New My Nintendo Reward
Why haven't you got me yet Bitch?!?!!
New My Nintendo Reward
Why haven't you got me yet Bitch?!?!!
>he buys 3ds games
>Why haven't you got me yet Bitch?!?!!
what did he mean by this?
>2 posts
>1 IP
user this is beyond pathetic already
but I already pirate you
>only a measly 15% discount
Granted you don't buy Plat coins, but it's still shit.
Why not a full 20%?
>spend $240 on digital games to get a FREE Wii game download!
And you have to do it within 6 months.
>5 posts
>6 posters
RIP in pizza CN
We never knew how good you were until it got worse
If you're gonna get this game, keep in mind it's almost nothing like the original. It's a very cartoony, Scooby-Doo type of "scary".
Not that the original was that scary either, but if you were young it would scare the living shit out of you. This game probably wouldn't scare you even as a kid.
Also it's not really about exploring a mansion, it's more just solving puzzles. The puzzles do get really good, though.
Overall it's a good game and harder than I expected it to be.
Well getting a free fucking game shouldn't be just handed out with every two purchases, should it?
The point is to encourage you to buy more games and reward you for buying lots of games. Find me a rewards program that gives you a $40 product for spending less than $400.
Nah, fuck that game. It gets REALLY repetitive and the mission based structure is stupid.
>$40 product
And the original wasn't repetitive?
>enter room
>suck up all ghosts
>get key
>go to next room
>rinse and repeat the whole game
Because I pirated it forever ago
Fuck you if you're actually defending this fucking garbage "promotion" sale
>buy 3 cars and get one FREE tire
No, how about you eat shit?
They want you to spend hundreds of dollars so they can give you a """"""free""""" download of a Wii game you could purchase for $10 and play on your fucking Wii U as well.
Even PS+ has better deals than this shit and it's $60 a year.
Video games aren't products that have any residual value. Especially when you're only rewarding people who buy digitally, these people can't sell or lend out their games to friends etc.
A single physical game of Mario could be played by hundreds of people. A single digital game of Mario will be played by one person. They really need to incentivize this because it's not worth giving up your right to first sale for it. They're getting so much more money out of you, they should throw you a bone. Instead they're colossal fucking jews and they deserve the painful death that's coming for them
Yes, but at least it was shorter (DM is twice as long [14 or so hours]) and didn't pull you out of the mansion every minute.
The game also has online multiplayer, and is really fun. And hard.
Dark Moon is severaly underrated and I would be very sad if they don't implement the same mode in the next game.
because miitomo looks boring
and I already own it
>Why haven't you got me yet Bitch?!?!!
because I have cfw
Nintendo games don't really go down in price, whether you think it's worth it or not doesn't change the fact that it is still a $40 game I'm pretty sure.
And I'm not saying it's a good system, because their coin system is garbage, but the reward is generous. Buy two get one free is a sale, not a rewards program. It is retarded that they expect you to buy it in one month instead of like a quarter or something, but there's no problem with the value of the reward vs the value needing to be spent. I mean what do you expect, a free game for ever hundred dollars? That's giving you back 40% of what you spent.