Is this the comfiest game ever?

Is this the comfiest game ever?

I can't believe it

habeeb it

what does the coffee tell you?

God no. Maybe if they removed all the shooting and driving segments.

Even the horror sections are comfy.

yeah i dunno, the hell hounds dropping out of the sky isnt comfy at all

It is, as long as you play on consoles. The PC port is sadly forced to windowed mode with a stretched resolution.

But yes, technical stuff aside, I'd say it definitely is. Don't you think so, Zach?

until you realize that thomas was taking it up the tailpipe from forrest

depends on if you're using PC or not. PC turns it into a nightmare

But the driving is one of the comfiest parts. Sure, remove the shooting though I don't care. It wasn't even going to be in the game originally.

What does comfy even mean in this sense? By the way people use it I can infer two different definitions:
1. It's shit, but I like the flavor of this shit
2. It's casual with a good atmosphere, so I never feel challenged or stimulated

>Maybe if they removed all the driving segments.

Cop on

In a way, it makes the game more enjoyable.

It means its immersive and enjoyable. You can relax while playing it, basically

It means it's comfortable.

I actually liked Thomas' character - really sad to see what he was going through

So number 2: good atmosphere and never challenging. Got it

Oh, it doesn't have to be not-challenging. I've heard people describe Dwarf Fortress and Civilization as comfy before.

Deadly Premonition can also be challenging, in its own way.

Pretty much, especially since combat was tacked on against the devs wishes because "Gamers gotta be able to shoot stuff!"

You have autism, and you are also completely wrong.
If you do not understand how a game can be COMFORTABLE and challenging, then you obviously do not play video games.
Get the fuck out.

>tfw whistling life is beautiful

But that's not Life is Strange

Can linear games be comfy?

I'm not knocking Life is Strange, as I plan to play it soon, just curious if it's possible.

I think stardew valley is more comfy, but this is definitely a close 2nd

>Plan to play it soon
Then I recommend you fuck off before someone posts spoiler

Does this answer your question?

Chloe is Max's mom

You might think that, but 99% of games people refer to as comfy are flawed as fuck if not total shit. So forgive me for finding a flaw with your game.

I agree, York. I really enjoyed going through that adventure with you.

comfy = comfortable
A lot of people have a different view on whats comfortable and what's not, depending on how they grew up

I just wish that trying to make an average turn at 20 miles per hour didn't result in this

>tfw whistling life is beautiful only to realize it's just the Mario World theme slowed down

Is that thing worth playing?
I'm 25

I'd say so yes.

Beating it made me want to kill myself because it was an oddly endearing experience that I'm pretty sure I'll never feel similarly about with any game ever again.

The Long Dark is pretty comfy at times too.


i thought the game was boring as fuck, i almost fell asleep while playing the game. the game definitely isnt for everyone though

The fuck is Swery doing nowadays?

If you like cute girls and a comfy ost, I recommend it. A lof of people don't like how it ends though m8, personally i'm meh on it.

>he doesnt know

he just released the newest chapter of D4, check it out


If you like same sort of game style as modern telltale, go for it.

user why

You're absolutely right, but why

Why'd you tell me? I can no longer unhear it now.

I think I heard a remix once that was exactly this, was it GiivaSunner's?

It doesnt have to be unchallenging, but you should have the choice to do non-combat activities if you wish.
Id say a comfy game has
1. Good atmosphere
2. A mellow pace
3. Freedom of gameplay in some sense
4. Good music

The elder scrolls games are good exemples
Im a bit on the line about whether or not SotC is comfy. It does fill the criteria, but its a bit too bleak perhaps.

yeah, i'm surprised he hasn't re-uploaded that one yet.