RIP Paradox

The chink jews are taking over.

>A long-time fan of Paradox games, Tencent will work to explore opportunities with Paradox to build up the emerging grand strategy, simulation, and story-driven RPG fan bases in China. Tencent has a history of supporting new game genres in China, where it operates globally renowned titles such as League of Legends, Cross-Fire, Dungeon & Fighter, Call of Duty Online, FIFA Online and Need for Speed, as well as many popular locally-developed games. Tencent also has a track record of building strong partnership with game industry leaders, such as Activision Blizzard, Riot Games, CJ Netmarble and Miniclip, via equity investment and support in distribution and operations.

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They are match made in heaven.

What's the problem here?

like 5% of that dlc is actually worth getting and isn't just portraits/clothing/music. what's the problem? i mean this is mostly just shit you can add to your game to make it different, not necessarily better.

If they manage to get tencent to invest they'll bascially have unlimited money, any company would have to do it to make thier shareholders happy.


So what's the problem here?

>like 5% of that dlc is actually worth getting
>what's the problem

are you fucking stupid

Hey, neat.

Just ... don't get it then dude

the problem isn't that they are forcing you to buy A+ content DLC.

the problem is that their game quality is dropping rapidly

that's the fucking problem

? is there some written rule that owners of a game MUST own all the dlc a game has to offer?

most of it is just fluff and if people buy it then hey that's their prerogative. meanwhile the actual worthwhile dlc that adds mechanics to the game is there for those who want that.

i mean am i supposed to complain about options like this?

Well CK2 has been out for a long time at this point. I don't think the game quality is dropping off. if you're into tougher GSGs then there are others for you to play.

meanwhile the actual worthwhile dlc that adds shit that should have been there on release to the game*

fixed that for you

EU IV drop in quality
CK2 drop in quality after the first few patches
Stellaris half complete
HOI 4 looks completely casualized

are you shilling or just willfully ignorant?

And nothing of value was lost. Fuck Paracucks.

Why won't their market crash already..

They are the only dev who cater to the Grand Strategy niche.


I really really don't like the direction EU4 is going in. But I don't think that it'll only go downhill. I think the reason everything's been a bit half-assed is because of games development changing hands so we get completely different people and their views on the game influencing development, and Paradox being too thinly stretched. Just being honest.

>This is the group of people who will make the next Vampire: the Masquerade game

I am legitimately horrified now. I was happy Paradox got it, but on the other hand I was just happy that anyone but CCP had it.

Oh no now their games will be nickel and dime DLC ridden bullshit

Tencent is such a frighteningly large company

This is an actual improvement.
Maybe now the base game will be free to get you to spend 300$ on DLC

more arrows mean better gameplay

>The chink jews are taking over
You heard it here first folks.

Chinks are worse than jews.
Just ask anyone that does business with them.


remember pearl harbor btw

Where is that screencap? I need it now.

Fuck Tencent is the jew of Chink, but I still have hope for a GS game with ancient china, right... guys?
Man imagine all those sweet political fighting internal conflict between clan and shit, with CK2 char system

>remember pearl harbor btw
never forgit

Imagine all those sweet sweet DLCs and transactions instead.

they could have three kingdoms dlc for all I care, pirate it anyway

>what's the problem with 99% of everything in the game being cut out at launch to nickel and dime back to you later
no idea Johan

Like that article says thats pretty much a deal exclusive to China so who cares?

How does Call of Duty Online effect anyone here?

Paradox is going to give those chinamen the rights to make their own versions of Paradox titles with shittier mechanics and even more DLC exclusively for the China market and thats it.

I dunno, maybe tencent will fix this somehow, from the fact that China is biggest pirating market

>shittier mechanics
what worse could they do to gs?
make it f2p and buying optional clans?

But the chinks hate history as most of in paints them in a negative light. How would any historically accurate game work in China?

Whatever, they're removing tech groups in the next patch anyway. Can't imagine any way to more fundamentally fuck up the gameplay.

>hurr durr native americans had tech parity with europeans b/c racis

F2P is given.

And yeah. They will most likely make factions DLC.

EU4 is actually very popular in China. They treat Ming like we treat Rome.

Thise never ceases to astound me.

where is this meme from, this isn't mao's rule anymore, these fag love historical stuff as much as you burger love guns,
take a look at any chink major channel and you can see it's swarmed with historical movies, series, show and such,

I wonder what they think of Victoria 2

>muh shameful 100 years
it's their most butthurt period after jap in ww2
probably trying to turn Quing into top power and always annex Jap, and Korea in spare time, maybe south east asia too since they're monkeys

If paradox attempts to corner the market in China, can we get a Three Kingdoms game out of it?

I want Cao Cao to be the Troll Empire of China.

Or more RPG games set in a Chinese style setting without the fucking Engrish please.

In HOI3 the arrows are just aesthetic so you can keep track of the grand battle plan that you personally have come up with.

In HOI4 its telling the AI to take control of all your units and play for you.

Woo hoo

yeah I so want a chink game with ck2 system, must be fun,
>without the fucking Engrish
then how do we even play it you nig

I hope not. Chinese history is gay as shit. In fact that applies to all Asian history before the yuros showed up.

They already came up with solution.

Online only.

I smell money laundry in there.

Paradox started out as a literal pen and paper role playing company, tencent has always been slimy since the beginning.

saying that Tencent has a history of supportig new game genres should be described as "we have a bag of cash here, you can have some if you make us profit" that is the gist of tencents business.

>gay as shit.
better than a bunch of nobles staying in their ugly stone castle, drinking and whipping peasants allday until their king (the biggest noble) call them to war

fuck it gonna be a gay webgame isn't it

Paradox already made Sengoku so they could do a Three Kingdoms as well

He was so cool in that show.

well they just want to open the GS market in china, which is considered huge

shit is easy, just slap a chink skin over CK2
change some trait to chinky stuff, like muh honorable, muh Daoist
change noble title to governor of province assigned by imperial court, well with shit like 3k it probably be warlord

Even in the original Three Kingdoms it's hard to see how he became "the villain".

He actually tried to govern as a warlord and made huge strides in apparently bringing agriculture and education back to China. When he died he asked for a simple funeral because he failed to unite the country. He apparently treated his vassals and soldiers like family and overall was a pretty standup guy.

Honestly he would've been a hero if he won.

? is there some written rule that owners of a game MUST own all the dlc a game has to offer?


He became the villain because it was politically convenient at the time for the later dynasties to write it that way.

the author of Rotk is zhueliang fangay and he bass cao cao with all might
every fucking warlords wanted a piece of the land then united all under heaven, may be only cao cao actually want stabilization

As a fan of World of Darkness, I'm fucken nervous again.

After last year's acquisition I didn't need this shit

when key features of the game are locked behind a paywall yes.

this looks pretty cool, is it worth watching? is it fully subbed?

>CK2 Expansion
>Wonder why all the mongols or whatever look like white people
>Oh you bought the expansion, but you actually have to buy the portrait packs and music and unit packs and building packs separately!
>Wait what the fuck even comes in the expansion then?!?

I've never paid for a Paradox expansion or DLC since.

Good goy. Thanks for funding game development for the rest of us.

The worst part is on boards like /r/paradoxplaza, paradoxplaza in genera, /r/ck2 etc everyone literally sucks the dick of Paradox and actually say they have the best DLC method of anyone and anyone complaining is just entitled.

>Pay for expansion thinking you will get the content
>Nope, you have to buy 10 other packs to get the full content of the expansion
>Complaining about this is entitled.

Fuck I hate corporate sycophants.

Found Fredrik Wester hold 30% of the company.
Investment company Spiltan holds another 30%.

Meaning it is possible to have a hostile takeover, without Fredrik Wester's consent, if Spilitan makes a deal.
I think its a matter of time. Ubisoft nearly lost their company to a similar deal.

So whats going on ten cent is buying literally everything is this literally chink Disney or something? How many games have they ruined?

How many games have they ruined?
They mostly own minority stakes in successful developers.
They don't ruin games, at least they haven't yet.

they pretty much just slapped chinese skin over popular series and released it to their market

>Lose because a friendly hit you with a torpedo

You don't know Paradox, right? They're one of the most jewish publishers in existence.


>Conclave is utter shit

How did they fuck up so much?

By adding Punishing elements in the game

Yes and yes

Just look at Stellaris

It's basically not even a game, just a template to add the actual game to, and people PAID for it.

What I hate about Paradox is they'll release both the DLC and the DLC content pack. They really should be one DLC. I want to like them but they are so damn greedy.

I think the best way to purchase Paradox games is to wait a few years for everything to be released and go on sale really cheaply. I got Victoria II and HoI3 plus all the DLC for the cost of base game EUIV.

Basically the same thing only their castles are made of paper.

On the plus side, because the dlc is all packaged and loaded individually, you can still load the graphical updates even if you're not going to use the expansion & revert back to an early version of the game

>the best way to purchase Paradox games is

Just fucking pirate them all, that's what I've been doing since CK2

That's also an option. Buy the base game and pirate the dlc if you want to play multiplayer.

I'm a lazy cunt that can't be bothered because it's slightly more effort, personally.

>Release Date: 14 Feb, 2012
>still 39,99€
>241,43€ worth of DLC

Removing Crown Authority and getting rid of a good education system, for one thing.