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Whale parade? Please, no, God , no


Oink oink.


Thank you so much Blizzard.

t h i ck


Asians should never cosplay as non-asian characters.

fat cow

w2c sneakers (I think they're sneakers - might be tech-y boots?)?

Faggots should understand how their homosexuality colors their opinions.




But mei isn't obese like the whale in your pic

I agree, so you should stop posting right now.


They're '80s-style hightops, which look a lot better than Tracer's not-Crocs tbqh.


She's too thick to be Tracer

>westerner prefer girls like this

I bet there's some razor-burned pussy under that fat

and you can massage the raw red splotches on her inner thighs where they rub together

A V E R A G E american


you'd still sniff the darkest part of her asscrack

I'm a straight man, but I feel nothing from these big tits and ass. I need dicks.

All according to plan.

Fuck off Shadman.

Then you're not straight you retarded faggot

That's as far as I'm willing to go.

But oh boy would I go.

I don't think that's how it works.




Any D'va's?

Jesus Christ
Nothing like a chubby character to further the delusions of obese people that they are cute


This is the only actual Korean cosplayer I've seen. That said, she's quite popular in Japan and China/Hong Kong/Taiwan as well, so quite a few good ones are coming out of the rest of East Asia.

a little chap sticvk and i'm off

>I need dicks
>not gay
my man


>Love Live
Aaand dropped.

still not how it works

i'll pass on the chapstick if i can apply my own special brand


I cant handle this

Pls sit on my face


>fat whales are considered sexy on Sup Forums now
Well its over, sjws won.

might as well dump my semen in a bank where it's safe

same girl?

how much of that person is plastic and shaved cheek bones?

>he cares more about fitness than titties

Well it's over, faggots won.

Its truly awful isnt it

holy fuck she looks like a fat version of my sister from that angle

no pics


And here's a Japanese one.

dear jesus, moar

>cosplay JAV
>takes the entire costume off within the first 10 minutes

Every FUCKING time.

More like Overweight


post them faggot

Says that man who's probably never even touched a girl


And here's a Taiwanese one.

She's a real cutie, but the giant contacts coupled with that thing that Asian girls do where they glue their eyelids back to get an anime-look going is a tad offputting.