Mgs ''franchise'

mgs ''franchise'

doesn't have 1-4


sony always wins

Reminder that MGS 1 and 2 have PC ports

Reminder they will NEVER EVER get 3 and 4

I'm downloading GZ atm, is it better played with a gamepad or with kb+m?

Is it worth playing Phantom Pain?
How is the multiplayer?

I played 1 through 4 on playstation btw

Anybody know why they don't just optimize the ports a bit and throw them on steam? Does Sony have some kind of control on the series?

Depends. Moving is definitely a little janky with mouse and keyboard, but aiming is much, much better.

>Is it worth playing Phantom Pain?
Yeah, at this price.
>How is the multiplayer?
Pretty dead.

3 can be emulated and 4 can be played on youtube.

I preferred gamepad, but the KB+M controls are great, I just tend to use a controller for anything not fps
Try em both

I guess it's a matter of preference. It is playable with kb+m but for these types of games personally I prefer a controller. You don't really need the accuracy of a mouse unless you want to play online which only phantom pain has.

Yes. The gameplay is great, but the story is horrible. Multiplayer is dead; it wasn't any particularly good desu.

This. Honestly I'd go with a controller just because some of the moves (diving from sprinting for example) are pants on head retarded with M+K.

Aiming is much better though.

>Kojima wanted to do a MGS remake in the FOX engine
>Will never be allowed to because of Konami

>mgs 'franchise'
>Rising isn't even in the Solid lineup
>Ground Zeroes is a TPP paid demo
So 'franchise' is basically just a single game, bravo konami

3 can only be emulated if you have a high end nvidia pc or get lucky. It runs like shit for most people

Multiplayer is pretty much third person CoD but I had fun with it for a little bit

Good. That monster shat on Metal Gear long enough

No it isn't, don't let those anons trick you.

someone pease gift me MGSV
please i beg you
have mercy on a poor neet
i spent all my neetbux on food and bills this month
by the time i will receive my next month neetbux the sale will be over
i'll be your friend forever

Sony always wins, baby

Sent ;)

f u

Does anyone actually play MGO?

Never even fired it up once.

p-p-please u and p-p-p-c-c-c c-combo is impeccable, s-s-s-s-s-son-y-ygge-r-r......its not fair....

mgo3 is total ass compared to 1 and 2, however, I think theres still a couple hundred playing on ps4.

>the only MG games released on PC are getting a sale


Let's see how fast you are.

It was a fun game I'll give it that but it had pretty serious flaws and didn't live up to the "end of the series" hype

Thanks user. got it

I found the sticks clumsy, not just for moving and shooting but also keeping my head on a swivel.

One thing you need to bear in mind if you like GZ enough to get more of it in TPP is that the key you hold to move slower while standing or crouching puts you below the threshold for being heard by guards while still being able to catch up with ones who are walking during Normal Phase.

In TPP, the changes to that key's speed change and detection mean this is no longer the case. If you want to stay behind that same guard (or sneak up on an enemy without them becoming suspicious) you either need to 'feather' the key while moving or go prone.

hope you die of brain cancer along with your entire family

>MGS franchise
>one entry
>a paid demo of said entry
>and a spinoff
Good stuff, PCfags.

kill yourself neet .

Just get a job instead of whining about being poor when you're unemployed.

They're shit. MGS1 is also gimped.

literally fuck the MGS meme

autistic gameplay, god awful story and while I love campy things mgs goes beyond that to xd status. god damn fucking weaboos two bombs wasn't enough

How exactly? I tried to get into series a few month ago, and started with mgs1 on pc, couldn't really get into it, didn't like the core gameplay (sneaking, and especially shooting, that aiming was atrocious)

you need to go back to /leddit/, cuck

ok I understand that you're shit posting and all but come on step it up with the facebook memes

sent ;)


Good. Remakes are an awful idea.

>autistic gameplay
What does this even mean?

or you can play it on your PS2 if you are not retarded

not gimped but there are some glitches which are fixable with patches

things like video footage on screen in-game not showing up and bumper shoulder buttons not working by default

otherwise they are okay

it's just hard to find them

>Giant snowy area to explore
>There's nothing in it
>All the story and dialogue has been removed
>Codec calls are now tapes
>No more boss battles
>Meryl's character is now a personality void naked waifu
kiefer sutherland


It's mostly Kojima's fault.

Sony doesn't have shit on MGS, they're just too lazy to touch up the ports.

>autistic gameplay
holy shit

MGS3 is fully playable through emulator. You only get framedrops during cutscenes.

I never really finished all the other games in the series but I do now the general story of the first 3 and some of 4.

Can I still play GZ and PP?

Thinking about buying GZ right now and PP over the summer since it'll probably have a bigger discount

Yes. Just skip all the story scenes. Most aren't worth watching anyway. And once you extract the 12th prisoner/soldier. Stop.

Been playing mgs3 since pcsx2 fixed the lighting issue.


I have 500 hours in it and still play it to this day.
Don't expect anything special regarding the story, but you'll put at least about 50 hours.
Pretty good for $20 anyway.

>3 can only be emulated if you have a high end
How's life in 2007 treating you?
>4 can be played on youtube.
You can only experience the shittier part of 4 if you only get the story, the gameplay is actually a lot more depthful than anything MGSV has to offer. It's a shame people are restricted to playing it on sub 720p and terrible framerate.

Suck a dick PCucc
MGS1 OST are some LQ MP3s ripped some fan site, the psycho mantis fight, etc i can go on

MGS4 didn't have any gameplay outside of MGO. It was a travesty only slightly better than MGSV.

>PC will never get MGS4

PC wins again

4 is awful. no one should want it.

MGS3 isn't very replayable either. I have it on 3DS and PS3 and I barely touch it, and last time I beat it was like maybe 3 or 4 years ago.

MGS2 and especially MGS1 on the other hand have an arcade quality to them. I could play them for years. Honestly, In the "arcade replayability" gameplay sense, MGSV reminds me more of 1 and 2 than MGS3 and MGS4 do.

PW is also pretty replayable, and MGS4 is fucking horseshit in terms of replayability. I beat it once and really enjoyed it, but playing it again is unbearable.

so they wont get the shittiest games? not even a peacock and thats hilarious

The gameplay is fucking amazing. I've put over a hundred hours in it, maybe over 200, and I still play the fucking thing.

As for the story, most of what happens during the storyline is completely unrelated to the ending, and it's meh at best.

Now, the ending. The ending comes out of literally nowhere (so the way they introduce it is shit and very obviously due to time constraints/unfinished game), but the ending sequence itself is actually REALLY good. However you have to read a bit between the lines. If you pay attention to the emotions, facial expression, tone of voice and behavior/reactions of the characters, you can actually paint a very likely and accurate picture for what the fuck actually happens just before Metal Gear 1, and what the character motivations were to do what they did.

For anyone who's curious about what I mean: Why would Big Boss reveal himself as Big Boss, the villainous leader of Outer Heaven, even though he was in a very advantageous position at Foxhound? Even if the uprising had to happen, he only had to NOT SHOW UP and the incident wouldn't have been related to him. Think about who Outer Heaven's Big Boss is, who was this Big Boss' main officer, what happened to both of them at the end of TPP, and the emotions both of them displayed during this ending. Also remember that the theme of TPP is revenge. Think about the consequences the Outer Heaving Uprising and Big Boss showing up in it had for Big Boss (chased, killed not long after that). Also think about who trained Solid Snake, Big Boss' killer, giving him all the skills he needed for the task, and subsequently actively assisted Snake during his mission.

Yeah, it may seem obvious for anyone who has played TPP and is not an autist, but so many people don't fucking get it.

So for me, 10/10 gameplay, 10/10 ending and first couple hours of story, 4 to 5/10 story all the way from a couple hours into the game to the freaking ending.

If you don't play the MGS franchise starting with 1, and going in RELEASE order without skipping PW, you're fucking doing it wrong and may as well not fucking play at all.

I love contrarian teenagers like yourself.

>Why would Big Boss reveal himself as Big Boss, the villainous leader of Outer Heaven, even though he was in a very advantageous position at Foxhound?
That wasn't, and has never been in the story, his intention. He sends Snake to fail which was a very likely scenario given Big Boss was holding all the cards. Presumably FOXHOUND was assigned to the mission, which more or less forced Big Boss to play along. And, had he been successful in his Outer Heaven scheme, being outed wouldn't have mattered anyway since he would've been holding the world in the palm of his hand. MGSV just makes it so that Venom is the physical presentation Snake faces, not Big Boss proper.


the point of his post was emulator faggot.

Kill yourself

I started a few months ago at Metal Gear MGX, i'm up to MGS4 now.
And why should I skip PW?

If you are bad at the game use keyboard and mouse as you will be shooting more
if you are good at the game use gamepad as you will be moving more

yes the game is legitimately good, ignore the memers

fobs are entertaining and you can still find games quite reliably in mgo

you shouldnt its the second best of the series

Speaking of this I still have a copy of GZ from preordering TPP in my inventory.

I'd be willing to let it go for __________________________________________________________free, anyone interested can reply with their steam url

Do you play online (PS3)

>MGS3 isn't very replayable either

You should end the execrable endurance event that is your life.

nah, psp


Peace Walker is awesome
Play it

I tried.

I get bored of them after a bit and do something else then forget about them.