What are some games where you kill God?

What are some games where you kill God?

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God of War. Well, you kill A god.

Oh god. Don't remind me about that horrible pilot episode.

Hasn't Kratos killed so many gods they're doing other mythologies now?

lmao just go to public school and get good grades.

Morrowind, I never beat that game but I heard you get to kill gods.

>made by Seth Rogen
It all makes sense now.

>Eric Goldman of IGN, gave the pilot episode an 8.8/10, praising the "Great mixture of comic and horror elements" and the "Excellent casting", particularly praising Ruth Negga's Tulip

every generic weeb jrpg

Asura's Wrath. You even get into a final fistfight with your best friend. Although Yasha is nowhere near enough of a cunt as Cassidy.

And he's right. You're just a triggered picturebook "reader". The episode was so well put together that I can't even begin to guess what's got you so triggered about it.


God the pilot was awful.

Shin Megami Tensei II
Shin Megami Tensei IV Final

It's pretty faithful, though. The tone is as inconsistent as the beginning of the comics.

Presumably so, I hope they do Egyptian.

dragons dogman

Wasn't the teaser for the upcoming gow game about the norse mythology?

Asura's wrath is the best example

>You play as a demigod swearing revenge on 7 other demigods
>The lead demigod considers himself God, you punch him in the face super hard and he dies
>The final boss is the manifestation of the planet's rage, aka Gaea, who you also kill by punching it in the face
>The true final boss in the DLC is litterally "creator of reality" God, who you punch in the face SO HARD it creates the big bang

>You were always a brother, never an enemy

Real life....by denying his existence.

Lots of things to nitpick. Cassidy with regular eyes and not wearing his glasses, Tulip being black, and Jesse didn't start out clean shaven, gradually falling apart. Sheriff Root was just a wimp in comparison, and why is his wife there? Why does Tulip even know where Jesse is? What's up with that fucking car scene?

Honestly, the most disappointing part for me was Genesis not blowing up the church. That's what gets the plot moving.

Tulip's personality was fucked too.

Yasha's also got a fucking great theme song. Multiple versions, even.


I feel like Jesse wouldn't willingly go to jail for a barfight.

Who is the video game equivalent of Garth Ennis?

Chris Avellone? He usually has edgy characters

In the SMT games at least youre not just murdering a god

You're murdering THE God

Yeah, I know. I was talking about the changes in tone, like how it started more serious and than Tulip made a bazooka out of tin can and duct tape. I like the dude who plays Cassidy thought. Jesse is alright. I heard the first season is a prequel, thats why they didn't blow up the church yet, I suppose.

but they kept jesse being moralfag, cassidy not giving fucks, tulip being only competent one. They exaggerated traits but they were faithful to characters.
I did miss John Wayne and that Arseface listens to hiphop instead of nirvana.

Technically you murder several gods.

Bomberman 64: The Second Attack

Nah. Generic is Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest, as they're what defined the genre.

I don't believe you ever kill God in any of the Final Fantasy games (no, killing a god doesn't mean killing God with a capital G), but I think you can fight God in DQ7 as a bonus boss. Doesn't seem like he gets killed though.