Are the Japanese the most perverted game developers or is there an underground European or American porn game community I've just never heard of?
Are the Japanese the most perverted game developers or is there an underground European or American porn game community...
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Mirai a shit.
Mirai a best.
Mirai a okay.
Also your point is?
I want to fart on Mirai!
I want to ignore Mirai!
Interesting thread you guys have here.
I want to _pet Mirai
>Are the Japanese the most perverted
Stopped reading there. The answer is yes no matter how that sentence ends.
>underground European or American porn game community
Now that you mention it. Nobody make as much H game as Japan what the fuck.
If such community exists in Anglosphere or Europe we would fucking know it. Maybe there's one in Russia or Africa but we dont know what the fuck is going on over there.
Westerners are perverted but aint no one got the time to make porngames. Japanese or on another level of perversion, hence all the games. They really dedicate their life to a single pursuit like fucking neo-samurais of perversion.
So suddenly it's bad for developers to be able to make whatever they want?
The thing is that with Japan it's not even a community. It's a proper industry at this point.
How can other countries even compete?
They aren't ashamed of it. They enjoy it and don't hide it. Unlike the west, where everything somewhat sexual is a taboo and people are shamed for liking stuff.
Maybe we should nuke europe and usa as well.
You can make a living off making lewd things in Japan.
Western women are the biggest whores though and white men are too pussy to admit they like tits. Basically Cuck Culture.
I think it was one of the BestFriends who said something like
>If you're in japan, if you're playing something like Senran, that's just fucking normal. Nobody cares. If you're playing like, DOOM or something super violent, then your parents are gonna shun the shit out of you
>and then in America, that's reversed
Their culture doesn't stigmatise sexuality as much, but they probably wouldn't care much for really excessive violence.
Meanwhile we just have a total murderboner in America
so why was her Mary JayJay cursed again?
>Just a little. American journalists have come to me and told me that my hentai scenes will corrupt American youth. Yet, you still have very little gun control in America, and kids have access to this all the time. You see in Japan, nothing happens, you can walk on the street in the middle of the night with a skimpy T-shirt or a mini-skirt on and nothing happens, but, in American, seems like you really care about the human rights of the anime and manga world. You don’t give a shit about real human rights, but you will do all you can to judge or put down Japanese culture.
damn he has nice opinion I'll admit that
Please don't sexualize the shiburin.
>and white men are too pussy to admit they like tits.
When has this ever been true, every guy I know is pretty outspoken of their love for tits and ass.
>You see in Japan, nothing happens, you can walk on the street in the middle of the night with a skimpy T-shirt or a mini-skirt on and nothing happens
That's rich coming from someone in a country that has to separate trains by gender just to keep the passagers from raping each other.
>neo samurai of perversion
Molestation is not rape. It's a problem, but don't use hyperbole.
dude you confused porn with life
Do that IRL and you go to gulag
>muh eye patch of donut steel since my character was a bland piece of shit so I just cut one of her eyes out
I fucking hate this meme why don't japs have any originality
Obviously the solution is integrate them again. It'd make the women feel wanted and the men can have something to brighten up their day. Nothing but good can come of this.
Of course they are.
They don't even see pedophilia as a crime. Just an odd, "oh look, Wasabi is at it again, what a nut!" personality quirk.
To not get raped, but she forgot to lock the backdoor.
Another tripfag on the blacklist
I Just remembered after he pealed off the talisman shit got loose and he went back to the RL of being her daddy/manservant
Being that butthurt some people look down on you for fapping to anime children.
In western media. Basically by white cucks for for cucks.
I live in Japan and have never seen a segregated train by gender. Who told you this?
He's right though. What is the closest 3D analogue you can think of to loli? I'll give you a tip, it isn't dwarfs.
Child Welfare Law, yes it is.
Article 34
>dumb tripfag shitposting with an ignorant opinion
Rape doujins, what else?
Oh you mean in vidya, who gives a shit, female characters are fucking shit anyways.
You're right, I got it wrong. It's not full trains, it's just some cars
>bottom right
Not even, Russians just download hentai
The problem with western porn game communities is most of them consist of cheap scams or flash crap. The forays into it has been rather lacklustre. Ripened Peach, 3dxChat and Sexvilla are the only one who really knows how to make porn games
The fact that you can convince a NEET to pay 60-90 bux for a unity/renpy porn game is still an achievement.
Sex negativity isn't the only factor but cost to profit ratio is
>Oh you mean in vidya, who gives a shit
Sup Forums - video games
He didn't imply that at all. Stop looking for reasons to throw a fit.
>Maybe we should nuke europe and usa as well.
Nothing of value would be lost
>Sex negativity isn't the only factor but cost to profit ratio is
I'd say it's both. If you're a good artist in the west, people finding out you draw porn sounds like it's a good way to nuke your professional career.
im kinda baked and in multiple boards and im just clicking the threads with cute girls in em
I want to fucking move out of this shitty country
He's wrong. There are cars for only women though, which is also weird.
But seriously though, I think that's more of a western influence and feminism.
Bruce Timm.
And yes I do agree there is the air of sex negativity.
Sadly though we tried, we really tried but our games sucked for some reason
I still find it funny, that people complain about Sylvanas looks like the undead she is now. And anyways now shelooks like a true supermodel.
>If you're in japan, if you're playing something like Senran, that's just fucking normal. Nobody cares. If you're playing like, DOOM or something super violent, then your parents are gonna shun the shit out of you
None of this is true at all. I'm not surprised one of those dipshit youtubers said it.
I wonder if it's the same reason why traditional animation died in the US, and before then it couldn't escape the Disney ghetto despite some attempts in the 70s and 80s.
>Bruce Timm
I'll never understand how DC let him be in charge of most of the DC animated stuff even though he's done some pretty lewd stuff, maybe DC is more liberal about it?
I want to tell Mirai she's pretty!
Well sure, if you really ACT on it.
But they're fine with sexualizing children because they view it as celebrating "cuteness". (A 13 year old in a bikini?!? SCORE!)
Japan is really rather fucked up and backwards, socially.
I really wish I could share my dank through the internet, imagine how fucking rad that would be. And whats doobies? I only ever did hash, weed and LSD.
Not on my watch buddy.
Still have never seen or heard of anything like that in my 5 years of living here.
>VR and PC release mods
I'm hype
>But seriously though, I think that's more of a western influence and feminism.
What? Those cars were deemed necessary because women getting groped on trains was a common occurrence.
They also have signs at train stations that basically say "Oh, hey, a pervert might try to grope you. Just an FYI."
But the women are expected to take it, because females are submissive and subservient in Japan.
>(A 13 year old in a bikini?!? SCORE!)
yeah, america only goes for toddler beauty pageants
You'd lose me, I'm fucking awesome
Actually they are really mature socially. They are backwards and fucked up when it comes to adopting new technologies and methods of doing things however.
>(A 13 year old in a bikini?!? SCORE!
Do I find that distasteful, yes. Is it CP? No.
And the US has those beauty pageants for kids, complete with swimsuit contests with bikinis. It's the exact same thing.
Or how the US paparazzi will make creepshots on underage movie stars?
Don't act like only Japan's shit stinks.
On the note on children wearing bikinis. It really pisses me off that they wear that to match the mother. Parents treating their children like accessories makes me mad as hell.
Let me explain
It exists, as an option for people who actually care about crime in country where crimes don't happen. I bet there're more people getting groped in Murica than Tokyo.
Anyway, the female only cars are mostly on the first or last car of a train in packed cities like Tokyo. It's not enforced, just more of a "please cooperate" kind of stuffs. If you are a man and go on there because you didn't saw the sign, it's totally ok. Also it's not active all the time, the rule applies when the train is packed (like during 7-9am morning rush.) And even so they don't enforce law or anything if you accidentally get on one, as long as you don't live out your AV fantasies
Not showing emotion, avoiding all physical contact, and advocating incest is mature?
And let's not forget how child abuse isn't wrong, but calling the police because you heard your neighbor beating the shit out of his daughter IS.
That's not true at all and is just a shitty myth weeaboos who have never been to japan perpetuate
Video games in public that are not mobile games are for losers in japan, no different to here
>(A 13 year old in a bikini?!? SCORE!)
I don't see you complaining about beaches or toddler beauty pageants, fuck off.
Oh, shit like Toddlers and Tiaras is just as bad, no doubt.
But reality TV in general is disgusting and a cheap excuse to mock society's lessers.
once more, I have never seen such signs either. They must either be really rare or something that was mostly in use before I came here.
>because females are submissive and subservient in Japan.
Women in Japan are more likely to willingly take on traditional gender roles, but none of the women I have met here I would describe as "subservient". As for "submissive"- that is Japan as a whole, generally speaking. Everyone submits to the person higher up on the hierarchy. There is a lot of 'forced' humility in the culture. Everyone here is "submissive" as fuck, and I havent noticed any significant difference between males or females in this regard.
It really feels like you have a perspective of Japan that isn't reflective of reality.
>it's alright when Amuhrica does it
I pray you die in a very painful, very slow way.
>It really feels like you have a perspective of Japan that isn't reflective of reality.
Compared to yours that is based on anime. Nice.
>Not showing emotion
Yes, making emotional outbursts is immature. Stoicism is traditionally a sign of self-control and maturity.
>avoiding all physical contact
Respecting personal boundaries is also a sign of respect and maturity.
>advocating incest
Just because erotic fiction writes about it, does not mean it is advocated. A mature individual can read something, entertain it, but not believe in it or think it should be acted on in reality.
I didn't say it is.
>mfw source isn't in the filename
More people need to just filter stupid tripfags.
It's more than erotic fiction, though. Look at Sword Art Online. Mainstream novel series, with a girl that wants to boink her brother. Or cousin, I forget.
He said he's from japan, retard
but we do
He said he was from Japan on Sup Forums, retard. I'm posting from the ISS.
tolerated =/= advocated
Like violence in media.
They are just honest about what they enjoy, and if they dont like it, they understand it's for someone else.
Being sexual degenerates is fucking japanese DNA by now.
It's his cousin. But it's evocative of an older brother/younger sister relation.
SAO is otakubait. Just because it became popular otakubait doesn't mean it doesn't have otaku pandering.
Most light novels are the teen fantasy of Japan, except most of the readers are adult men.
Japs are sick fucks and no one has them beat. End of story.
I dunno man, Murica is literally btfo in your pic.
USA may be a great country, but the majority of people are stupid. There are too many rednecks, politically incorrect fat cunt, and people so stupid they bring down the average.
There's a difference there. I don't see see incest all around, while violence is a staple of American society.
>politically incorrect
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Found it with some ingenuity.
>Not showing emotion
You have never been here before, the Japanese people can be very emotional. However they are also very "reserved". Its about not bothering people with stupid bullshit that no one cares about. Let me give you an example you can relate to. Being a full blown autistic anime fanboy is annoying and shunned in both Japanese and American culture. But the difference is why. In American culture it is shunned for stupid and immature reasons such as its "weird" and not "normal". It is "weaboo". In American culture, the reason for the shun never evolved beyond elementary school logic.
In Japan, its more layered, nuanced, and logical. They actually do not give a single fuck if you love anime and watch it all the time and collect thousands of lewd figurines and whatever else you fucking do. What bothers them is the way you act. If you are acting like a full blown autist talking only about your obsession and constantly making references about it all the time around people who dont get it or dont get and generally being an annoying bitch, then the Japanese people shun you and treat you like shit. Meanwhile, you act like a fucking reasonable and functioning member of society, and you can be into whatever the fuck you want and they give no fucks.
>avoiding all physical contact
Only applies to public environments, and even then, only if it is super intimate physical contact. The Japanese are actually more touchy feely than you would believe. Intimacy and public spaces are the key factors here, but that still doesnt stop my elementary students from attempting Kancho on my ass anytime I am in the halls.
>advocating incest is mature
The Japanese have a clear understanding of the divide between fiction and non-fiction. They advocate for incest no more than America advocates for murder and slaughter and explosions.
>how child abuse isn't wrong
I want to hear an example of this, because they take child abuse very seriously over here.
I'll take sexual deviants any day before murder enthusiasts.
I dunno, but I would think being correct is better
dat bottom left
fuck me whenever I see a chick with purple or blue skin my dick becomes diamonds
If he means holding "incorrect" political opinions than that makes sense.
Political correctness or lack of it has a different connotation over here.