Why does this board have such a problem with the Playstation brand?

Why does this board have such a problem with the Playstation brand?

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Its popular again.

Also Sony strong armed retailers in a way that helped kill the Dreamcast, supposedly

This and because PCucks/Nintentoddlers are one of the same audience and thus make the majority so they scream the loudest because of strictly numbers.

Wait for PS4 to become cheaper ans suddenly people will shut up about it.

Pic related was a thing with PS3 but now suddenly every one likes the ps3.

We dont hate sony itself, but its fanbase. Fanbase is worse than any other fanbase, even Fnaf.
All they do is say "hur dur this gume is butter than urs i win!"

>hur dur this gume is butter than urs i win!"
that's what every fanbase says though

Elitist PCucks are the worst

Before the PS3/360/Wii people just bought the console they wanted and fanboy wars hardly existed. I owned a PS2, but I played Xbox at my friends house a lot. I owned an SNES and my friend owned a Genesis.

When consoles started getting more expensive consolefags needed to justify their purchase. The PS3 had cell architecture that gimped its multiplats. Wii and 360 owners shitposted it to hell and back.But...those at the bottom, don't always stay at the bottom. Those at the top, don't always stay at the top.

Therefore, the success of the PS4 gave PS fans a means to retaliate. Anons, on Sup Forums get mad salty so they retaliate back. Its all just one big vicious cycle.

Nintenshitters are a dying breed thankfully. E3 2015 was a huge slap to the face that Nintendo is dead, but most people realized this back in 2001 when Nintendo released the shitcube. Just wait for E3 2016 for the tears, then March 2017 for when the NX flops harder than the Wii U.

e3 2013 gave me plenty reason to hate sony

Honestly, I don't even notice a Sony fanbase here, just the obvious trolls. The worst fanbase here is the Nintendo fanbase.

>Before the PS3/360/Wii people just bought the console they wanted and fanboy wars hardly existed.

Haha, bull fucking shit. Were you not around for the Sega/Nintendo arguements in every elementary school and on Usenet groups in the early 90s?

IIRC both sony and nintendo would pay off places like Toysrus to get "front and center" placement for their games/consoles, and pay for shit like those "demo stands" where you could play the top game from the console right in the store. Sega would be set in a back corner for not paying the extortion fee by western companies.

Why do Sonyggers like shit vidya? Why do they act like their casual garbage is good?

Why do sonyfags have such a victim complex?

online accounts and trophies/achievements have changed everything

now that all your games are tied to that platform's online account it has caused people to pick sides more than ever before since it's now a dedicated investment that is hard to walk away from

This board it's about video games.

>But the price refused to change.
I hope no-one who exclusively supported Nintendo actually posted this.

The reason for PS4's success is marketing rather than having good games or even better hardware. I believe that bothers a lot of people.

>PC samefag

>The reason for PS4's success is marketing rather than having good games
Nice meme

This. Sonyggers are responsible for almost all baiting and shitposting on Sup Forums.

Gee user, I don't know.

Not really, most people who actually initiate the falseflagging shitposting arguments are idorts who only do it because they know that one-platform refugees from NeoFAG and /r/pcmasterrace are retarded to the point where they're utterly incapable of just ignoring it.

So everybody else should market harder. Nintendo should know a thing or two about marketing considering the Wii and DS.

the irony would be lost on them

this tbqh


>Sony ruined gaming three times

Oh gee, I wonder why?


The highest amount of users on this board are pro-Pc - and PC users usually hate console(s) users.
The 2nd highest amount of users on this board still seems to be Nintendo fans and they hate Sony for destroying their company as soon as they entered the market or whatever.

I'm not following your logic here

I don't. I own a PS3, Vita, and may buy a PS4.5 if announced.
The problem is that Sony fans are some of the most cancerous pieces of shit on the internet.

pcucks and nintenyearolds just like to gang up on us, sonyfriends, because we have the best system (specs-wise) and also the best games, while their platforms are DEDer than johnny depps career right now


this this this ^

Do you know how tough it is taking a screencap and shit from an atom n550? Why do I even bother?

Sup Forums is full of Nintendo fanboys and they are still butthurt that the PS1 and PS2 raped the shit of the N64 and Gamecube. And that despite Nintendo doing better on handheld and the Wii the mass market and general public don't give a shit because handheld are for children and the Wii was shit that nobody remembers now.

because I was a 360 kid before going PC

360 was better and PS3 is still trash, and now all new consoles suck and should stop existing

There's no logic
he's just a fanboy/cuck

their fans are obnoxious, and even though most of the posts about them on this board are just false flagging pc players or other console players, it still promotes false flagging because the idea of "sonyggers" is a very successful troll.

it should be banned completely. sorry sonyfans, but it's just too much.

Over the years really my observation has been primarily that everybody is retarded, whatever group is the largest however is easily the most noticeable, I'd say PC users tend to be the easiest to trigger, mainly the immature /r/pcmasterrace attitude has propagated unironically and people honestly believe consoles are the destroying the industry and all sorts of falsehoods, exagerrations, and then band together in weird ways to hate caricatures of the imaginary opposing parties.

Basically everybody is retarded and whatever systems a person grew up on using tend to be the one they attach and identify to, and while normally are uncancerous by themselves are catalyzed by people as they perceive unjustly suggesting inferiority of said platform.

This nigga gets it

Sony ruined gaming since they started

>Look at our graphics and FMV stories!
>It also plays music!
>*this kills the Sega*

>Look at these graphics, much better than those pesky computer games!
>It also plays movies

>These graphics are impressive, and thanks to the power of the cell we can output HD resolutions.
>It also plays Blu-Ray movies.

>*namedrops Sup Forums and neogaf on stage*

Anything the PS4 does, the PS3 already did it.

Sony will stagnate gameplay and will ruin the videogame industry with its high prices and lack of quality experiences.

>*namedrops Sup Forums and neogaf on stage*
when did this happen?

Every platform got its own fair share of retards
Sony's share is just a little bit louder and PCs share is a little more autistic but in the end its the good part of each platform that really matters and when the rare vidya discussions you see here comes from them
You just have to learn ignoring the retards and you'll see there is more to this board other than shitpost and baits

1. Because nothing gets under Sup Forumss skin and sends them into an autistic rage more than having someone they don't know and will never meet on the internet tell them their platform is shit for whatever reason

And 2. Pic related

It was during either last year's E3, or the year before that.

It could've been that Sony- i mean Playstation Experience annual event they do, but i'm not skimming through 4 hours of footage for this.

And this.

You know what gets me?

That fucking smug aura of PS users. Like in that picture, was it really needed to go extra and shatter the "roof"?

I'm pretty sure you're just autistic

aren't we all on this godawful site?

You know that chart just proves that sonyniggers are shitposters and have superiority complex?
Just look at it, when the number gets high the bar bursts through the roof and keeps growing, they could have just made a simple chart where the bar grows taller than other bars then stops. But NO sonyniggers must show the sales were SO HIGH that an imaginary roof in am imaginary chart got pierced by Sony's sales
That gig truly sums up sonyniggers cancer


>tfw we really are here forever


I'm sure if they charted your autism levels, the number would burst through the roof too

>y-you have autism!!1!
You sure proved me wrong sonynigger

>sonyniggers are shitposters and have superiority complex



PC is objectively the best platform though

Because they are winning all the time. PC can't handle the fact that no one gives a shit about their expensive hobby and that the best looking games are Sony exclusive, Nintendo is pissed that no one likes them, not even themselves. So they vent off on Sony. Xbox tried to stab Sony but ended up commiting seppuku.

Sony is always winning and everyone else is upset about it. Like they went from being compared to other consoles to being compared to PC. Let that sink in a bit. A console so good and that has been destroying its competition is being compared to a platform that can offer high end visuals. THAT is how much Sony is winning and THAT is why Sup Forums is so triggered so much to the point that it has become a /r/pcmasterrace shill outpost.

Pic related.

Yet every single one of these consoles have the better exclusives compared to the others.

Try harder, cuck.

Playstation is a successful brand and Sup Forums is mostly made up of contrarian teenagers who feel the need to hate anything popular.

Because they are doing things right and it triggers the Nintendrone.

Except PC'ers and Nintendo loyalists are literally the worst human beings.

PCuck here
If I'm going to buy another gayman system I'm not going to buy a gimped pc. At least Nintentoddlers have something else on the table then just a inferior pc.

If you mean in a "quantity > quality" way, then yeah

What if I want to play Nintendo games, or Bloodborne. PC can't do that

It has game people want to play. That's literally it.

even if it is, the way that people brag about it is the subject for this matter

Because sonycucks are fun to bully

>and Sup Forums is mostly made up of NoA Treehouse shills that feel the need to send thank you posters for censoring games.

Fixed that for you.

>What if I want to play Nintendo games, or Bloodborne
you would have to buy two consoles

or buy one console and emulate the other

Didn't see anyone hating the 360 when it was successful

Maybe because they didn't have an inferiority complex and talked about their games normally?

They are unfiltered cancer

You can't actually think your door stopper is a good purchase right? You actually own this console in the year 2016?

Do you also pay $60 for each game + $60 a year for online? That's not even counting if your controller breaks and then you gotta pay $40-50 on a new one, headsets a little cheaper but they're still plastic shit that break easily.

I think I'd rather play my Games on a superior machine, the personal computer.

That's why PC is only "objectively" the best, when you already have the means to play console exclusive games

I personally hate having to miss out on great games because I only limit myself to one platform. There's nothing "master race" about that

t. Nintentoddlers.

Because as we all know, Sup Forums isn't biased about anything!

All that proves is how other people perceive a fanbase, not how they actually are.

>What if I want to play Nintendo games, or Bloodborne. PC can't do that
I just need to play that one game out of thousands of others.

>2 1/2 years since release
>2 fucking good exclusives
This gen is a fucking embarrassment

>Limiting yourself instead of being able to play whatever you want
>all because the other platforms don't meet your elitist standards
It's not just one game. I used the best one as an example

I did a little bit of math on the online prices for the Xbox One/PS4

Over this console generations life time it could cost you around £320 or more depending on if you buy your membership monthly(£5.99 x 12 = £71.88 x 8 = £575) or every 3 months(£15 + 4 = £60 x 8 = £480), that’s £40-£71.88

> console faggots who actually pay this shit

Bloodborne is probably partially to blame

Dark souls became such a huge attraction here since the pc release, then it's sequel, then bam "no game station 4" gets the beloved spiritual sequel, then everyone continued to be ignorant and go on about how multiplats dont count as games on ps4 for whatever reason

I dont know man. There's just so much shit posting and port begging

I don't know what you mean by that but PC is still objectively the best platform and exclusives don't change that. If those exclusives were on PC they'd be better on PC too, exclusives don't make the platform itself better, just more enticing to own since it has games you'd otherwise miss out on. Multiplats are always best on PC, that's just the fact of the matter.

I'm not saying to be PC only and to not play consoles. I have a PS4 and XB1 for exclusives, but they're still not objectively better than PC
(although I might ditch the xbox since MS basically came out and said all future games will be on PC too)

bloodborne hasn't even sold that well on the PS4


has it on 2.17m

The whole Bloodborne thing was awful. Shitposters and falseflaggers made it effectively impossible to talk about for fucking months.

Doubly sad in that it'll undoubtedly be much the same with these two other SCEJ and From collaborations that are in the pipeline.

>then everyone continued to be ignorant and go on about how multiplats dont count as games on ps4 for whatever reason
Because they don't. The Xbox pretty much matches the PS4 in performance and PC shits on both of them.

>niche title sells moderately well on a "dudebro" console
Well call the fucking news station, user
They said it met their expectations anyway

I'm in the same boat, I have a PS4, Xbone, and decent PC and if Microsoft continues to kill the Xbone by putting all of its software on Windows 10, I might actually sell it as it's my least played console.


>games aren't games because they're multiplats
Who knew it was possible to be THIS retarded

Plus Sony were pleased enough with its performance to lock down From for another two collaborations with SCEJ, which probably stems from Yoshida still kicking himself over how he handled that whole DeS thing.

>people say sonyfans are the worst fanbase
>while participating in yet another daily PS4 bashing thread
>while raiding and derailing any thread they try to have for their games

PCMR is what fucked everything up, they are the only video game focused group that's built on the basis on being superior to other people through hardware. Their core identity of PC users is console bashing.

Go to /r/xboxone or /r/ps4 or /r/nintendo and you find people talking about video games, no circle jerk, no hardware shaming/bashing, just video games.

You go to /r/pcmasterrace and on the front page you will see threads dedicated to console bashing and circle jerking. They will take screenshots of a young teenagers tweets who is a console fan and typically saying some dumb shit and it will get 700+ replies, all circle jerking each other saying how consoles are destroying the industry.

It is the lowest and most pitful gathering of humanity I have ever seen, the true cancer of the video game industry. PC users.

Sooooo fucking true. We won again bros.



PC users getting Blown the Everloving Fuck Out ITT right now

Fuck off from this site forever


>if you buy your membership monthly
Reminder that you have to be literally retarded to buy it monthly
I think paid online is shit but this is like including $200 worth of Overwatch loot boxes when adding up the cost of PC gaming

Daily reminder that platform warriors are literal redditors.

I don't like any of the console developers. Being a fan of them is just stupidity, but Sonyggers are beyond bad.

Sony continues to fart in their faces and they love it.
Paid online.
Bullshot trailers again and again and again and again
Sony fanboys hype garbage just because it is exclusive, like Horizon Dawn.

The PS4 has like 2 games, and the other consoles are just as bad. This gen is shit.

The only right answer in this entire thread