Why are Pandaren the best thing to happen to Warcraft?

Why are Pandaren the best thing to happen to Warcraft?

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Why is my dick the best thing to happen to your mom?

yiff in hell
The pandarian zones were nice though,still a better expansion then cata


The fucking animations are so fucking cringe worthy for anything but monk. I can't wait to use the new fury animations with a female panda, i want to make one so bad but almost all the animations look god awful while you're moving. The model moving around erratically because of the LOL KUNG FUUUU PANDA animations while running ruins it for me. Not immersion but just so much cringe and unsightlyness that it really ruins the fun.

first post best post

Post pandaren butts

Post more gets

this is weak and a shameful samefag



What Warcraft race would you fuck?


you posted it user
tfw I got the whole thing




Give what?

search ellowas on e621

You're good people, user.

That one.


>tfw you will never fuck a pandaren qt 3.14
Why live?

For her

Are there pandas in the Warcraft movie?

If not, then what's the point in seeing it?

She's not real though.
Why live?

Miss them yet?

It was a better expansion than Cata/WoD combined, the best parts of TBC and WotLK, and is guaranteed to surpass Legion in content depth with the new Jay Wilson direction.

they will in a few years when bioengineering ascends user, have hope

I can't wait that long. Good bye.

I actually do.

MoP wasn't perfect, but it was good enough that I didn't feel ripped off compared to WoD and Cata.

The scenery was beautiful, music was great, an interesting take in injecting new lore into the game (Pandaren, Mantid, and Mogu were good in my opinion), my class was actually fun to play, and male pandas a cute!

>You will never meet a Qt Night Elf
>You will never adventure together to battle demons and darkness
>You will never confess your love for each other in front of Stormwind Keep itself
>You will never retire to a nice house just outside of Darnassus after saving the world together countless times

Why bother living?

>legacy servers
>no more pandas
all is well

WoD still had best zone, though.

>Spires shit all over Nagrand, a zone that COULD NOT lose under a competent dev team


>Believing the vanilla server meme

I've got a vr headset with your waifu on it to sell you

Did you mean Worgen?

All of them, but undead.

>Tfw I liked WoD levelling
>Tfw I liked Cata 80-85 zones (Besides Vashj'ir)
>Tfw I like them just as much as WotLK zones
>Tfw loved Mists aesthetics above all else
>Tfw everyone else I know says levelling went to shit during Cata
Am I a faggot?

Everything but leveling went to shit in Cata. People bitch because "muh linear" but it felt way less themeparkish than any expansion before or after it.

The same people who bitch about Cata leveling are the people bitching about LFR and PvP balance: NEETs who contribute nothing and only count as property worth 3/5ths a normal person.

Leveling didnt turn shit, it just turned into a single player experience

i love female pandaren!

holy shit World of Warcraft that was a game

what happened to it is it still around?

how hard do you think they clench when you stick it all the way in?

I want to impregnate a Panda with my superior human seed!

Are you doing your part for the Pandaren repopulation project?

>Disgusted by fat women
>throw fur and scales on em and give em an animal head
>Suddenly feel the desire to ravage that shit
I cant into zoo. I cant into fat chicks. But merege that shit and my dick goes insane. What did I do to deserve this suffering?

Give in

Not going to lie. Would travel to the ends of the earth to bust one off in a pandaren.

Troll, Night Elves, Blood Elves, Draenei, and even Undead/Human Sylvanas is tops

Give in to what? I cant fuck a pandaren irl cos there aint any.

>there are people out there who wouldn't a worgen
I just don't understand

Thats because pandaren women are THICC not fat. She doesn't have nasty saggy skin or jellyrolls just THICK.

They broke my WoW addiction. Every time I get the urge to go back, I remember that there are going to be stupid pandas all over both factions and I'm instantly cured.

>Getting triggered by about 3% of characters

Only race you'll see less than Pandas is Goblins.

they look goofy as fuck
why didnt they make the females look more monstrous like the males? they even gave them big goofy human eyes

oh yeah, furries

If they made the females look more monstrous, sure. But they look like small, yappy dogs

>work as a blizzard entertainment game master
>come to work
>pull a ticket
>newbie account, created five days ago
>level 16 female worgen warrior
>ticket is simple,
Why dont worgen have tails
>holy fuck what do i do
>ask my senior, we both start googling really hard
>oh fuck is there a lore reason
>shit make something up
>something with the scythe of elune and the curse of the...
>no thats fucking stupid
>ask around the rows if they know why the worgen actually dont have tails
>nobody gives a shit

i did end up googling tons of worgen porn later and its really inconsistent

>TFW no ERP with someone playing a female panderen cumslut

I haven't even subbed to WoW in years.

Is it true that GMs are all a bunch of Pajeets? Are you required to use an obnoxious amount of smiley faces and ellipses?

The only true answer. Give the D. For humanity!

the majority (350/400ish) american GMs are located in Texas, the rest in california.
they hire some temps sometimes but they're also from local temp agencies.

so the majority of the GMs are american males ages 21-35. Younger kids dont last long because the job is just a call center but for videogames.

the smiley faces are encouraged to drive up your survey scores but if you're doing a good job they dont care what you put.


in the wakfu world everyone is just a normal person mutated to look a certain way depending on the deity they worship

are these padawas just people who worship a furry god or are they a real panda race

this is important

Because they're werewolves

Thought it was the Tauren
>Never ever level 5 with your hunter pet

Meh, I'd still fuck it rotten.

That's surprising. You'd think Actiblizz would outsource that shit to Pakis for a bowl of rice per day.

How long have you worked there? Has the amount of staff significantly diminished over the past few years? Ticket response time has shot up from a few hours on average to several days over the past few expacs, and they recently stopped providing the freeing up of names service.

Worshipping a god mutates you, Iops are dumb, Xelor grow so old they become dust, and so on.

Why is nobody posting Panda butts?

3 years
ticket times vary. The timer on the website says 24 hours even on downtime.

obviously right now its definitely NOT downtime, some issues have been happening across all platforms. We had just recovered from Hearthstone's newest expansion and Standard mode and nerfs, then diablo started a new season, Warlords got merged into WoW,
Starcraft 2 launched new dlc
Wow has promotional items from the movie
overwatch launched so fuck everything
oh movie theaters will give out free wow but it might vary per theater thats just great

more has happened these last two months than what happened most of last year so yeah tickets are taking a while to get answered. Earlier in the year we hit 0 tickets in queue several times, good times, only distant memories now.

also the goal is to make sure a player never needs to put in another ticket, with the name freeing service if a name was being used it literally guaranteed an infinite number of future tickets from a player asking if the name was freed yet. Thats not good so now the official statement is "not available well too bad"
names do get freed up automatically and it causes its own problems but whatever

I can't wait for you WoWcucks to disperse now that your franchise is officially dead.

damn, that's all very interesting having filed 100s of tickets over 11 years. thanks for the insight user, take care.

>walking past the candy aisle in the supermarket
>see a pack of warcraft mike and ikes
>this pops in my head
fuck you, Sup Forums

Because Li Li's lore is too fucking good?

>Blood Elves

It's not their fault I'm a faggot, if I were straight I'd probably like them just fine

why would I care if a bunch of critics for the worst medium didn't like amovie

>See an Orange Racoon.
>Call it a Red Panda.
Why is this?

Bad publicity means shit sales and the movie flops. Movie flopping means the franchise dies.

You know Final Fantasy the Spirits Within? This is that. That movie almost killed SE, by the way.

>trip to detroit

Now that MoP is over you barely see them. Almost no one plays them, everyone is playing one of the races that got revamped in WoD.

Their release model ruined them. I would absolutely bone a worgen female from the alpha.

>action packed trip to Detroit

I wonder who 'won'

I'm doing my part!

Tourism bux

>this will never be me
Kill me, please

>see the whole thing and it's suddenly nowhere near as good

Why not just have it as a nickname then?
This happens with a variety of "red" creatures that are actually orange as well.

It's the lack of dranaei horse futacock, isn't it?

I'm not even into big tits and this turns me on so much. They just look so fun to play with.

Bravo to whoever animated all this jiggle.

We all know that feel.
>she will never give you those eyes while you rail her with everything you have

>tfw character customization in wow is shit
>tfw male pandas are barashit
>tfw no qt femboy pandas

Its because theres more going on with the head than the rest of the body. Alternatively what you imagined was better.
Worst fucking fetish that isnt a hard fetish.

This is fact:

Pandaren > Draenie > Femzug = Troll = Worgen = Tauren > Goblin > Night Elf > Gnome > Dwarf > Belf > Undead

But they are all very fuckable except for undead maybe. It depends if their tits are filled with maggots and if their vag smells like rotting flesh. They're probably cold to the touch too.

not with that attitude ;^)

>Goblins, Gnomes, and Dwarves are not equal to each other.

Because people finally realized wow was shit. If you didn't get out before/during cata, pandas were your last hope

>One day robotics will be perfected to the point where everyone has a fuckbot/maid.
>They can take on any appearance; even fantasy creatures like pandaren.
>Tfw I probably wont live long enough to have an alien or furry fuckbot.
>Even if I do I will probably be too old and have erectile dysfunction by then.
>Tfw you realize this too late in life and are no longer in an ideal position to use your mind for the progression of robotics.

Truly my life is a series of missed opportunities.

Legit though if you dwell on those you lose sight of others you could have.

Goblin women have the benefit of being orcish looking, which makes them less bland than gnomes and dwarves which look like small humans. Gnomes are marginally better than dwarves purely because they generally have better bodies and faces.

Yeah. At least I am in the perfect time to make some sweet gondolas.

>Dranaei horsecock futa
What a lovely idea. Worgen futa is better though.