>21,000 dislikes
Other urls found in this thread:
>first ghostbusters
>now this
and they say gamergate doesn't harrass people
Did Burch direct this trailer? Jesus fucking Christ
it legit looks like a dreamcast game
and not in a good way
especially the parts where there's a cinematic closeup on the characters and they just blankly stare there completely inanimate
Mighty No.9's journey is quite the story.
>all those dislikes
So is someone gonna lose their job or what?
I'd ask how they aren't embarrassed to put something like this out, but I already know they got to blow 3 million dollars on drugs
>They'll make you cry like an anime fan on prom night
What did he mean by this?
I will leave this here.
>mfw i didn't fall for the MN9 meme
>I'd ask how they aren't embarrassed to put something like this out,
They've invested too much. They have to pretend it's awesome and hope it tricks enough people. They need to recoop as much money as possible.
>The creator of Mega Man is making a new Mega Man game after being forced out of Capcom. They wouldn't let him make more Mega Man games and won't accept his vision!
They didnt have a job to begin with.
They were living off the kickstarter funds. No one has hired them. No one will hire them after this fiasco, ever again.
I never understood how these jew kikestarter devs think they can get away with selling a game that THE PUBLIC HAS PAID FOR?
Usually games get sold because a publisher has invested their money into it, and they want to earn it back. But this does not apply to kickstarter
The trailer is done by Deep Silver. A publisher.
>Sonic's Twitter
All took a shot at it, what are others made fun of Mighty 9?
Post yfw you didn't back this
>Cry like an anime fan on prom night
That's like the 4th time I've heard that joke this week.
It was funny the first time
>Post yfw you did
That what you get for being a tripfag.
Having the trailer go to the anime girl immediately afterwards is just icing on the cake. It's like I was already cringing but then I was cringing while cringing and you know I like that cringe on cringe action.
So why did they need the kikestarter again.
>tfw anime fans don't go to prom, they just watch anime and shitpost about it online
Jim Sterling.
WHAT IS THAT?!?I can finally have my waifu being face to face me in real life.
So, that has been quite a wild ride. Thanks to all of you who have donated to stuff like that to exist. I have many laughts at the expense of this """"game""""
It's a hip comedic reference that's sure to hit home with the kids
Inafune is becoming a bigger trainwreck than Romero was
No cucks with yhe urge to rape.
well now that the game got picked up they'll give that 3.8M back to the supporters. Doe'snt look like they've spent much of it based on the trailer.
What the fuck did I just listen to
Gameplay is whatever but that fucking narrator.
PlayAsia twice
I know a little about MN9 how the guy responsible for Mega Man left JewCom and Kickstarted this. Then it got delayed and delayed and delayed and is apparently coming out soon.
I have paid zero attention to this. What's wrong with the game? Other than the shit-meme tier trailer.
A friend backed this, I did not.
We both backed Starbound however
Nah. The scale is different. Daikatana was much longer in development, and blew like 20 or 30 million of Eidos' money. Entire divisions had to be fired to make up for it. He didn't just ruin his own reputation and job, but that of others.
But it is a similar event, just smaller. 4 million wasted, delays, joke of a game that is bound to flop. Now we have our own "Make you his bitch" ad. Sure, Inafune didn't sign off on this, but the ad is now widely known and has been seen 600,000 in just two days. Pretty much anyone who had an interest in this game has seen it.
MN9 is unlikely to be a big seller. He still has his Chinese investors. But if the games don't sell, then he will be out of a job. Expect Comcept to close in 3 year.s
I think people don't like the dashing and the way the game looks in 3d and they would've rather had more of a traditional megaman experience with 2D art
>cod infinite has like 2000000
So, it's shit AND irrelevant?
I have always heard about daikatana screwing romero reputation, but was wrong with it?
I-It wasn't supposed to end like this!!
>how the guy responsible for Mega Man left JewCom and Kickstarted this.
Inafune claims he's the "co-creator" of Mega Man, despite having joined the MM1 team late in development. The series creator is actually Akira Kitamura, who also directed MM1 and MM2. Inafune just rides the coat tails of others.
This is why we call him "Con Man",.
>guy is just dashing through two enemies
>that egoraptor reference
>that announcer from SOLAR FREAKIN ROADWAYS
shit game for faggots.
Feel sorry for the donators though.
It first used the Quake 1 engine. Romero saw the Quake 2 engine and panicked. So he scrapped the whole game and remade it to Q2 engine. The game was delayed for years and years. It was meant for a Christmas 1997 release, and didn't get out until 2000.
And while it was developed you had this ad, which people found to be Romero's big ego.
When it did, the game looked years old, and just wasn't fun to play. You have these idiot buddies who bog the game down.
Daikatana wasted at least 20 million of Eidos' dollars, and barely sold. Big financial disaster. Romero got "never hire this man ever" blacklisted in gaming because of it.
basically anime fans are super butthurt. It's a good trailer, the truth hurts.
But it's probably not a good idea to insult anime fans when your game is japanese and anime styled. This ain't the "insult the people that consume your junk" era that game "journalists" wanted anymore. Turns out shitting on your audience doesn't work out so well.
you still around , I hope you fucking die already you stupid namefag asshole.
There's not an uncropped version of this.... right?
No it wasn't.
tfw huge mega man fan and almost backed this, but held back.
Currently waiting on Shenmue 3 (physical tier). That'll turn out good, right bros?
>he watches anime
>It's a good trailer
Delusional backers, everyone
I wonder if Suck it Down™ is still a trademark
Now gamergays harass women, developers and robot boys?
Is there anything they will not harass?
There is, I just edited it.
I didn't back it tho ;o
>that egoraptor reference
Then you must somehow be deaf and blind because it looks like shit and that narrators script is embarrassing
tb.h i just like it cause it makes anime fans poo their diapers
Based ScrewAttack
>dislikes matter
What is this, I mean of all the things to laugh at involving this game, you want to talk about the youtube reception?
Mega Man is truly dead now. Even the hopes of Inafune knockoffs/getting back with capcom are dead. I want to kick something but I don't want to stub my toe and I'm too lazy to put a shoe on right now.
Kamiya was Right
This is a parody, right?
Jesus fuck. I've seen better graphics in N64...
And that fucking narrator...
That's it bros. We need someone to but the Mega Man IP. I mean, nightdive managed to buy the system shock IP and are actually doing things with it. Surely some company can buy Mega Man right? Maybe nightdive even.
>Capcom was right
>I've seen better graphics in N64
Underage who's never actually played an n64 detected.
>Jesus fuck. I've seen better graphics in N64...
>nothing about this is sexist and if you disagree you are sexist
Good ol feminism. Such equality :')
Well Sup Forums, i think Capcom deserves an apology
Cry like a banker when Sanders gets elected!
I don't understand
why? to be honest I didn't even know much about what went wrong with MN9
game doesnt look that bad.....
please tell me the movie wasn't made by a only-women-team, for some reason everything that is made only by women turns out being utter shit
Well what?
considering how awful the trailer alone is, that's all the proof you need
click iqdb
click tineye
you're welcome