and I like seeing the original works.


but they aren't even close to the same genre
why would they compete?

>liking flat

what the fuck dude

Wait, why do people hate this picture?
It's sexy & charming.

is it really dying? I didn't play for like a year

Sauce my man?

>muh Sup Forums ideals
Just tell the guy the tip for fucks sake so then he'll know better next time. If you don't help them, then they won't know any better. Plus I'm sure that post stopped some people from flooding the thread with "SAUCE?"

who the fuck said they hated it?

Already posted in this thread 3 times

I love Nico!

It's quite literally the most played game on the planet with around 76-80 million players.

I hate it.

Fuck yourself in a the neck with STRING CHEESE.

Enough with this shit already.

>female: futanari

>It's quite literally the most played game on the planet with around 76-80 million players.

I don't doubt that their numbers are ridiculous, but considering the only source on that is Riot themselves as far as I know I don't know that I trust it.

I wouldn't be shocked if account numbers were that high, but take out smurfs, bots, boosters and inactive accounts and I wager it's much lower.

By not being a MOBA

>knowing how to draw
is her asshole a vacuum or something? why does it stick to her if they're not something like tights?

How can a no name company making a shitty f2p game that was a copy paste of another game manage 70 million players? That's Facebook levels of huge and they have run with top tier technology and professionals.

They're basically flesh colored strap-ons in this case.

She takes them off the robots who "die" gangbanging her and attaches them to the other two girls.

Those are some of the best drawn vagina bones I've ever seen.

They are owned by the biggest gaming company in the world tencent.

I love vagina bones but I have no idea how to search for them

>Jynx thread

I've never played League but Jynx is literally perfect.



Because if I hear thet you play league it makes you extremely unattractive and I lose all desire to talk to you.
At least Overwatch is semi-normal for someone to play. For some reason, playing LoL makes you socially awkward and boring.

Riot has been BTFO by Blizzard's level of quality with their cinematics and design. Riot takes forever to make simple logical changes to their game/esports. Blizzard seems more on top of the right stuff compared to Riot.

Because only bottom feeders buy games for waifushit. Having said that overwatch is still mediocre at best.

This is literally the best hentai artist.

muh dick

Maybe she's wet.

Can I unleash the power of hokuto shinken on her?

I know the appeal for most people is that she's flat and all (and that's fine, I like her as is too) but I wish there was a bit more breast growth/expansion material centered on her out there.

Her overall design is 10/10 but her personality and outfit just work so perfectly for spontaneously becoming a tiddy monster and letting it go to her head.

It's not an ASSFAGGOTS. Therefore it wins.

>people are still reposting the one good doujin with her
>the only other one in existence is fucking shadman's of all things
ded girl

What about not flat jinx cosplay? There's tons of it and a lot of it is pure dick fuel

>not flat jinx
stopped reading there.

Problem is that the game hasn't (and likely will never) take off much in Japan.

Porn comics/doujins are much rarer from western artists, so while there's tons of decent r34 and written fap material out there, that's pretty much all there's ever going to be for the most part.

It fucking sucks.

The best part of a woman's body.
Holy shit, I'm rock diamond whenever I see a good one.

If you disagree, you're a faggot.

Sure, It's already well on its way there.

I'm Rock Diamond, Police squad

I dont disagree but can you post more like this i dont know what the tags should be for these

Is that Tiny Tina? Or another generic lolsorandumbxD character?

Post more good ones.

I wonder if theres a Jinx cosplay with massive pair of tits?

>Hentai doujins that never show tits
Why do they do this?

I'm sure the grand majority of Jinx cosplay will be non-flat because most grown women aren't.

I just don't get the armpit thing. When did this become such a popular fetish around here? It used to be all traps and footfags, and then it seemed like overnight armpits became the new thing.

I've got a couple decently big ones.

This one is probably some push-up multibra bullshit and I suppose it's just a wig and contacts so not "real" cosplay, but close enough

>grown women

Why do you like anorexic girls?

Yeah. Like what Jinx is?

At least it isn't Elbows

I'm pretty sure it's a false fetish being embraced by the idiots who just need to be contrarian special snowflakes. Feet have become a kind of established thing now, so nobody gets weirded out by footfags anymore. These people still feel like they need to shock people or make them feel uncomfortable, so they went from feet to armpits.

On second thought this and one other as well as a couple others of the black tanktop girl are the only ones I've got.

Pretty slim pickings sadly.



She has the same face as a classmate but sadly her boobs are way bigger