Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
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You for watching unfunny youtube retards
The knight. Potion seller knows his potions, if he had sold potions to the knight and they killed him he could be held liable.
The OP
The knight for trying to drink a potion too strong for himself to handle.
You're just being contrarian
Potion Seller should've just sold him the potion.
He tried to warn the adventurer that his potions are too powerful but he want didn't listen. Not the Potion Seller's problem if he goes out and dies.
In a perfect world, men like me would not exist.
But this is not a perfect world.
The jews for causing the battle the knight is about to fight in and for causing the alchemist to make dangerous potions just to make a fucking living.
the video is okay but the joke wears thin after 1 exchange.
Why hasn't Potion seller not been referenced yet in any video games? With 2 million views, I'm sure at least one game developer has seen it.
The merchant. The knight was clearly prepared for the worst. You don't deny a man with such passion in his heart his potions. If it killed him, so be it. He wouldn't regret his decision.
Its the potion sellers right to refuse sale for any reason that he wants.
It was the monsters who buy potions, of course. The potion seller was forced to brew new potions for them in order to keep up with demand that were too strong for normal travelers to consume.
Fair nuff
potion seller is a bro who puts the safety of his customers before profit
The potion seller is a rascal with no respect for knights
Holy shit those are some puffy areolas on that robot.
The potion seller says his potion can do anything that knights can. It implies that he already drank them without dying. Conclusion: the potion seller is a fucking liar and is discriminatory against knights.
>spend your life perfecting your craft
>have the widest variety of ice cream known to man
>lots of flavorful toppings
>novelty baseball cap cups
>people just want plain vanilla in a cone
Why is this allowed?
We've been through this a million times
The Knight
Van Darkholme
Quentin-hating faggots
cookies and cream sound so fucking good right now.
Found the Trump supporter
These are correct. The Potion seller was a rascal who gained nothing but ego by denying a potion to the knight.
If he was so great, why didn't he just make a potion suited to the knight, and then just tell him it was the strongest he could provide for him. It would both fulfill the request and be technically true, satisfying his conscience (If he even had one, considering he sent the knight off to die.)
Seller. As long as you disclaim and warn then it's a buyer beware situation.
The capitalist in me says the potion seller, since it was well within his rights in a free market to buy and sell as he sees fit, however the boxer in me says the knight, since if a man has his convictions and is steadfast in them, then let him imbibe in them.
Gonna have to say Knight here.
I like how the camera slowly zooms throughout the video. It makes us feel the distress of the character when confronted with a world that doesn't recognize his skills. What a moving piece of art.
>Implying you even #FeeltheBern unless you reject the potion seller's right to sell to whom he pleases
I can't even
I legit teared up at that for some reason
Games take a while to make, and just because a dev has seen it doesn't mean they're in a position where they can shove a meme into the game.
>risking malpractice accusation by selling a strong potion
>risking fraud accusation by selling an underpowered one
there was no way for potion seller to win in this situation
he acted rightly by denying the potion
>those textures
next gen holy shit
>those textures
What are you talking about, user?
All I see is a really blurry rooftop
Potion seller. All the knight wanted was his potions to slay dragons for the honor of his kingdom, but was deprived of that duty by the bitter merchant.
Besides, if he had the money to pay for it, why did it matter?
Maybe the gloves/jacket/eyes?
I mean it does look nice but the textures aren't super amazing or anything.
I'll add it to mine. Expect an epic meme filled demo in about a month :-)
Jesus christ, I was not expecting that. This man is actually really fucking good.
Holy fuck, this guy is good
The Witcher 2 tutorial references it kind off. Gerald gives a potion to a wounded guard and says it may kill him due to the strength
Geralt said that because witcher potions are lethal to non-witchers
Because its fucking shit.
Why hasn't this man been hired by someone yet? The half-crying he does in Dolores is especially convincing.
The Knight.
>all these knightfags trying to sell knights potions that can literally kill a dragon let alone a mere human
That's a great way to get a chunk of steel through your chest.
>I'm gonna do it
not bud, buddy
Is this some kind of fucking joke?
i can only do calculus
i don't know how you expected me to do derivatives
Actually his ending comment implies this is unusual "I can't believe he just got vanilla, what a strange man." In this world, few people get just vanilla. In fact it sounds like it's almost unheard of. If someone does get vanilla, they will cover in various toppings, but this man does not. I would hazard to guess that to the people of this ice cream seller's world, getting just vanilla would be the equivalent of eating a vanilla cupcake without frosting
RRRRRRRRRRRN I just really suck at math. OK fucker?
>I'm gonna do it.
I was already sad today, I didn't need this.
I was just about to link this
I'd say it rivals potion seller in terms of his best
The Quentin Tarantino one is great too
I also like Hey Mama! and Ice Cream
So they aren't fit for beast let alone a man.