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He warned you but you didn't listen.

whats up with those portraits

wow it's fucking nothing

To be fair to MN9, they made it pretty clear that the left was just concept art and nothing more.

Still shitty they didn't go with that style, because God knows it was 6 million times better.

>trying to fling shit at bloodstained

Nice try.

Weren't the left side of both just concept art? Pretty sure that was stated? And isn't bloodstained far from release?

>Those copypasta assets


Backer portraits. Basically you're forced to look at some fat goony beard man while you're playing the game because he paid more than most.

Face in the game kickstarter reward

Concept art are not promess

>very early screen mostly used for testing out which visual style people want them to go with
>still trying to shitpost this hard

Follow the rules. Thread hidden.

>whats up with those portraits
People who backed the game

OP probably expected it to be 2D.

I think the game is fleshing out nicely, possibly one of the few Kickstarters that actually delivers.

whoah now, bloodstained still has plenty of time to improve, and the art style is ACTUALLY the same, unlike mn9.

it could fail, but as of now the odds are still in its favor.

It's an in-joke at this point. And Sup Forums only hates MN9 because of Dina.

As expected from the master, Mr Inafune

>trying to drag down the actual good project with the absolute shit one

>mfw MN9

do you honestly expect for everyone of those very similar looking objects to be modeled and textured individually? That is not how game development works. Every developer does this.

That's kind of pathetic.

Fuck this game.

Or because it actually looks like shit. 4 million dollars for that. What the fuck


>2D games in 2016

Looks like Digiorno delivered the pain.

Why didn't they just use 2d hand painted sprites? The games' ideas got people interested and the art hooked them, why not give them what you showed them? I seriously cannot think of a 2.5d platformer that looks good. Seriously talk about disappointing. All those poor backers.

>those portraits

what the fuck

>both are real
Holy shit

As big of a fuck up as that was, it was more of a community issue and didn't really have any impact on the game itself. I legitimately don't like the way the title turned out. That dash-kill mechanic is going to get old faster than Raiden's executions in Metal Gear Rising.

>What we were promised
OP, come back with a better image.


Cheesus Chrust

The least they couldve done was have one of the artists draw each portrait in the game's style. Or hell, just put it through a Photoshop filter to make the photo look more native. But nope, apparently photographs of the real world lazily inserted into a chibi 3d world are sufficient.

Jesus fucking Christ.

>concept art
>promised anything

Are you mad about #FE, too?
Look at other posts for Bloodstained. It's coming along nicely. IGA actually worked on his games.

oh dont even try that, she stopped being a problem a long time ago, and she was ultimately a minor one.

here, take a look at the final bosses model, (which you only get to see for 90 seconds anyway, after you defeat her monster form)
and compare it to becks.

see a fucking problem?

They did. Those were placeholders.

Of all the fucking memes to survive the 90's and we're still stuck with SEGA of america.

Post yfw you didnt backed this shit.

They're the same?

Imagine being one of the people who got their face in MN9

Imagine having to live with the shame


>that face

top fucking bantz

I hate it because it looks like a fucking mess of a game despite their massive budget.
that and removing temporary transformations like they first pitched made me pretty bitter.

I must admit I'm positive about Bloodstained. From what we've seen so far it looks like it's coming along nicely. The kick attack seemed a little weird but with a little tweaking it'll probably be fine

That's fuckin' art, man


They should make an anti-kickstarter, people pay them not to release the game and ruin the reputation of all the backers.

No boobs and ass is too big?

Shovel Knight did the same thing.

I don't get it. What's fresh about Sonic? Or do they mean everyone else is delayed because he's fast?

How many people have actually played these games to 100% completion yet?

No they didn't

>mfw people gambled away their money to play megaman for the 100th time

Games are fun but sometimes you just gotta move on.

But they did. They were just ebin pixel art versions of the guys.

>screenshot of the game at some point
>finished product

>concept art
>unfinished product

Allahu Akbar


Wow, you're retarded

take a look at how deformed beck looks, especially his arms. his textures and reflections are also inferior to the final bosses as well.

i would also show his shit weight painting, but i dont have any vids, so screenshots will have to do.

this is the main character, and they made him look like shit, while whats effectively an Easter egg thats twice as complicated looks miles better.

how man, just how?

retard hall of fame
Daily reminder that the creators of Myst have made an infinitely better-looking game in literally the same timeframe with a much smaller team and was kickstarted with a third of MN9's budget.

>didnt bakced

How hard is it to spellcheck your shit before posting it?

I can see what you're coming from. I honestly through that Beck's retarded proportions, or atleast his arms, were intentional


No, Sup Forums hates MN9 because it is a fucking train wreck, a really funny, completely egregious train wreck.

I bet they made him SUPER EARLY in the development cycle. Then the whole stupid thing got a shitload of money and stupidly popular, upping the further development goals, but they never bothered to remake assets they already had.

Which proves they are lazy as fuck either way.

Good work editing out those "concept art not final" captions, op

he spelled it right, it was just past tense instead of present you fuck nugget.

>Oh nooooooo, I lost $20!!!

Damn, Sup Forums really IS full of kids and jobless NEETs

>mfw i didnt back it or follow it
knew it would be shit from day 1
feels good to know so many people are buttmad over this shit when it means nothing to me

too hard for you apparently

This just keeps getting better holy shit

>Everyone voted for the shittiest shader option

>MN9 is Inafune's Daikatana
>The last trailer is his "make you his bitch" moment

>Which proves they are lazy as fuck either way.

Small dev team, and once MN9 was done, they moved on to making Red Ash. Inafune has an empire he needs to create after all!

It's because sonic twitter is an epic memer while the MN9 trailer was incredibly lame.



its confusingly bad actually, you can take a look at any vid of beck running, and his walk and run cycles are stupid.

this is because not only does he have hands that are needlessly huge, his shoulders are incredibly small, and his torso gets narrower towards the top. meaning his arms can never be in a resting position, or they clip right through him.

not to mention that his hips and thighs are merged somehow, making his upper leg animations weird.

>I didn't have the money at the time. I'm so glad I lucked out in the end!

Im more worried about the jaggies on the ground that the camera position makes

Did you ever think about the $20 you heartless monster? How it feels about your treachery?

>user why did you give me to the bad men
>i told you they were lying, they just wanted me
>why did you give me up to them
>its so cold here daddy
>why am i so cold

What a day to be alive

>MN9 fans so fucking salty they need to drag down Bloodstained

fuck off

I still don't understand. This happened on the internet right? People on the internet are assholes.

>not looking amazing after only 3 months of work

Good one.

Post more smug

>I have disposable income so I enjoy pissing it against a wall

What a retard. If I had a giant cake I wouldn't fling a couple of slices at a passing falcon and waste it just because I had plenty of cake.

>massive budget
4 million is fucking nothing for a vidya budget, they use that to wipe their asses during CoD development

You, sir, win the internet!! XD
*up vote*

I backed it.

Because CoD has overly inflated dev team.

nice render, dude

>That retarded analogy

What is there to understand? MN9 trailer was a trainwreck. Sonic twitter made fun of it. Digiorno jumped in on it.
Did you watch the trailer and know that MN9 has a history of delays? The jokes/references should be pretty obvious if you did.

No user, 99% of the stuff on kickstarter ends up different than what they promises, or just straight up sucks. It was just common sense.
>didn't have the money at the time
You're right user, there is never room in my budget for greedy lying devs. If I buy something I get what I purchased.

That's missing a [screams internally] caption.

Miriam is cute! Cute!


what's retarded about it? i mean, the falcon bit is a little non-sequitur but his point still comes across

what's the point in throwing away a small amount of [thing] just because you have a large amount of [thing]?

Yeah, cause Castlevania never used tiling before.


Bloodstained is shaping up to be pretty cool tbqh family.