Don't mind me, I'm just pirating this ham

>Don't mind me, I'm just pirating this ham.

Sup Forums doesn't realize that game developers feed their families trough vidya sales.

This is going to be a great thread

Maybe you should try getting a real job.


It's stealing but I don't care

You just wanted to make that filename pun, don't lie.

game developers don't realize I feed my family through not paying for video games

So you made a copy of it and left the original?
With ham piracy we can solve world hunger

I only pay for games I enjoy.

Yes, but effort and money went into that specific ham. Nothing goes into a digital copy, it's a fucking digital copy.

That being said, don't pirate.



Prob just another denuvo shill, just ignore them.

if the game is shit then i wont feed them

That's beef, nimrod.

okay, sure

thanks for paying twice as much as you should have, you've paid for both of our copies.

be honest Sup Forums, if you could download boi pussy, would you?

Not girl pussy, just boi pussy.

She's not pirating that ham unless that grocery store is on the ocean.

>see ham in store
>can't afford it
>pirate myself a ham
>the original ham that I got my pirated copy of is still on the shelf unchanged
>Unintentionally found the solution to world hunger

What's the problem?

unless the game is an indie game made by like 3 guys the sales all go to the publisher and the devs see not a single dime of that

boys dont have pussy though

Sup Forums told me otherwise

That's not ham at all you fucking retard

I thought the developers get paid by the publisher before the game is even out.

>people on Sup Forums lie and/or are wrong


and you trusted them? should have at least googled it first

Then they may find a real job.

That's not piracy, that's theft you moron.

>food analogies
>implying to can duplicate ham and leave the original in it's place
>implying you're not just trolling for epic maymay points
Caught you, kiddo.

user please, your anime toys aren't considered family

She's stealing the meat. It's different from "pirating" because that would mean she only downloaded a copy of someone else's meat, leaving the original unchanged.

>proud of catching a memester
>he hasn't seen this thread 10 million times already

but its the same xD

this proof of marriage certificate says otherwise grandpa

Its called boipucci. Its not an actual femenine pussy per se, but it feels just the same.

>implying I haven't lost the will to live
I'll see you at 4am

Except games don't work like meat. The important part isn't the disc the game is stored on, it's the information itself. By not paying for the information that the developers made, you're robbing them of the fruits of their labor. Surely you can see that.

Hams don't come with shitty DRM

I had a friend who would "pirate" milk in highschool. He always wore bigass coats and jackets (which ended up getting him suspended at one point, but that's a different story) and in the lunch line he'd just stuff his fucking pockets with milk while it was too crowded for anyone to pay attention. He'd come to the lunch table and just put down like seven fucking little jugs of milk, offer some to people, and announce that he pirated it. Nobody was allowed to tell him he stole it, it was always referred to as "piracy". He'd just walk around school the rest of the day swigging strawberry milk and if people asked what the fuck he was doing he'd just say he pirated it. This is a true story, I'm not bullshitting this to disparage pirates (hell I pirate shit from time to time), I just thought it was worth sharing.

They should make it harder to steal then.
If stealing food, money, cars, or whatever else was as easy as pirating a video game, you can bet your ass I'd do that too.

Daily reminder that piracy is one of the many reasons why atheism doesn't work. Society NEEDS an Invisible Man or people will either break laws left and right or come up with their own moral grey decisions every time. Religion removes that grey intransigence and comes up with clearcut rules.

Piracy is literally stealing. A copied sale is a lost sale. Lending a video game to a friend is NOT comparable to lending a book because production costs for books are much smaller, and plus waiting for a single video game to get passed around properly among 2-3 people can effectively take up to at least a year, so the sales lost from "lending" are much smaller than those lost from piracy.

TL;DR: If you advocate piracy then you advocate people deciding morality on their own every day. It won't be long before you pirates decide killing is right if nobody else finds out, etc.

>developers feed their families trough vidya sales

Why they don't get a more reliable job?

Show it to me son

>It's not my fault I steal, they were asking for it

>buy ham legally
>take it home
>man follows me from the store
>i ask him what he wants
>he says he's the ham police
>have friends around for dinner
>he won't let them eat the ham
>i think he's fucking with the ham because it tastes worse when he's around
a friend of mine pirated his ham and didn't have any of these problems

I used to pirate and sell games to kidz in high school. I also provided console modding services and PC construction/maintnence.

If any of you are in highschool, this is a great market with low input cost and great returns. Be prepared to deal with people who don't understand what it means once you've modded your console.

It is, just go to a fancy restaurant, eat a bunch of steak and lobster and chocolate cake, then walk out. Just leave. It's the easiest thing ever.

if piracy is literally stealing then why is it two different words
check and mate

If video game devs are crying over copied ham, maybe they should become farmers instead.

It's not. It's a synonym. Pirates steal, rape and pillage.

holy shit, thats a new level of retard....damn!

>Sup Forums doesn't realize that game developers feed their families trough vidya sales.

But they don't.

>It won't be long before you pirates decide killing is right if nobody else finds out, etc.
Cain didn't need to rip game of thrones to lead to him to killing abel. Actually, if Cain could've torrented some of Abel's plants, maybe he could've offered god a mix of produce and meats.

i usually end up buying pirated games i like when they're on sale.

if i didn't pirate them in the first place, I would of never ended up buying them later on.

not an argument

>have original game
>clone a separate copy
>clones aren't real people, so they can't be murdered
>eat the cloned game for dinner
>grocery store still gets mad at me

If you pirate games you are literally on the same level as a ghetto ass nigger. You're not a ghetto ass nigger are you Sup Forums?

I remember pirating my friend's homework in highschool

Somehow no one was hurt in the accident

>but it feels just the same
no it doesnt its a fucking asshole, its where shit is pushed out

i hope the bug that crawled up you ass leaves so you can get some relief.
not every copied sale is a lost sale, many pirates wouldn't have bought the product anyway. its better for a game to be pirated and played than have little to no sales and be not played at all. piracy is an excellent form of exposure for developers, this extends to other entertainment industries as well. hell, even the president of HBO says piracy of game of thrones has actually been beneficial for the show via word of mouth advertising.

If you obtain an item with a price tag, and not by a means of the seller giving it to you for free or exchanging ownership from someone else that bought the item, and you obtain the item without paying, it is theft.

I steal games, there is no denying it, there is no bullshit about it, there isn't even any sort of argument that will circumvent the fact that I stole something.

Why buy after you pirate? That's the part I never, why buy it if you already have it.

I pirated your girlfriend's pussy

If game devs were smart they'd feed their family pirated hams instead of vidya sales.

>he lives in a third world shithole where piracy is illegal

Pirating is no worse than buying used games and as long as it's possible to buy used games I won't feel bad for pirating

>don't mind me, I'm not going to buy this ham at full price, because I don't want to spend that much for a ham
>instead, I'm going to wait a while when another grocery store sells the ham and 15 pounds of other delicious meats for pennies on the fucking dollar
>because what the fuck is the point buying a ham when it first comes out nowadays?

nah, but seriously, buying used games is a much larger issue plaguing the industry.

They made a product worth supporting and you'd like them to make more of it/be rewarded for the quality of their work.

I pirated underrail and went in with dim expectations, but you bet your ass I bought it eventually.

I pirated CK2 just now and don't you faggots dare to tell me they don't deserve it.

Learn what first, second, and third-world means, cuckboy.

I used to pirate when I was a teenager, nowadays it's rare.
But I don't mind people who pirate, I can understand why.

Pirating is more like eating a ham out of the dumpster. It's the same ham with the same label, it's just kinda crappy (no multiplayer, no updates, etc.) If you really want a ham then eat it out of the dumpster, fine, you shouldn't be sent to prison, but I wouldn't go around bragging about it.

social constructs

because I want to support them, and I might want to play it later on, or play it online, or mod it without any weird hiccups that pirated versions sometimes have.

that and when it's like on sale for like 4 bucks, why not?

If they can't feed their families then they should just get a free replica of a ham from the supermarket like the woman in your pic, OP. She IS pirating it, right? Because if she takes a copy of ham the store owns that's theft, but if she copies the ham and does not take the store's ham, then it's piracy.

i miss the days when you had to manually download updates for a game. it was a lot easier to have a fully updated pirated game back then.

>more food analogies

keep them coming

Based on what?

>game developers feed their families trough vidya sales
Indies maybe. Then again "smart and/or desperate" indies could've cheated Kickstarter or Patreon

>no multiplayer
Like leaving off a part of the ham you might not have wanted to eat anyway.

>no updates
>no dlc
>whatever etc refers to
depends on when you get the ham

The bonus of reduced filesize repacks is pretty swell. More games should allow you to cut languages.

>didn't see the OP

sry 4 ur bad englsh :(

There are people in this thread who bought Fallout 4, that is a reason good enough to legalize piracy.


>normies buy Fallout 4
>devs think "Oh hey, people like Fallout 4, let's make more games like that"

>patrician Sup Forums goers pirate good games
>devs think "Nobody bought our good game, let's just make more games like Fallout 4"

Fucking NO it LITERALLY DOES NOT work like this little gayboy!!!

Doesn't matter how real your job is if you're getting robbed by the largest portion of your customer base.

Honest and accepting. Still counts as a vote in the "this is wrong" category, though.

This is why you enjoy so few. You've conditioned yourself to dislike experiences for the sake of saving some dollars.

That money's just operating costs, usually. Whatever the studio needs to keep running. Typically after release the studio gets their profit, which goes to keeping the doors open until the next publishing deal.

Problem solved.

I dunno, you tell me after I stab you to death and steal your shoes.

Gave me a laugh. Used to take like 2 or 3 pretty much the same way. Nothing like that weird-o though

With the way the current state of video games in the past few years up until now I will gladly pirate some of them.
Take Steer FighterX Tekken for instance I pirated the shit out of that game and all the DLC because of the bullshit they tried to pull over at Capcom. I wanted to play it and ended up falling in love with the game to the point that
I thought about buying it but honestly It's just not worth it with how fucked up the game is when it comes to all that DLC half the roster was locked away along with gems and costumes fuck that so I'm still on the fence about it.
I will buy it if I find it for really cheap complete
and just download all the DLC .
I pirated The King of Fighters XIII but only because I couldn't wait until I got the funds to buy it to actually play it.
After that I bought it and absolutely love it as I'm a huge SNK fan and want to support them.
I have done this with many games and most I end up buying.

>This is why you enjoy so few
Do you enjoy forced sodomy too?

So you don't actually know and try using it because you think it makes you cool.

What if a game company sabotage the games they release in your country/continent?
If they don't want my money so I think it won't make a difference.


>Don't mind me, I'm just pirating these fish and loaves

Christians don't realize that fishermen and bakers feed their families through fish and bread sales

>Unintentionally found the solution to world hunger
jesus christ no please stop feeding africa


This. Demos are mostly dead, so try before you buy pretty much has to be through piracy.

>Acquisition of Goods/Services Without Intent to Pay
>class 2 or class 1 misdemeanor, depending on amount

devs don't see a dime from used games sales.....i buy my games used because i'm not a fucking tool, am i a pirate? seriously you fucking Americans get dumber by the minute

>Lending a video game to a friend is NOT comparable to lending a book