American level

>american level
>boss is the statue of liberty

Other urls found in this thread:

is NG2 the only game that's done this?

>japanese level
>boss fight takes place in a pagoda

Where can I read all of these 4komas translated?

What is this comic called?

>american level
>statue of liberty is CUTE

>american level
>statue of liberty is THICC




>Not Hotline Miami.jpg

I do not watch Anime because I am not a faggot, but this earned a chuckle. Is this the new Sup Forums cancer? What is it called?


Can someone post "Your motherfucking existence ends 30 minutes from now"?

how new?

was just about to ask for this


New enough for this to be on my hard drive.

God I am old.

>German level
>Fight takes place in a mosque



>I am a huge faggot
>Please rape my face

What the fuck happened to Sup Forums?

This one slays me every time.





Who's BKUB of Western comic artist?

No one

she doesn't look amazed

Whoever it is has to be slightly disturbed.

super mega comics

>he doesn't understand the subtlety of bkub's art

So why does Bkub draw so many comics about abusing people who serve food

This thread is okay.

Probably eats out a lot and gets shit servers


>German Level
>All flags are removed

perry bible fellowship

probably yeah

someone post soapfoot


>decided to wait 30 minutes for the bird to sing
>instead of smashing the house
just a bit psychotic desu, or could it be she understands that she's in a comic were if she did try to smash it, it would turn out to be made of concrete and break her hands?

This isn't even remotely funny.

>reading a manga about playing death games
>the american students have to fight the statue of liberty
>egyptians fight mummies

You are Mother Fucker?

holy shit how does PBF stay funny after all this time

The Simpsons Game to an extent.


Is he kill?

This is my favorite desu ne

wasn't that their first comic in like months?

Bkub doesn't make a lot of sense most of the time. A lot of these are cherry picked, if you want to dig through them yourself.



It's still a pretty nice clock

Lego Marvel Superheroes

they put out like 1-2 a year now

People will probably get butthurt about this, but unironically Andrew Hussie circa the mid-2000s

She is, you fucking faggot. Go fuck yourself off a cliff.

Oh wow that caught me off guard

Don't open this

Aw fuk, didn't expect that

Team Special Olympics is the GOAT edgelord humor

Nip absurdist humor at its finest

Pre-Homestuck Hussie was fucking fantastic
Why did everything have to go so wrong?


He kept shooting for greater and greater heights and eventually spread himself too thin.


user why

isn't the homestuck fanbase full of sjws and permanently offended kids from tumblr? how did they never know about these old comics of his


They knew. There were entire blogs dedicated to calling him out and saying he was a piece of shit and a racist. He actually responded by making fun of them in the comic at points but they just beat him down so much that he eventually gave up.

Sure, it's hot, but where's the picture of Mike Stoklasa? It's not masturbatory without it.

>playing Sentinel in simple mode.jpg

Everything went wrong after Problem Sleuth. That was the last and only great thing he did.

>American level
>final boss wants to implement gun control so he has all the guns

And then he represented them in Homestuck as completely insufferable shitfucks that nobody likes
Needless to say the fanbase loved them

This is so real


A lot of Homestuck is pretty good, family.


None of it is good, kys, laddy.

Quit being a faggot. The comic is over, the fanbase is dead. There's no reason to pretend you didn't like it at one point.


The first mission of Megaman X5


What happened to BKUB that took him from wholesome Touhou jokes to the deranged maniac he is today?


Superman seems angry there

>mfw homestuck would've actually been a good coming-of-age scifi if it wasn't for fans tampering with hussie
>the fucking trolls
I sincerely believe hussie made the ending purposely bad to piss off people.

Woah that actually made me feel.

Every time I read achewood I feel like I'm too stupid to understand achewood.

Pls give me artist this is sooo cute and adorable

Hussie was involved in the ending? It looked like he had entirely outsourced his comic at that point, it looked like fan art.

It's not actually achewood, it's a homage by KC Greene.

If you want more with that style humor, read Achewood.

He started sliding in his later touhou stuff. It was a slow transition.

I never even read it, fuck you.



>Hussie was involved in the ending?
Visually, no. I think it was outsourced.
But I bet he outsourced it just to piss people off.