Literally why is this character in the game
Literally why is this character in the game
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literally "we want the reddit audience": the character
played almost exclusively by alaskan goatfucking neomillennial faggot cocksuckers
>BAMF belt buckle
Why are Blizzard such tryhards
Litteraly fags that cant git gud, so complain ob Sup Forums instead of /vg/
kill yourself OP
go spam this on /owg/
i don't even own overwatch you alaskan degenerate faggot
There are no millennials in Alaska,
>he can't handle high noon
McCree is a G and you can get the hell out of America if you disagree.
Appealing to fujos
What the fuck are you on about?
Because their target demo is full of them.
No, that's Hanzo.
>this nigga is so mad
Cow boys are cool.
Telling time isn't his problem.
that's literally not even true. anchorage is a hub of those worst neomillennial newleftist goatfucking trash
i'm calling it like i see it
I really hate McCree shitting everyone up with two clicks. At least Mei has to get close to you and spray you for 2-3 seconds before she can headshot you. And sometimes she just ran out of ammo then, or your team can do something about her.
But McCree can just appear from a corner, stun you, and press right mouse close to you for an easy kill, sometimes even if you are playing tank.
His stun needs either a longer cooldown, reduced range (they don't even aim it at your general direction), or his right click reduced damage.
One hit kills should be either headshot snipers, avoidable, or slow enough for you to react. I understand McCree "hard countering" some characters, but it really get ridiculous when someone can just pick him up and wreck you without much skill.
Ah what? How is he reddit, if anything D. VA is reddit with memen spouting and XD lol.
typical underaged Sup Forums memer. die in a bus fire.
>bamf belt and le space cowboy memes
he's 100$ reddit to be honest
Why would a cowboy,something i consider very old school and classic be for millennials?I think you're just trying to be funny,or at least what you Sup Forums goys think is funny.
He's a character to be played by real men. My main all day every day.
>yfw it's HIGH NOON!!
>Pick McCree because I love Westerns and I wanted to play the cowboy
>It turns out he has all the necessary tools to style on niggas close-quarters and causes immense amounts of asshurt
The cherry on top 2bh
>le space cowboy Memes
Can you give me an example, I can't recall that.
DVa is the one who started doing ironically but eventually turned into the thing they hated.
Need a hug champ?
>buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword
What are you even trying to say
>Why would something old school and classic be for millennials?
are you trying to imply most neomillennials aren't massive hipster faggots
>Say something negative about Overwatch on /vg/
>Immense asshurt and told to go back to Sup Forums
>Say something negative about Overwatch on Sup Forums
Woah slow down their partner
I love how you can just tell he gets raped on the regular by McCree players.
die in a bus fire, Alaskan
you too, Alaskan
Are you having a episode or something,cow boys are for hipsters now?
>tfw raping McCrees as Soldier 76
To throw some shitty thing at you and kill you with a 0 skill shot.
>not playing as the hero of germany and champion of lesser men
aggressive Reinhardt is very underestimated and only hard-countered by Mei and Symettra, history's greatest villians
Hes trying to say baby's first troll comment.
Being able to surprise kill someone close quarters is all McCree has. Absolutely terrible at range, absolute terrible mobility, and if flashbang is on cooldown and you are screwed.
So she does it Un-ironically now? That doesn't make her reddit how?
nice samefag, Alaskan
literally or figuratively?
odd picture of Soldier 76 OP. is that when he was younger?
>be an aggressive Reinhardt
>get caught out of position by any team with a brain
Got back to being a shield bitch.
>high noon
is Roadhog OP or am I just that good?
Because there's no way more then one person thinks you're a unfunny nutter.
LITERALLY not even true. there are (many) neomillennial goatfucker trash in Alaska, so the claim that there are none is LITERALLY not even true
Either you're a terrible McCree or you've only played against bad ones. His range is excellent, and even without the stun, his right click does assloads of damage and can kill without stunning someone first. His mobility isn't really that bad either, and considering he can take down even the tankiest characters if he had mobility he'd be completely unstoppable.
don't you have some more faggot goat smut to be writing you Alaskan cancer
Is it supposed to be John Marston from red dead redemption or something ?
You know he'd be fine if he had something other than the flashbang. I don't know what they were thinking with that ability. It's a literal "I win" button for close range combat
nah nigga, reinhardts that just hold up the shield don't have a plan for when that shit breaks
charge the point, break lucio in half, hammer down roadhog and get fucked in the ass by a little asian girl
>bad at range
Dudes almost a sniper, give him a Widowmaker to target and he'll kill her at range
you are probably good or facing shitters.
hon hon non it izn't my amerrikan friend
>muh grey man
Use a real word faggot and get fucked.
>press e to win the 1v1 engagement hero
yeah fuck him
because it's high noon somewhere faggot
There is only one time, and it's time for justice, honor, and glory.
Also to put up the shield and either block his ult, or help McCree get all the kills while protected. McCree's should love the shield
>mfw preventing almost 23,000 damage as Reignhardt
>tfw arcade mode
this should be regular mode desu
>press e to win the 1v4 engagement hero*
He does half damage at a distance. His reload time is retarded after right-click. And his ultimate is so announced it's nearly impossible to get any use out of it. He's amazing 1v1 but as soon as theirs more then one enemy he's dead.
The flash makes me super pissed. I play as Genji at the ~40 level mark right now and literally every Mcree can stun me when I pop my deflect because that AOE is absolutely nuts, just drop it on the ground in my general direction. The closest thing I've come to countering this fuck outside of playing Reinhardt or Widow is with Junkrat because I can kite pretty well with my nadelauncher. When are they nerfing his shit v, when? kms
The things got no throw range. If you nerf the explosive range you'll kill it. It also doesn't last long, just long enough to fan the hammer immediately after. If the the flashbang's gotta get nerfed go after the cooldown.
What ults aren't announced?
Dude Genji is pretty much the ultimate counter to McCree, the fudge you talking about?
>pick mei
Take your shit mode and kys
>six meis on arcade
frozen hell, nah i'm good
>Gotta get enemies in LoS
>Gotta wait 5 seconds for the target meter to charge
>Hope the enemies don't have the brain cells to go behind a wall.
He makes people farm ults by just shooting at him and is slow so he has weaknesses. But his hook amd 225 damage shotty, yum.
>5 seconds
>Weakness: feeds ults, long range combat, pushed off maps, no cover
But hooking them during the ults stops it :)
>Attack on Hanamura
>3 Symmetras on the enemy team
Well GGs, can't do shit about 50 turrets in that tiny ass room.
That's his other advNtage. Man I love dragging bastion into my shotty and my team so we gangrape him mid ult. Or pharah's and reaper's ult
Roadhog is OP, don't listen to these shitters.
Hit hook is near instant and sets up 80% of the roster for a one shot. He has the strongest heal in the game which means he never leaves the frontline. His ult is solid and clears objectives better than most. On top of that, he's still painful at midrange.
>what is zen debuff
Attack on hanamura becomes impossible when there's torbjorn, symetra or bastion. I just treat it like a deathmatch
>zen debuff mattering at all with six meis on arcade
>He doesn't play Winston
You have 10 seconds right now to explain why you aren't using the best overwatch charatcer
>Dva throws her ult into the last point, where my team is at
>I hook that shit and kill her with it, with just enough time for me to get to cover
Holy fuck that was the greatest moment of my life right there. Wish my highlight would have shown that.
how does his ult even work
Because he's boring as fuck and garbage unless you're cheesing double winston with a full premade team
no edit of this and widowmaker yet
A play WINston on Napal or te Greek map because push back is STRONK
>Taking out windowmakers Genjis Hanzos Symmthreas and reapers useless
>being the payload and objective champ
nah shitter
>she's not the sheriff
>Shit damage
>Shit health for a tank
>Shit shield that breaks after 4 shots
I mean sure, he has great mobility, can harass bad widowmakers and pharahs and destroy symmetra's defenses easily, but he's far from being the best.