Write a game that is about an international task force that protects humanity

>Write a game that is about an international task force that protects humanity

>Have the gameplay be entirely based around 6v6 PVP

>There's a cast of 21 characters

>Only 2 of them are actual antagonists to Overwatch (Widowmaker and Reaper). The rest are either heroes or neutral.

What the fuck was Blizzard thinking?

They also have a bunch of soldiers and the government and media on their back pocket. But yeah, it's a bit silly that there are only 2 villains.

Also, less than half of the cast were actually a part of Overwatch.

Do widowmaker/reaper even have clear motives

why are they fighting anyway?

Reaper is known to be a crazed killer seeking our old Overwatch members. So..serial killer?

Who the fuck knows for Widowmaker.

What's Junkrat and Roadhog's story? They seem like antagonists.

>Who the fuck knows for Widowmaker.
Actually, her bio on the website clarifies this.

>Real Name: Amélie Lacroix, Age: 33
>Occupation: Assassin
>Base of Operations: Annecy, France
>Affiliation: Talon

>“One shot, one kill.”

>Widowmaker is the perfect assassin: a patient, ruthlessly efficient killer who shows neither emotion nor remorse.
>It is believed that in her former life, Widowmaker was married to Gérard Lacroix, an Overwatch agent spearheading operations against the Talon terrorist organization. After several unsuccessful attempts to eliminate Gérard, Talon decided to change its focus to his wife, Amélie. Talon operatives kidnapped her and subjected her to an intense program of neural reconditioning. They broke her will, suppressed her personality, and reprogrammed her as a sleeper agent. She was eventually found by Overwatch agents, apparently none the worse for wear, and returned to her normal life.
>Two weeks later she killed Gérard in his sleep.
>Her mission complete, Amélie returned to Talon, and they completed the process of turning her into a living weapon. She was given extensive training in the covert arts, and then her physiology was altered, drastically slowing her heart, which turned her skin cold and blue and numbed her ability to experience human emotion. Amélie was gone.
>Now, Widowmaker is Talon's most effective assassin, feeling little save the satisfaction of a job well done.

Talon are the same guys that follow Reaper around and do his bidding.

So the question is why the fuck isn't the game Overwatch vs Talon instead of just Overwatch in-fighting

symmetra works for a heartless corporation that did some shit in brazil and lucio stole tech from them and became a local celebrity.

mcree is a former outlaw

hanzo and genji are part of some yakuza mob family.

zenyatta is a fucking synth

they're all heroes and have questionable lives and possibly motives.

Well, I was under the assumption they've all since converted to 'mercenaries', and thus are hired against eachother for specific objectives. Like escorting that actor for Payload, etc.

Might be reaching here, though.

>symmetra works for a heartless corporation that did some shit in brazil and lucio stole tech from them and became a local celebrity.

>mcree is a former outlaw
Hasn't been for a long time now, was a part of Overwatch after that, he was technically also a part of the shadowy seed of Overwatch (Blackwatch, Darkwatch? Whatever it's called). He's doing redemption by going after Talon, though.

>hanzo and genji are part of some yakuza mob family.
Genji hasn't been for a long time ever since he got constructed. Hell, he was never liked by the family in the first place.

>zenyatta is a fucking synth

Don't forget the Junkers that love robbing, murdering and blowing shit up

There's no good reason. The lore and the story are basically completely unrelated to what actually happens in the game.

>What's Junkrat and Roadhog's story? They seem like antagonists.

Part of Australia was ceded to the omnics after the war. Roadhog lived in that part, and eventually he joined a band of terrorists and sabotaged the Omnium's fusion reactor. It blew up and a large portion of Australia is now radioactive. After the explosion, Junkrat went to the ruins of the Omnium and inside it he found something. It's not said what it is, but a whole bunch of people really want it. Junkrat hired Roadhog to protect him from those people, and together they've traveled the world stealing things and blowing shit up. They're irradiated Australian psychopaths, basically.

They have no real stake the in the whole Overwatch vs. Talon thing but they do fucking hate robots.

Well Talon apparently was born out of Blackwatch, which was a division of Overwatch that went rogue.

Symmetra is a villain too.

>not wanting to kill every synth before they replace us all

Somebody get Maxson I think we found one

more like neutral evil. corporate interests.

so out of the two niggers in game, one is a side shooting maniac and the other one is a thief??

well done well done

zenyatta is student of monk, zenyatta leaves monk gets assassinated. zenyatta is best monk now. pretty curious how this all lines up

He hated how Soldier 76 got all the fame and glory. He led an uprising from within Overwatch using Blackwatch pretty much in the same way Liquid led an uprising against Shadow Moses using Foxhound. The terrorist uprising led to fighting between Overwatch and Blackwatch which led to an explosion that supposedly killed S76 (then John Morrison) and Reaper (Gabriel Reyes). Morrison survived, while Reyes was revived by Mercy. The byproduct of Reaper’s revival was that his cell decay and regenerate at fast speeds. Reaper now acts as a mercenary hunting down ex-Overwatch agents. I suppose he blames them for what happened to him. His first target was the gorilla because the gorilla has a database of all the OW members’ locations.

Her husband was an OW agent who was targeted by terrorist group Talon. Talon kidnapped Widowmaker (then Amelie Lacroix) and brainwashed her into becoming a sleeper cell agent whose mission was to kill her husband in his sleep. Afterwards, her entire previous life was erased and she now only exists as a human weapon for Talon. She’s not a villain willingly, not like Reaper.

>Junkrat and Roadhog
Psychopath gangmembers from the Australian outback. Really don’t see how they’re connected to the rest of the game at all. They’re so out of place.

>one shot one kill
Maximum cringe


So reaper is basically edgelord deadpool

this is fucking retarded

Hanzo, Bastion, Reaper, Widowmaker, Roadhog, Junkrat, Soldier: 76 and Symmetra are all neutral or "bad guys", depending on point of view.

McCree as well

Symmetra is a hero that hasn't realized she's working for the villains yet.

Soldier 76 is a hero by all metrics. He's fighting injustice and trying to take Reaper down.

that is true.

Zarya is a local hero and Torbjorn is former Overwatch, but they are racist against Omnics

76's short is literally called Hero though

Nigger, you're retarded. McCree used to be an outlaw. He's been a part of Overwatch for awhile. He's a large part of the Overwatch ad campaign/exhibit in the initial trailer.

All right, I'll agree about Soldier: 76, but only because I feel like they haven't really delved into the "justice at any cost" mindset he's supposedly got.

The game isn't Overwatch vs Anti-Overwatch so much as it is Pro-Omnic vs Anti-Omnic.

>Genji: Hated his cyborg body until he learned Zenyatta's teachings
>Tracer: Seen in the audience watching Mondatta's speech the day he was assassinated
>Bastion: "Please just leave me alone"
>Reinhardt: Protector of the downtrodden mentality, seen in art shielding a broken Omnic from a molotov
>Zenyatta: One of Mondatta's (somewhat wayward) disciples

>Reaper: (Presumably) ordered Widow to assassinate Mondatta
>Junkrat: Expressed interest in blowing up Numbani, a city where Omnics and Humans live together peacefully
>Torbjorn: Known to be against Omnic rights
>Widow: Assassinated Mondatta
>D.VA: Recieved military training to fight Omnics
>Roadhog: Member of the Australian Liberation Front, an anti-Omnic terror cell
>Zarya: War hero from Russia where they're still actively fighting Omnics

The rest are unknown, but I assume that a lot of the Overwatch old guard share Reinhardt's devotion to protecting the weak.

There's also a lot of sub-rivalries (S76 on a personal crusade to uncover a conspiracy, Reaper hunting down former Overwatch agents, Symmetra working for a company trying to bulldoze Lucio's neighborhood, Hanzo and Genji as rivals, etc.)

I don't think the game is actually canon, as strange as that sounds. It's just a multiplayer game where you play as the characters.

>I don't think the game is actually canon, as strange as that sounds.

Makes sense to me, since games like TF2 and LoL aren't canon.

>I don't think the game is actually canon, as strange as that sounds.

Its not, and personally, I really hate that. Zero reason to have any of this LORE if it doesn't work with the game at all.

Every match has a Pro-Omnic side and an anti-omnic side. There's technically a story going on with each map. Like, in hollywood, the pro-omnic side (attack) is escorting an omnic movie director while the anti-omnic side (defense) is attempting to assassinate him. The pro-omnic side is suppose to be the Overwatch remnants while the anti-omnic side is suppose to be Talon. This would be far more clear if we had more Talon agents to play as rather than just Reaper and Widowmaker.


Like I said, the Anti-Omnic side isn't necessarily aligned with Talon. The Australians fucking hate omnics, Zarya's country is at war with Omnics while the rest of the world doesn't give a fuck, and even Torbjorn, one of the OW "good guys", has lines that imply he's against Omnic rights.

And then there's Hanzo, who as far as we know is neutral regarding Omnics but hates OW for destroying his criminal empire.

You're right though, I'd love to see more "bad guy" characters. Maybe even evil robot characters, to show that there's an actual in-universe reason for some people to distrust omnics.

LoL actually is canon, the matches are basically a blood sport that's used to determine outcomes to national conflicts because full-scale magical warfare is too destructive.

Multiplayer-only shooters don't need a good story

What the fuck is D.Va even for? She does shit damage at any range, her shield is decent but useless considering it's consistency and her ult is the easiest to avoid in the game. Not to mention her size makes her a bullet magnet. All she has going for her is her mobility in-suit and her second health bar. I just don't get it.

I think a corporate dictatorship trumps some psycho edgelord targeting washed up super heroes

She works a bit better in a coordinated team and defense matrix can completely negate shit like Reaper/Pharah ult, but I agree she feels pretty weak

The titular league of legends is no longer canon though
Everyone's just fighting for no reason now

Alright poorfag.