Let's talk about this series and the upcoming game.
What do you think of this new trailer?
Let's talk about this series and the upcoming game.
What do you think of this new trailer?
I really wish they would have gotten rid of that strange unexplainable "this is a ps2 game in the jacket of a next gen game" look
Human revolution has that issue but in the current gen way
I liked it. I wouldn't mind seeing a full movie, maybe about the day the augs went murder mode.
I was hoping for a full Deus Ex game rather than just HR 1.5 to be honest
>ps2 graphics
I didn't mind HR but why does MD look like the models are made from clay?
Will Pritchard, Sarif, Malik, and Megan appear?
Is square enix
I don't mind, I really enjoyed the story, characters and tone of HR so I'd love to get more of that.
megan will probably appear if that cutscene after the credits in HR is any indication.
Trailer was way better than I was expecting.
Then again, most of the marketing for Deus Ex (this and HR) has been on-point so I don't know why I was surprised.
Darrow ruined everything.
Like holy shit, he really did.
Pritchard and Megan yes
Sarif and Malik have been put on a bus.
1. that's from a youtube video, quality is never going to be right
2. that's not what clay looks like
Eidos Motreal are really good at world building before a game even comes out.
HR had a similar marketing scheme.
>for those Americans who say they don't like the taste of water
Damn. Sarif was great and Paula Jean Hixson's voice acting was top notch.
these are cool as hell
I would fucking watch this, it sounds radical as fuck.
Reminds me of Valentine from Fallout 4, would totally watch this.
*tips fedora*
The new DX marketing makes me cringe to be honest.
Trying too hard to make it relevant to today instead of letting it be in its own universe.
Original Deus Ex had that mystery and feel about it that I didnt mind all the conspiracy theory tropes thrown in.
Fuck off
He's right though.
>browsing Sup Forums
I just hope there's something going on beyond "mechanical apartheid" at this point, but maybe they're saving that for the actual game.
Well, Jensen is now part of some special force, The hacker known as Sup Forums is now an actual pro-aug terrorism organisation, thereĀ“s anti-aug terrorists, and Eidos already established a data bank and a PMC to be relevant. I seriously doubt this will only push some anti-apartheid message. I expect us to get some sweet conspiracies.
>mfw it was supposed to come out on my birthday
Really, the lack of trailers a couple of months out should have made me realize the inevitable, but damn it hurt.
That being said, I could not be more ready for this shit to come out. Human Revolution was one of the few games in the last decade I was able to get into like nothing else.
Maybe it's just me but I lost interest as soon as M12 entered the fray, which is funny because that's not even halfway through.
I loved that Page and M12 were a backseat in HR, because that's the point, they're shady as shit and good at what they do.
JC figuring everything out in a single game just felt compacted. It wasn't a story that needed to be told, it was a plot of a mediocre, 10-season CBS production with some of the dialogue and voice "acting" straight out of Hawaii Five-O.
I don't want to unravel M12, I want to watch them work. DX doesn't let you do that because within 5 hours you've done random shit until Paul is like "btw there's a shadow government lets go kill them JC".
I would honestly rate DX as one of the worst games I've ever played, from all angles. MGS1 was infinitely superior, and MGS2 came out less than 6 months after DX. DX was just an all around mediocre production.
>The hacker known as Sup Forums is now a terrorism organisation
Sarif is probably dead like everybody else on Panchaea. Same with Taggart and Darrow.
I'm rooting for the humans. I'm not falling for this X-men-transhuman propaganda. The superhumans being oppressed? Cry me a goddamn river.
I really hope the TV/Radio segments are longer. I also hope Jensen's apartment is comfy.
Will Jensen become Icarus AI in this one?
Well given that pretty much everybody with mech augs in the first game is military or ex-military, it's fair to say pure humans "win"
I like it, oddly enough. I'm usually not a fan of trailers that don't show gameplay, but for setting up the lore and story for people who might have not have played human revolution, this was probably the best way to do it.
Showing the one couple on and off throughout the trailer and watching their relation change as the rest of the world changes around them was fantastic.
Music was equally good.
Love these videos
>he doesn't believe in controlled evolution
You're holding us back user
I kind of think HR/MD should just be their own timeline. DX1's story is balls to the walls insane so the more downplayed narrative in these games feels incongruent.
>I was on Sup Forums, they always talk about pink and white for whatever reason
Would've made more sense if it was purple and green
Did you watch the 101 trailer? Jensen's whole goal is to take down the Illuminati. Lord knows why, they did nuffin wrong.
But user you don't understand I want you TO CODE THAT PINK
I thought of DX's story as dumb fun, JC himself seems pretty incredulous most of the time. I don't know anybody would try to pass it off as a good plot, and why they bothered to keep the new series in canon with the old.
What else is Jensen going to do? Fuck Megan's mom?
Well that's a benefit of HR and MD. No matter what happens the real bad guys will remain in power for at least the next 20 years, and if anything Jensen will probably be damaging into killing off Page's rivals' influence.
I loved Invisible War because it basically doubled down on the assertion that humanity cannot exist without some power structure guiding it down one path or another---and that the fall of MJ12 was very quickly succeeded by another equally shady (but far more benevolent, all things considered) group of oligarchs controlling the masses just like Page did.
Agreed. I have no hatred towards mutants, metahumans, post-humans, cyborgs or whatever this collection calls themselves, but I'm also not pretending their existence does not present a clear danger to normal humans. These sort of groups are living weapons, and I don't want to be there when they suddenly malfunction or act unstable, as shown in this trailer and countless other media featuring these kinds of scenarios.
Sorry, I just don't want to associate with augments, anymore than I want to associate with weapons of mass destruction in general.
DX1 was memorable precisely because of the bad voice acting.
You can actually hear JC's voice actor smack his lips after he says "He was a good man"
>People riot because someone has a plastic arm
Isn't it sad that they are pushing this fictional transhumanism and apartheid stuff so hard? A game about this stuff is made before a game of the apartheid and oppression faced by transgender people which is happening in the real world NOW.
Trans people are segregated by bathrooms, often told to use the incorrect ones or a "third" option, like a nurse's bathroom or something in a school. They are being murdered in high numbers, driven to suicide in high numbers and protested by the masses, simply for existing. Real world problems, but yes, let's make another fictional game about white cis guys with expensive technology being fucking oppressed. Give me a break.
Fight people putting them mech augs down dawg
jjb pls leave
0/10 low energy
It always bothered me that in the first game, a large portion of the military and law enforcement were augmented, yet here, in the sequel, the people enforcing the law seem to be unaugmented humans for the most part. What happened to the augmented people? Also, how are unaugmented people even going to pose a challenge to the extreme lethal augs like Denton or the leaders of those terrorists?
>what a shame
Every goddamn time
No one in belltower was augmented. They all wore the standard belltower suits. The only augs were the tyrants and some mid level detroit coppers on Sarif's bribe list.
Nice image you have there.
Augs are mainly nano augs in DX, much more discreet than those in HR. But I guess there will be something in MD which will link the two and resolve the problem of augmentation. Aparthieds never last forever
When he says "the first game", he meant HR.
>no best girl
Fuck, her and Jensen were my favorite couple
Never let her die in any playthroughs
how long until the dx remake
She's arab. It's her duty to die at the center of an explosion.
>Jaw augmentations
She's American. Shit she's probably born in Deerborn or something.
She and Jenny Alexander were 10/10 best girls.
Fuck Megan.
Within 6 months.
>A punch to the jaw causes the head to suddenly spin around. This quick motion of causes trauma to the brain that knocks the recipient out leaving him unconscious. Points on the jaw that are especially vulnerable to knockouts are the sides of the chin, and where the jaw is attaches to the skull.
Having a metal jaw makes sense for UFC fighter.
Oh, well we see the cops having exoarmors, and it's no like being augmented suffices you against trained squads. It makes you strong but not invincible
You just reminded me about how the exosuits in Cod AW and Elysium make limb based augs redundant to the max. The exo suits give you same strength, but you can take them off at the end of the day and touch your wife's boobs with your real hands.
The ultimate goal is to have both. Limbs that feel as natural than a real one but stronger, more resilient, etc. They're competitive technologies, but you forget prostheses are necessary for injured people, which will always happen in the military.
The MC in AW has both btw
Alex Jones?
>mfw it was supposed to come out on my birthday
Now it comes out on MY birthday
You jelly?
>I would honestly rate DX as one of the worst games I've ever played, from all angles. MGS1 was infinitely superior, and MGS2 came out less than 6 months after DX. DX was just an all around mediocre production.
Ignoring this flagrant display of shit taste, I'm not even sure why you're mentioning Metal Gear. Aside from a conspiratorial bent they don't have much in common.
Imagine if a guy with augmented limbs also used an exosuit.
Metal Gear and Deus Ex aren't alike at all.
His face is synthetic.
That's called Gundam thunderbolt. And the guy is an ace pilot
Come on, man.
Forgot pic ofc
Deus Ex is fun conspiracy bullshit where every crackpot theory exists simultaneously in some form within a single universe. It's kitsch on purpose and only enters into the serious on occasion. Did you seriously believe a secret MJ12 facility hidden in the sewers of New York City was supposed to a realistic portrayal of a secret shadow government?
By contrast, HR takes everything deadly serious despite things being only marginally less ridiculous. Instead of focusing on the grand overarching conspiracy with multiple factions and powers all vying for control and weaving webs of intrigue, everything is consumed by the incredibly simplistic augmentation debate. It's absolutely everywhere in the game and it's entirely boring.
>he doesn't know there are secret underground MJ12 bases in sewers all over America in real life
Wake up bro. Think about it, who's gonna go into the sewers? Nobody. It's the perfect hideout.
That's ridiculous. They'd be constantly fighting off the alligators. No time to for any plotting.
>he didn't take the sewerpill
Dude, the alligators are controlled by MJ12 with laser mind rays.
It was kind of overwrought for me
Looks like a wax mannequin
So all of this from a couple of lines about mechs in the Deus Ex bible?
>Total humans consider themselves purse and are at the top of the heap. They need augmented humans but fear and distrust them. Most total humans don't even know nano-augmented humans exist.
>Mechanically augmented humans have their own airport security systems and have to register with government authorities. They are second-class citizens, looked down upon even by the non-augmented poor. There's no way a mechanically augmented human can pass for normal for very long. They're not allowed in certain locations and have separate facilities, ostensibly tailored to their unique needs but really as a way of controlling them.
>Nano-augmented humans are resented by their mechanically augmented brothers and sisters. They're as powerful as mechanically augmented humans but suffer none of the stigma associated with augmentation. They can pass through airport security and mingle with humans freely.
Being a second class citizen is pretty shitty though
it's pretty simple when you break it down
>Illuminati think getting everyone augmented will allow them to control everyone via backdoors
>Invest in augmenting, use the media they own to push a pro-aug message and suppress anti-aug sentiment
>HR happens
>the backdoor is a much bigger vulnerability than they anticipated, one lone whacko nearly destroys modern society
>a lone aug not under their employ nearly exposes their whole shebang
>scrap the 'aug everyone' plan. use the media they own to push anti-aug propaganda. engineer the mechanical apartheid. the number of new people getting augmented dwindles to near nothing, and those who are augmented basically have the choice of working for the illuminati (and unknowingly receiving a killswitch) or dying in the streets because they can't afford their medicine, the price of which has been inflated by the Illuminati
>twenty years later, the only augs are in military or law enforcement, and owned by the Illuminati.
>First play through
>See her getting her shit ruined
>Thought it was impossible to save her, so left her
>Found out later I could have saved her
>Feels bad man
Let us sneak past bosses.
they said that's on the menu. the bosses where one of the most criticized parts of HR so they wanna get it right this time
>owned by the Illuminati.
Majestic 12
MJ12 are owned by the illuminati
Not by the time of DX1, no.
More important: let us spare and/or turn them, so we get a super squad of bros that've been used by the big bad and are all out for revenge, and give us an awesome.montage of everyone wrecking the living fuck out of him while X Gone' Give It To Ya plays in the background.