"Never Ever"

After so much suffering, we finally got our reparations.

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>weeb shit
Fuck off cunt

I don't think anyone ever never evered SK, but enjoy man. It gets repetitive pretty quick so it's better to play it in short bursts.

Can't wait to see the mods.

But I already beat this game on this vita two years ago

I'm still gonna get it


I don't care about that trash

>w-we totally never cared for it anyway, have you scrap PCcucks!

Who are you quoting here autist?

Who /dayonepirate/ here?

How do you play these games?

What's the gameplay, is it an RPG, a fighting game, another fucking anime VN??

All I see of these fucking weeb shit games are cutscenes of the girl's clothes being torn to pieces.

Because anime girls are sexy and cute. Are you gay for something

You mash some buttons and kill people. You move to another area and kill more people Then you watch a cutscene because plot.

Certainly not a game for everyone since people looooove deep, touching stories

The originals are sidescroller beat em ups.
This one is an arena fighter.
The one after that is a "dynasty warriors" clone.

Bisexual, but that's not the point

Niche weeb games are what killed the Vita on the West.

You never played Senran Kagura SV and EV did you? They both have very similar gameplay.

>it's a PC master race gets excited about console/handheld ports thread

Dear Mod Santa

I've been a very good boy this year. I haven't pirated anything yet. I want the Top Gun hat, I want the mega milk shirt, I want the zero suit, I want Felicia cosplay, I want sorceresses cosplay, I want Hot Grunty, and a cartoon cigar accessory.

Thank you.

Was it not possible to make a thread showing the game is about to come out on PC without the shitposting? Did you really have to post that retarded shit? Anyone who says "Never ever" is a shitposter and should be ignored. There's no reason to make a thread complaining about it. Its a given that such is shitposting. So stop shitposting.

Both this and the sequel are "musou clones", the multiplayer mode can be considered an arena fighter though.

I get excited about ports all the time. Why wouldn't I? Speaking of which, check out what else got added to Steam: store.steampowered.com/app/477870/

Playing on PC doesn't make someone "master race" though. Anyone who unironically uses the term "Master Race" is a shitposter.

>"Please give us more ports, why don't devs make games for PC anymore, its like they hate money"

>"HAHA I can't wait to pirate this game."

This is why no one ports games to PC.

Would you pirate EoH if it got a PC port too?

Sup Forums is one person

They announced Project Diva for PC aswell recently.


>Senran Kagura

Truly material worthy of the Master Race.

That didn't confirm anything. Just that they were working on something.
Please stop wasting my time and getting my hopes up. If its not actually announced, stop saying it will.

>Would you pirate EoH
No, because it's a shitty game. Now if it was a port of ASB I would probably buy it.

Fuck off sonygger. Like literally.

You say that like Senran Kagura is bad or something. I really hope you aren't implying that

Please stop falseflagging. I'm a PC-fag. That didn't confirm anything. They said they were working on PC ports right now, not what games they were working on. Please stop getting my hopes up for things that aren't happening yet.
I am a PC-fag, I assure you.k I have a GTX 970 and an i5 4690k

>Please stop falseflagging
>I'm a PC-fag
>I am a PC-fag, I assure you.k I have a GTX 970 and an i5 4690k

Sure convinced me sonyfriend.

I'll try it. I always thought some of them looked cute and I don't mind some musou every now and then.

>Would you pirate EoH if it got a PC port too?
No, because I care more about the series, and I'm actually interested in playing the game.
Senran, on the other hand, I'm just playing to bust a nut.

>I'm just playing to bust a nut
Watching or reading hentai would be a better idea than taking the time to download and install Shinovi Versus.


I want to make my own lewd dioramas.

>weeb shit
fucking sick of you retards spouting this oxymoron

Does this convince you?


>fanservice schlock

Who cares? "DUDE TITTIES LMAO" doesn't appeal to me, there's porn for that. I'm not anti-weeb but the game has to have some appeal beyond lowest common denominator sexual pandering.

That mode is only for Estival Versus, SV only lets you have one girl on the dressing room at a time and I think you can't even change their poses.

>Not burst
Fuck this

Damn, took you guys THIS long to get an OLDER entry from the series?

Same. I refuse to pay for games on my PC that can run on a handheld.

>inb4 pirated version makes everyone flat

Well I guess that's another series I won't be able to discuss here without braindead steamfaggots invading every discussion

Im glad pcfags get to try this game but plz dont let it die like the nep games.

I figure that'd end up bolstering piracy.

I will buy it because I believe in Takaki's dream.

This. It's gonna be like Nep threads all over again.

Porting it was a fucking mistake.

Kill yourself

You realize you are pretty much forcing the shitposting to happen. It's not that hard to ignore it.

dumb PC refugee

Kill yourself

Nice argument but you know it's true, it's happened with countless series, the most notable being dark souls
There's just something about the PC-only fanbase that is collectively underaged and cancerous beyond belief

Kill yourself


literally proving them right


Uh oh.


>"forcing the shitposting to happen"
>gets sexts

Posting right now in an epic bread

Kill yourself


oh no

oh nooooo


>This. It's gonna be like Nep threads all over again.
>all over again
But neptunia is nothing but waifutrash, bottom of the barrel tier


You're putting on a good display of the mental capabilities of steamfags

The irony is stunning

fuck this thread
i want more gets

>implying I'm a Steamfag
You're all shitposters.
Kill yourselves

What type of game is this anyways? I got suckered into playing Danganronpa and that turned out to be a shitty VN non game

PCucks are all underage or jobless NEETs that drank the Kool-aid in thinking piracy is "ebin."


It's all the doomsaying that makes the shitposters (read: not PCfags, /shitposters/) move ahead and make a mess out of everything.

If the whining faggots could keep it down then nothing would happen.

It's been almost 4 years since that already? Damn. I can't find that comic with asuka smiling and some angry feminists in the background from when Burst was released.


See Dumbfuck! LOL

I'm sorry you aren't good at finding contradictions in arguments user

mad get confirms, eat shit sonyfriends with buyer's remorese



>secondary in denial
gee i cant wait for every discussion to be flooded with people who never played the ds games

I'll give it a pirate.

Thanks consolefags, I guess.

Everyone replying to that sextets in awe is a shitposter too user

Tits are life, ass is hometown.

Xseed needs to fuck off. They literally are milking even the tiniest scraps.

Yes, and?

See, that's the attitude I'm talking about.

Still a faggot

There is literally nothing wrong with a company trying to make more money. Also this port isn't being done by XSeed.

what did he mean by this?

>tfw my potato crap-top can't even run it.

Get a job or stop posting when you're underaged

good job, user
you made a very smart and reasonable post, and you're rewarded with an amazing GET

Literally who gives a fuck about who the port is done by? It's just the usual xseed pocketmoney scraps we get all the time.

>not pirating a game
consolefags being dumbshit again

I-I bet i'm older than you.
B-bully.. ;_;

The specs aren't accurate iirc. It should be the same as neputnia u.