
webm thread
overwatch webums preferably

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Have you been living under a rock?


I don't see it on Steam.


fuck forgot to resize that one. sorry for potato quality




Do you think it's nice to bully people who put zero points into vig?

Fucking hell, thats pretty sweet.

Oh you poor lost little child. Please don't be in these threads anymore young one.

Not a webm but pretty sic potg


its just tough love



people actually struggled with this.
here is a full size version
bleez subscribe

pharah and D.va best girls

>Play of the game: This character slowly walks forward while holding left click with her infinite ammo no-reload cannon at point-blank range with people not even trying to shoot back



>four (4) Reinhardts just turtling at the point

but thats not whats happening.

>Quiet resolve
I have more respect for the guy who got killed

probably one of the only situations D.vas ult is good for.
pushing people off the payload in overtime

>play of the game
>every single match you're forced to watch some shitty replay

i wish darkhand scaled. i wanted to do a full pvp build with it and sacred flame

Its been so long since a webm thread was started.




dick move


I haven't seen a play of the game that is even slightly impressive yet.

team fortress 2
with waifu mods


that's an alpha demo, right?

These Play Of The Game things look horribly dull, is this supposed to be 'the coolest' moment of the match?


BlueAccomplishedAmazondolphin on gfycat, webm too big.


play of the games are calculated by who pressed Q the best. Not even joking.

I run in 1v4 as reinhardt, kill them all and get out alive but PotG goes to mccree that killed 2 people with his ulti

Supposed to be but they don't work very well and it can pick shitty ones.

holy shit thats great

what is this, Dark KANGZ?

>TFW want to do WebMs
>dont know how


webms for retards.txt

No, it's the actual game

pretty much
>dark souls inspired

it was like $10 so I figured why the fuck not, was looking for an egypt themed game, would not recc, takes artificial difficulty to a new level

I remember doing something similar with 3 people, but that was great.


go to /wsg/
read the sticky
download webm for retards or whatever the updated version is, drag and drop video into it, set maximum file size to 3mb



is this movie good? haven't seen anything outside of friends with matthew perry in it

>that douche begging for votes in the chat

I wonder if people like that even know you don't get anything.



And I though Pyro took little skill


You get extra xp, it's not enough to be begging for, but it still hurts when you're at 4 votes and the last faggot still votes for himself even if he was at 0.

>press q to win

goty everyone

>that reaper

Its sometimes good ones, but normally a Q press trumps it because its chosen by total points gained, which is calculated by kills/damage, heals, objective, ect




Wow the other time was bad.

Thanks user

Have this cutie as thanks

O shit Toten I used to play TF2 with this dude on Water's server

what i don't understand is when you've getting back into your bot and if people shoot your from the front. they do damage directly to dva not her bot. fucking stupid


get some glasses you sperglord

You got baited hard friend

You don't get xp, it's just for bragging rights.

Fuck you faggots!!!!

If you get 5+ you get extra XP go try it now


But user, Berserk a shit

yujin wo kae o kurae

>hit someone point blank with knockback
>they fly back 6 inches

What the fuck

jesus, that widow suck ass.

>the widowmaker couldn't even land a single headshot during that entire ult

Holy shit that's terrible

A lot of loyalty for a hired gun

>attacks him when he gestured
what bothers me more is that he summoned you

So is your mother.
Pure shit!!!
The bitch aint worth shit couse she is shit.
Who is the dumb fuck that fucked that fat filthy bitch aanyway?

Who the fuck would do that and why!???
Do you know who fuck your mother?

>Press control to win

Why do you fags point out controls, they are all the same at this point in time why do I always see this nitpicking shit.

>AC:Unity Rendering glitch

>what bothers me more is that he summoned you

No he didn't.


*Ryujin no Ken wo Kurae
Taste the blade of the dragon lord.

>he still hasn't learned Japanese

so where's your ember? you can't invade unembered hosts unless they have a summon and in that case, where was his summon?

it's rare you can even invade a host who doesn't have a summon and will gesture you without rushing

it's a logical conclusion that you were summoned


no problem man, knowing you'll make OC is reward enough

that did not look very balanced



>tfw webms went from entertaining clips to pressing Q and doing literally nothing

god fucking dammit.

If youre Mercy, you can jump and hover to avoid getting frozen by Mei's ult

he can be damaged while doing that and his HP isn't very high