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Nigga really?

what the fuck is the appeal of ASMR?

Sup Forumsirgin-core

How much more stereotypical does it get?

don't judge guys c'mon

Read em and weep.

The only thing worse than a normalfag is a cretin trying to be one.

>pick up



Other than one video those results better be ironic.


my nigga


Not videogames

I like animation

>how to be attractive

what the fuck user



I don't even have that section on my homepage


first post, best post.









Rate me fags.


My nigga



You did this on purpose didnt you.

Am I bad?

dude, it works
I'm getting way more chicks since I began watching RSD shit, it's amazing

>kill la kill

I don't know what to feel about this.


Judge away, I guess.





That's nice, user. Have you fucked already?


They're the English version of Japanese Audio Dramas.


Come at me.



My nigga, his videos are interesting as fuck.

what the fuck

>desu desu desu 10 hours

>Radio Graffiti

My nigga.

>That feel when your recently watched makes you look like a faggot

Well shit.


i don't remember watching the tf2 video honestly.
nah who's line is classic


All good shit, user

>David Jewman

not even close to the worst it could've been

all those damn dark souls meme videos that faggots in /dsg/ viral




Sure, let's go with that.

2/5 are vidya, one is borderline. I guess it's not too bad.

do not be embarrassed, be proud of yourself.

you can't beat me ;^)






Shit's relaxing sometimes. Makes me feel like a puddle of pig milk

fite me

Arakawa, my nigga

Nothing that interesting.

Is that Iroh video a fucking amv, user?

Nope just the song


thom's looking a bit better than he did a few years ago

hell be fine

Yeah, I love videos that break down how games work technically. It's fascinating to see how games actually tick.


Do you need YouTube history enabled to have a watch it again section? If so, then that's why I can't find mine.


yep. I used to be very introverted and shy, and wanted a girlfriend really badly, so I've read few eastern philosophy books and done a lot of things to improve myself, then after I broke up with my first girlfriend, I began to try pick up, and I was really surprised about how much it works. nowadays I'm way more social and happy, I get girls on regular basis now

I have fun

Hawkwind, GZA and RTJ. My nigga, you got taste

I have no clue where to find this section, so have my youtube history instead.


I laughed really hard.

Nothing to be ashamed of.


That's great, user. The only thing you have to do now is leave Sup Forums and enjoy your improved life. I wish you best, stay positive user! :)


Ghost > Magic

What the fuck are those animal videos? I am quite scared.


What do I win?
