So I finally completed Bloodborne and Witcher 3. Bloodborne was significantly better as a game.
So I finally completed Bloodborne and Witcher 3. Bloodborne was significantly better as a game
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I agree.
Yea, shame it was exclusive. 60fps would have made the game so much better. The dips and long loading times (even with the patch) really killed me.
Atmosphere/Lore/gameplay was fucking fantastic and the DLC was literal god like.
Just started up bloodborne again
Gotta say
Its significantly harder than dark souls 3 too
I don't agree.
Bloodborne has no awards or GOTY nominations though
>Its significantly harder than dark souls 3 too
Because there are no armors or eq. Load for that matter.
What a shitty game.
W3 > BB
W3 = BB
BB > W3
BB > W3
W3 > BB
Exploration and world:
W3 > BB
This is the objective truth. Sorry m8.
been playing witcher for a few days. does it get better?
There is armor you fucking retard
Play it on PS4K then
Yes it does and when did that ever matter? Can't you make a convincing argument without resorting to accolades that get thrown around like candy?
bring your excuses sonycucks
Whatever helps you sleep at night, my man.
No, it gets worse due to how repetitive it gets.
Level Design:
W3 < BB
Felt a lot more detailed since it's not giant areas, art direction over textures 'n' shit
W3 < BB
Better composed, music flowed better, fit the theme better and boss music was infinitely better
BB > W3
BB > W3
W3 < BB
Witcher 3 was far more predictable, Bloodborne did a lot of cool things like becoming a God.
Exploration and world:
W3 < BB
As I explored Witcher 3, I always felt like the was underwhelming. Nothing really stood out to me, and everything felt the same as we've seen in other fantasy games. Bloodborne is a such under done setting in games and it felt like a world that fit together perfectly.
This is the objective truth. Sorry m8.
Why are executioners given a pyramid head mask?
Bioshock Infinite hss higher score so its better
>Felt a lot more detailed since it's not giant areas,
It has small areas that have more copy-pasta than the huge areas in the Witcher.
I found the game to be far easier overall.
The games first couple of bosses feel frontloaded in terms of difficulty. Especially on the first playthrough, Gascoigne and the Blood starved beast were by far the hardest bosses.
Comparatively, and not including the DLC, I found several of the later game bosses in 3 much more difficult, Champion Gundyr, Sulyvahn, Nameless and Twin Princes in particular.
I'm not too sure on the overall encounter and enemy design, but I would generally say that while invididual encounter design outside the dlc was harder in DaS3, the hordes of enemies regularly encountered in BB made it feel harder.
The defiled chalice was of course, more difficult, but that came really as a result of the limited health more than anything.
In respect to the OP, I found the witcher 3 to have significantly better characters, an overarching better plot, better writing even in the limited comparison, better story elements, and better world design.
Although it's really hard to compare given how different the game styles are, it goes without saying that BB had better bosses and better gameplay, but I also found the atmospheric values of both games to benefit them well, whereas BB had a very good distorted horror tone throughout the game, the witcher series and by extention 3 are really the only games I've ever played which captivated me into the eastern european mythology like themes and they do it oh so well.
Framerate and loading times were the only thing that killed Bloodborne.
>not on PC
Yeah let me grab my wallet and buy a 4k console to play your game, From. Was this game targetting a borderline retarded demographic?
story in bloodborne and dark souls is like 90% fan fiction, it's a giant meme
literally lore and story made up based off of item descriptions
Nice blog.
The Witcher 3 is LITERALLY a fan fiction of the novels. Even the author said so and that he doesn't respect them.
I agree with everything but music. TW3 had a GOAT OST.
>There, you filthy monstrosity! What good's your immortality now! Try stirring up trouble in this sorry state! All mangled and twisted, with every inside on the outside, for all the world to see! He heh hah hah Hah! He heh heh ha ha ha ha!
What did he mean by this?
Naturally he's butthurt that the games made more money than his books ever did.
He meant that BB's npc's are honestly incredibly disappointing when you think about it.
I still can't beat Kos. That second phase just annihilates my asshole in seconds.
Some say Kosm.
I know and that still doesn't take away from anything I said about the story and lore in bloodborne literally being invented by a bunch of anons that use like 2 sentences of item descriptions to formulate a plot. I actually really love the souls series and bloodborne was an amazing game but I hate how people claim it has some amazing story.
It didn't have an amazing story. It had some cool things like I said, but it was at least better than the Witcher 3.
Obviously. Witcher's basically a movie with shitty gameplay segments strewn about.
framerate is fine
don't die if you dont want loading times faggot
I will probably have to replay both demon souls and bloodborne. Atmosphere alone makes it worth revisiting.
no part in bloodborne came close to the bloody baron quest line
Demons souls is heavily dated and is by far the worst souls game.
Check m8
Implying metacritic is a valid arguement.
I'll NEVER get the hype behind that shitty plot line. The Crones were cool but even then their cool-factor came from their mystique, something Bloodborne and its entire world has bucket loads off
Bloodborne is ahead of Witcher 3 on PS4, which by the way is the proper version to use for comparisons as it is the platform with the most reviews.
I liked both games a lot but I played Bloodborne a lot more.
Starting a thread with one of these arguments isn't either.
It's amazing how people start these bloodborne discussions on Sup Forums but 90% of the time don't even try to hide their fanboyism.
Why do Sony friends feel the constant need to compare their entirely competent game to another entirely competent game, it achieves nothing but stirring shit. Why do you need the validation? Even I'll admit bloodborne is good
Where was the fanboyism in the OP? He simply stated his personal opinion
Way to show how insecure you are.
>where is the fanboyism in the OP
>option A
great thread sonytards
>being that insecure
Ayy indeed, he didn't say anything about PCucks or "never ever".
there's no armor in dark souls 3 either, and equip load is just a hindrance.
from what i've seen it does seem like a fun game, maybe more fun than dark souls 3.
unfortunately, i dont have a ps4 and i can't justify buying one when im not interested in any other games it has, with the small exceptions of gravity rush and bloodborne.
maybe when the price drops a few hundred dollars
He doesn't need to, it's all about the subtlety of the shitposting.
The problem is, that doing it continuously over the last two months has caused BB fans to look ridiculous.
tricking people into thinking they were getting dark souls with guns and werewolves and then making them realize over the course of the game that they actually got dark souls with guns and hp lovecraft was pretty amazing.
they are both at a 92 but the Witcher 3 does have a higher rating for it's expansion
both are pretty great though
It's a shame that the release game literally never did anything interesting with that idea though.
For what they're worth, Yahargul and nightmare of mensis might as well have been straight up victorian areas, with more beast bosses.
>both are pretty great though
I personally liked Old Hunters more but it was 2x the price and for $9 or whatever HoS was, it was pretty fucking great.
Can't wait to play Blood and Wine next week.
so it was like a turd covered with sprinkles instead of a regular turd?
is this what you want ayy cuckboi
listen brah, im a sonygger like you, TLOU is the greatest game of all time, i agree...
but TW3 is just better brah
jesus christ man
Somebody with too much free time cuz nogames
Pornmods make wonders to shitty games.
wow... playing as a broccolo, my dream finally became true
>W3 = BB
Are you high or something?
>not counting all the players on GOG, you know, the platform by the makers of the game? kek
Kosm is ded tho
>there's no armor in dark souls 3 either
t. someone who didn't beat Dark Souls 3 on NG+7
what the fuck is that? it looks shitty...
seriously are you saying that game looks better than the witcher 3?
are you fucking serious?
i agree
Music in W3 is forgettable as fuck are you deaf frand?
He stupidly sold the Witcher IP for more vodka money and only makes royalties off the books, apparently. The Witcher games and polish TV show don't make him anything so he shits on them.
You are wrong. Go play copy paste 3
Maybe play it and don't talk shit.
>W3 = BB
>counting an irrelevant platform
uhh artificial difficulty much?
Witcher 3's music is perfectly fine but it's definitely not as good as Bloodborne's
>consolecucks beaten on their own turf
>So I did OP. Witcher 3 was significantly better as a game
>being able to die is artificial difficulty
Have you listened to the BB OST, it beats the shit out of anything in W3 I'm sorry but it's a fact. Goes much better with the game as well. W3 music was just nice.
The PS4 version of the Witcher 3 outsold the Xbone and PC
>those top ten
I'd be embarrassed to be a console peasant to be honest
As opposed to PC?
nigga what
It got Game of the Year from Edge, Eurogamer, Game Trailers, and probably some others.
Reminder to anyone who says The Witcher 3's is better than Bloodborne's ost that this exists:
Witcher3+dlc > BB+dlc > W3 > BB
this is a bloodborne thread, stop being so obsessed with skyrim please
you haven't fixed anything
>that godawful music
it fits
those are the default pictures used whenever there's Witcher 3 ""discussion""
I wish Bloodborne would get another DLC
Well stop resorting to "Muh critical acclaim" to make up for your lack of an argument