Play castlevania GBA games

>play castlevania GBA games
>decide to play this
>ugly ass 3d graphics
>slow af
>uninteresting boring enemies
>shit controls
>having to press up on d pad to walk up stairs
>forced shitty storyline

Jesus christ, are all the castlevania games outside gba this shitty?

Symphony of the Night is pretty gud

I think you could unlock the original version in this tho

I agree, the 3D is pretty shit. But really, aside from a few changes, it's what the original Rondo of Blood was like.
Even then, I only bought it to play the best version of SotN.

no u

Play the shitty remake long enough to unlock both the original version and the best version of SotN and just play those.

Ya you had to find the game in one of the levels.

You can unlock Symphony of the night in that game, do that and play only that one


You chose a pretty mediocre Castlevania, but really, most of the games are pretty meh, the metroidvanias are pretty good (Except for Gba's HoD, which is still alright IMO) and the Nes and Snes games are pretty fun too.

That's what I bought it for as well, but then I spent most of my time playing the remake. It was a lot more fun than I expected.

Unlock the original Rondo of Blood, and if you don't like that You're a scrub.
After that, unlock Symphony of the Night. It plays like the GBA ones.

Why is this SOTN better than the downloadable ps1 version

The remake's graphics could have been better, but the rest of your complaints suggest you're a tasteless teenager or just baiting.

Dracula X chronicles is really damn good. I admit though I play the turbo CD version of ROB when I feel doing a playthrough. Its a pretty good remake worth playing through, it fixes one of the few problems I have with rondo too which is nice.

>most of the games are pretty meh
>except for most of the games
>they're pretty okay

>comparing a remake of a 1993 game to games from a decade later

Are you a special kind of stupid?

not an argument

I mean, we are ignoring the PS2 games, the whole lord of shadows deal, the N64 ones, that fighting game on the Wii. The series does have it's forgettable/bad games. But maybe I was just exaggerating a little bit hehe.

>preferring Metroidvania to real Castlevania games
Fucking kids these days.

it's always been a bit fo a b franchise

that said castlevania was always about aesthetics and it was a 2d dark souls.

I stil like them because they're fun, hard, nice to look at, and only take 30 minutes

I got my copy of this signed by Iga.

didn't know richter had a little deformed dwarf arm. cool

Has there ever been a better handheld lineup than what PSP had?

I'm just saying you described like half of them, at the very least.

Lol, Iga didn't even work on the original game, who cares about that overrated hack.

>it was a 2d dark souls.
Stop perpetuating this shitty meme.

no one cares about him. he needs attention so much he even flies across the ocean to appear on speedruns...

it's probably part of why konami left games.

I wish we'd get a ps4 rendition of some of the art like in op's pic though. I don't know why games ignore the renaissance. I think it's cool...

people say this because it's true

look at even shitty games like haunted castle. they poured ALL of their resources into assets into designing unique enemies/environments, most of which you only encounter once. a deliberate progression as you work your way to the summit

It's only true in the most superficial ways possible.

He worked on SotN, which was part of the package.

it's an underserved area in the market. there are very few other examples of a genre even remotely trying to approximate a medieval survival/mount the summit type of game

it's not a hack nd slash

It's a little bit anachronistic, though.

That is to say, it's retroactive to say that. Dark Souls didn't exist 30 years ago. Why would you make that comparison?

Rondo's my favorite Castlevania so I thought the collection was pretty sweet, especially the music.

DXC is better than vanilla Rondo solely because the final fight isn't a complete joke anymore.

I don't understand this teenager speak, are you too lazy to say "as fuck" and "kill yourself", ruining the sting of the words?

There are similarities to the SotN-styled Castlevanias. Various equipment, somewhat non-linear exploration, RPG elements, but the Classicvanias are totally different aside from some aesthetic similarities.

the approach to gameplay is more what I was getting at. metroidvanias are metroid, with a little bit of bullet hell dodging thrown in.

you have limited movement in ds and cv, and if you hack away at an enemy you're guaranteed to die two steps into a level

>you have limited movement in ds and cv, and if you hack away at an enemy you're guaranteed to die two steps into a level
Sure, but the context and execution of these limitations are so different as to render the comparison nearly meaningless.

I honestly enjoyed DXC. It's one of my favorite remakes

is 3d mario with free movement, limited offense, and focus on shifting platforms different from 2d mario simple because it's 3d?

a little. it's the same genre

The differences aren't just limited to the shift from 2D to 3D, though. They aren't totally in Mario either, especially Super Mario 64 or Sunshine, but I'd say they retain more similarities than what are found between the Classicvanias and Dark Souls. They're the same genre in that they're action games, and both generally emphasize a cautious play style. That's about it.