Cheer her up Sup Forums

Cheer her up Sup Forums

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I can't cheer her up since she isn't real and it's tearing me apart

>she isn't real
Y-yes she is, right?

the lammy threads remind me that everyone here is a human being with their own problems

Alright! Aw-yeah!

Faith and hope are the only friends we have

>another Lammy waifu thread
Give it a rest, mobile poster.


I don't know how to cope with waking up alone anymore.

We call each other faggots and pretend to be hostile but we're regular people with regular problems

Do Lammy threads peacefully bring anons together?

>with regular problems
>tfw gf won't try anal

so just get her to bone you up the ass

my last gf had no problem saying no to anal, but she was curious about poking me

Seeing as the pudding threads are on a banned-on-site basis, I for one welcome this Jammy Lammy.

>jammy lammy


Why is she so sad anyway?

she has a high expectation of musicians

No sick jams, brah.

>Lammy will never rock you to sleep

but i poop from there

me too unfortunately

you decide who is evil

I don't feel bad for her. When she slipped on a banana peel and died she went to HELL. So she was clearly a not a godly lamb like in the bible. That's why she has horns.

Bad luck lammy

Why does a female lamb have horns? Is Lammy a trans-sexual?!

there are some breeds of sheep where both sexes have horns. you fucking retarded piece of goddamn garbadge, im going to rape you to death then bury the body up your own ass. nigger.


She's horny for Parappa user

that fucking pun

Is that a leaked character from the new sonic game?

Sup Forums sings Keep Your Head Up when?

>tfw Lammy has probably died of old age by now

>a sheep-shaped paper cutout
>tearing someone else apart

>sonic and lammy crossover
How long would it take for Lammy to start having feels for Sonic?

I'm keeping this thread up until someone does this


I liked the part where lammy ate too much pizza and they thought she was pregnant. Classic Lammy! That is such a Lammy thing to do!

same person, as always. Stop acting so surprised.


Even though she's got her guitar in her hand, the one thing that cheers her up and boosts her confidence, she's still sad

This is a hefty task, but I'm up to the challenge.

Fuck now I want a Sonic rhythm game

i tried

what the fuck user

i said i tried

You sound like you have a gun to your head

>you will never snuggle with lammy

I wanna sniff the onion

I'm wearing your shirt right now!

you've always got a fan in me!

...did it work?

No. She thinks you're making fun of her and now she's even more depressed.

What if we called Lammy cute?!

oh well

it was worth a try

She would secretly feel flattered, but she would call you a perv as an excuse to push you away and act all offended. A few days later she realizes what an idiot she was and cringes.

Stop trying to make Lammy a meme and die already.

You just made Lammy even more depressed.

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

Lammy's been fucking dead for years. I'm telling the faggot pushing this shit to die.

Good. Fuck parappa, make UJL 2 instead.

I'll just leave this here

Holy fuck


forced meme? As expected.