Biggest population

>Biggest population
>Biggest economy
>Biggest industries

Is China going to dominate video games?

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Not after Trump wins.


If they can get most of their population out of poverty. So no.

America has the largest economy, senpai


China is probably the shittiest country known to man.

>>Biggest economy
>>Biggest industries
completely borrowed and on constant life support, ready to collapse at the slightest fart.
not going anywhere, especially since it's not profitable to make them viable. They need to stay poor and ignorant, if they become like us, they lose their industry and die.

What is India

>smallest dicks
>smallest eyes
>most babies flushed down sewers

The only thing they will dominate is being pathetic and even then they come a distant third to India and Sweden


To put it simply, China does't encourage creative or original thinking, just making what has always been made.

Mainland China maybe. Personally I think Hong Kong is great, even with its many problems (highest wealth disparity on earth for one).

No. The only thing that's actually big regarding games there is mobile gaming

>What is the four great inventions

(Speaking Tibetan)

All from a very different China.

Mao did a ridiculous amount of creativity damage to the country with the cultural revolution.

China #1 nigger

ah yes, those things that were invented literally a thousand years ago

>implying china has any creativity
all of their biggest industries are either American companies setting up manufacturing there or Knock off factories making Knock off goods

that mind set as Permeated right to the core of their culture

there is nothing in china's cities you cant find every where else, including chinese people.

Blurring side, the shitting girl in red looks cute

>Biggest population
That really doesn't matter considering a lot of them wouldn't know how to work a video game, or even be able to afford them.

U.S. GDP is 2x China's

China won't dominate games because games require some level of creativity, and chinks are incapable of creativity.

It's not that they're incapable, they were perfectly creative 100 years ago.

But now they have it drilled in their head that it's bad.

>Authoritarain Capitalism
>Coming out of Communism

Silly China

>It's not that they're incapable, they were perfectly creative 100 years ago.
Yeah, communism destroyed that though.

That's how Japan got its indsutry started, making cheap knockoffs of Western products. Then they upped the quality eventually once they had the knowhow. Everyone starts somewhere, and China will be a a strong producer based on population alone.

Why hasn't companies tried pandering to China?
The consumer base is humongous
And it's not like they cannot afford it

are video games even allowed to be played in china? much less be developed?

the only worthwhile game-related thing to come out of china are massproduced consoles

>>Biggest industries

Wut? Which ones?

That's what I said.

And it wasn't even communism persay, the Soviets came up with creative shit under soviet scientists. It's Maoism specificially with a wierd corruption of Confucianism that did it.

That's literally all Hollywood does. It's why we get the same crap all the time in our movies, because China is the biggest market.

consoles weren't even legal there until like 2 years ago, there would be no way to capitalize on their market because they have protectionist policies in place, which is why they have shit like baudi and other chinese clones of American websites

The reason a Chinese company bought out SNK is because China loves KoF so much.

t. indian

How do you want your China senpai?

baidu* damn drunk typos

several reasons
firstly the govenment will heavily want to you to censor your game

secondly the internet in china is one big piracy loop, games get pirated to hell and back.

thirdly the average income in china isnt as big as its made out to be, their gdp is half that of america with 3 times the population

it just isnt worth making games for chinks

>The consumer base is humongous
gotta keep in mind that they are poor so you must sell low price to them
Also corruption and incompetence raise the costs of simply being able to sell shit there
this is why digital shit like phone works, but physical stuff is stagnant and pirated anyway.

For some reason, Chinese are creatively bankrupt.

They literally have no imagination, I'm not really one to believe in this kind of stuff, but I feel they don't actually have souls.

Nintendo Polystation by Namco will dominate gaming world


what's wrong with wealth disparity?

cultural revolution killed Chinese souls. I would take generations to recover

Nothing when it isn't on a systematic level. In theory people should have the ability to earn their way in life and die better off than the life they were born into.

That barely if ever happens in HK. I should know, I live here.

Oh yeah, let's see in 20 years when those billions become old geezers.

China pop is getting older, soon the'll lose their workforce.

what's right with it?


tip top kek

The very place where creativity died.

It's going to be funny to watch when all the big international corporations move away to other places.
You know it's not going to last much longer what you have there in China is basically borrowed industries.

>be Chinese
>get crushed by escalator/elevator

Everytime I see my parents again I thank them for not raising me in China

They're not the same thing, Osaka.

>one of the worst cultures
They'll never dominate anything, aside from being massive shitters.

Just what the world needs: more f2p garbage and shameless clones of Western vidya. If there is any hope for vidya it lies in the East.

>Taiwan included

nice try china.

And yet the Chinese get crushed by both

>worst cultures
Mao killed their culture

A nation of 1 billion conmen. Never deal with a Chinese on their turf unless you want to end up with a knife on your back.

Granted I'm extremely biased because I live there, but Hong Kong is very different from mainland China. More polite especially thanks to 100 years of British colonial rule.

Chinese Elevator Simulator 2016 when

this. the jews of asia, i don't give a shit about their poverty, its understandable. they are still just awful people

So we know their weakness now.
We can beat them.



You know what China had a culture once upon a time,thousand of years of culture washed away under communism.

That's what happens when you allow evil to triumph in this world,unchecked

>the jews of asia
That's an insult to jews. Jews can at least be funny and culturally they're still above the Chinese since they aren't communistic or ever had it in their history.

>Takes the worst of Communism
>Takes the worst of Capitalism
>Huge population has them self absorbed and selfish
>Little concern for the environment
>Government censors the crap out of everything
>People are paid to shill the government online
>Why do something creative if you can just plagiarize the foreigners and get away with it?
>4 Pests Campaign left them showing no concern with animals (not being a Vegan, it's seriously fucked up)

>That feeling of sweet relief that your relatives didn't fuck you over when you came to visit

Yes. I mean Blizzard is already copying China with Overwatch


Chinese are soulless insects. Taiwanese and Hong Kongers are fine though.

>aren't communistic
>don't have it in their history

retard alert.


>the jews of asia

I find that offensive and I'm not even jewish. What said

things the jews have given us in the last 100 years
>basically every comedian that isn't black

things the chinese have given us in the last 100 years


taiwanese and hong kong are all ethnic chinese. they just grow up in different environments

They don't. Christianity is closer to it than they are.

Chinks are like stupid AI.

In some aspects I bet they already do. It's just they are segregated and may not use steam as much, or any other western CDN at all, instead using local alternatives


This is what happens when you raise an entire generation to hate animals
A lot of Chinese people would eat any animal

>Taiwan and the Senkaku Islands

Nice try, Chang

Look I get you guys eat dogs, but do you have to show it off?


you are a moron.

communism was literally created by the Jews. from Marxism to Bolshevism. kibbutz are still active in Israel.

kill yourself.

>The campaign against the "Four Pests" was initiated in 1958 as a hygiene campaign by Mao Zedong, who identified the need to exterminate mosquitoes, flies, rats, and sparrows. Sparrows – mainly the Eurasian tree sparrow[1][2] – were included on the list because they ate grain seeds, robbing the people of the fruits of their labour.

Maoism, everybody

>no creative freedom unless it blindly praises the Communist government
>all heroes must already be skilled and a master, room to grow as a character is not allowed
>anything you create gets taken away by the government and who ever takes it can claim credit for it
>it's better to just plagiarize so the government won't give you too much shit
China is an awful place
I wouldn't want to work there again

Korean here

I think everyone agrees that Chinese are just something else.

Every asian nation has a problem but china is just... something else.

Never trust chinese people. Ever. They are very much so empty human beings, they are very base, and are an enigma as to how they represent a kidn of human that stopped existing long ago.

If there is any kind of people that is capable of mass killing right now, it is the chinese.

>And it's not like they cannot afford it
That's where you're wrong, China, even with it's huge numbers, cannot buy products like Western countries can because they're just that poor. There's a reason why America imports tons of cheap Chinese crap and never exports anything other than literal scrap back.

>This thread

Well, at least we have fake Chinese heroes like Liu Kang and the Dynasty Warriors.

"The Cultural Revolution was a mistake." - Anyone with half a brain

hey gook bro
which do you hate more, Chinese or Japanese?

Dynasty Warriors is actually based on ancient Chinese literature loosely based on history

White guy here, didn't you guys give up your sovereignty to the japs and allow them ownership of your country and people?

I just ask because it seems you'd be the one to hate japs more than the chinese, even they once owned your country as well.

In so much that Red Dead Redemption is based on American history.

Ancient China was amazing. And then the 20th century came

How can China redeem themselves as a country?

China, hands down.

Japan is pitiful.

Art and trade was great.
Politically and socially not so much

Are Korean women nicer than American women?

I only ask because I want out of this fucking country.

Well yeah, suppose I should have clarified that


That doesn't necessarily make sense, after they made your countrymen second class citizens, they did build infrastructure and improve living conditions although at the expense of your national identity. I believe when China had ownership of your country they were much less harsh than the Japanese

Is it bad that I've been developing a Chinese equivalent of white guilt?

pollution isn't real you sjw, trump told me so