ITT: Enemies that unnerve you
ITT: Enemies that unnerve you
>japanese people
how horrifying.
CIS scum getting his blood all over minorities unnerves me too
Honestly for all the problems Until Dawn has with not really being scary/not really being a game holy fuck those wendingo's everything about them made me so uncomfortable.
Are we celebrating the 2 year anniversary of peenus weanus?
My penis malenus of course :D
You're a right hand goes off?!
2 years? Feels like it was 6 ago
You seen the shit on their clothes? That's just unsanitary, I'd be scared to touch them.
They would be scarier if they weren't literally the most common enemy in the game
holy shit it really has been 2 years tomorrow
>2 years
holy fuck it feels like it was only this time last year
fuckin Arch-Viles from Doom 2
This fucker and his soundtrack makes it 10x worse....
Way to spoil the twist.
eh OP said enemies so i would go with the dragonbow archers
This shit terrified me as a kid.
Which game? 99% it's some kind of silent hill but I have only played 1.
4. The Room.
Black people
definition of enemy: a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something. Or: a thing that harms or weakens something else. So by definition my good sir, Nito is indeed an enemy.
>them noises
>can't really kill them
>sight jacking, just watching them doing their routine
>somehow he finds me
If you know what a wendigo is you know the twist from your first lore entry.
i'd shit my pants every time i heard that music start up
hes technically a boss
Did you not read what I just wrote? Fuckin' idiot...
Yeah. But OP is asking for unnerving enemies, not bosses.
Calm your autism, fagget.
So Nito is not a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something or a thing that harms or weakens something else? Ex-fucking-cuse me
No he's not because I said so.
Feels like this thread is missing something, but I can't quite put my finger on it.