Be me

>be me
>play Overwatch
>decide to give arcade a shot
>play pharah
>realize I can now fly in the air indefinitely
>no one can shot me down
>become the Egyptian angel of death
>knock people off the map
>just being a general nuisance
>blow Widowmakers to smithereens and wreck Torbjorns shit
>entire team sees the destruction i have brought
>everybody switches to Pharah
>nobody can shot us down
>none of us even touch the ground just wrecking every-bodies shit
>win 7 games in a row as all Pharah

Pharah is love Pharah is life

Other urls found in this thread:

kill yourself

A good widowmaker can always blow you the fuck out of the sky. It's always fucking satisfying to hear "JUSTICE RAINS- AUGH!"

>>Be me

Pharah does not belong in this game.
The engine is not designed in the slightest for aerial combat, so as soon as she pops up she instantaneously has the advantage over any situation. This is NOT good design for a class based """"""""""balance-focused"""""""""" FPS.
Poor show Blizzard.

git gud faggot.



Fuck off. You and every other one of those faggots that create needless overwatch threads.

Your post could easily be made in an existing thread, but you started a new one to get more attention, faggot

newfag the post

Yeah, that's pretty great on Gibraltar... then you go to the cluster maps and play against a team of Mei on defense.
Only way to even push the cart is to constantly spam Lucio's airblast.
Forget about actually killing anyone unless you get a lucky DVa ult.


Cry more you little Valvefag, have a look at Twitch viewers right now. There is interest in this game whether you like it or not. Hop off back to dead TF2.

>Sniper's wet dream: the map
>being pharah in sniperland

enjoy your deaths

>I won in arcade.

Wow It's fucking nothing.

>>be me
>furry picture
kill yourself my man

Gr8 b8. Fuck off, buttbaby cancer.

Not like a Fox in Space

I don't even like TF2.
And my post wasn't about whether the game was popular or not. Reading comprehension.
Your post reeks of underaged, automatically assuming some one must be slandering the game because they like something else and bringing up twitch viewers

fuck him

Sure is easy to sniper me when I'm spamming concussive blasts at you every 2 seconds and have double health.

Pharah is literally "Free Hits: The Character"
Why play a character that purposely exposes herself to every angle of attack? Her ult isn't even that strong compared to other large AoE ults.

sounds like you dont know how to play her well