E3 2016

E3 2016
15 days until all is revealed...

I will post this everyday until E3
I will cling to hope in possibility that a new metroid game will be announced

Everyday Until FFV gets a proper remake

I will post this everyday until E3
I will cling to hope in possibility that a new Devil Survivor game will be announced

Having fun in that Touhou thread user?
Where is Idol? Did he forget the time again?

I absolutely despise touhou threads on Sup Forums, dont remind me of them please.

I have to ask, why do you post this Gundam picture for every E3 anticipation thread?

That Gundam is literally powered by hope.

Literally powered by hope.

Ah I see, thanks. Not into Gundam

Hope in possibility bud.

I will post this everyday until E3. I will cling to the possibility that iDOLM@STER will be localized.

I forgot what time it was again.

I will post this every time I see the thread.
I will cling to the possibility that the dept heaven series will continue.

I was just about to post for you at 15 after. You're cutting it close.
I take it you made this thread earlier?

Post this one instead

>Finally get Banjo 3
>Its shit

That's quite the upgrade.

Yeah. It lasted a bit longer than i thought it would.

Oh this is nice, thanks user.

I wanna know more about PlayStation NEO, the new DLCs of Shovel Knight and God of War 4. I give up on Bully 2.


Gimme some new IPs! Sequels are alright. No remasters!

I want this too, but fear it'll be Vita exclusive.

Who is streaming the geimu tonight?

Blue Box

I want to cuddle with OP!

I will post this everyday until E3
I will cling to the possibility that Persona 5's NA release date is in the same week/month as Japan.


i hate you.

I remember the exact moment you began the count down for this year's E3, last year.

I have accomplished absolutely nothing since then, and your thread is a reminder of that. Fuck you.

I'm finally a NEET again so I can watch it with Sup Forums this year uninterrupted.
I don't even care.
Nintendo is going to have an an even worse showing.
MS is going to beg us to believe they're not dead.
Sony is going to jerk off to sales numbers and games that aren't out yet.
And the PC showing is going to be more embarrassing shit.

Well since it seems no one is going to do it, I'll stream.
You know where to go right

>tfw only a Zelda stream
>Not even a direct

>I have accomplished absolutely nothing since then, and your thread is a reminder of that. Fuck you.
user, no. Don't do this.

What's the reason behind using Unicorn at every E3 hopes and dreams?

My hope is that all will be well.
My dream is that all will be well.
My nightmare is that all won't be well.

A Gundam powered by hope in possibility will make dream vidya real


He's powered by hope. If he was powered by disappointment he'd be even stronger.

>Binary Domain 2 announced
>Persona 5 gets worldwide release
>Civ VI gets a console release

>It's a plastichydra Darius stream


new chrono trigger


where the fuck is squilliam

You didn't post him iirc

>hoping for anything
Now that's just insanity

Reminder that last year we got Shenmue 3, The Last Guardian and FF 7. Now, a little bird told me that at this E3 we will see a sequel everybody's been waiting for.

Never forget

15 days until E3 and my best virtual friend is MIA. he kept saying for the last 6 months that he has been super busy and that's why he only connected once every 2 weeks, but I lost hope that my friend, DSA, will be online like he used to years ago.

We used to talk about so much stuff, play videogames every now and then but most importantly, he listened when I had something to say. Now? I'm still looking for the strength to finally let the guy go before I start feeling REALLY bad for not being able to talk with a guy I actually never met before.

So yeah, those are my crushed hopes for this E3. We used to watch it and discussed it together. Now that won't happen ever again.

Xfag dreams getting deflated after the last few days of shitposting would be lovely.

Every thread until we get a Jet Set Radio Future port
>He doesnt know about the God of Possibility

E3 is going to be a bunch of games we've seen before (and have been seeing every E3 since like 2013). It'll also be a few games we haven't seen before but don't care about. And then it'll be a whole lot of disappointment.

At least Banana got some sweet space princess ass and a giant colony builder

This guy however, dead and wrong

Banshee Norn please leave, this is a hopes and dream thread

That is my hopes and dreams for E3. In reality it's going to be so much fucking worse.

a good free-roaming spider-man game


It would probably make me purchase a Vita, I want to see more of the series.

Does anyone else think Valve is poised to hit a home run at E3 this year? With the Vive finally out, I could easily see news about Half Life or L4D cropping up this year.

>news about Half Life

Oh no! SJW shills are sabotaging the E3 stages!


is that you, smut?


I just want a July release for SMT IV Apoc or DQVII

Stop putting everything I September, fuck

I will post this everyday. I will cling to the possibility that E# 2016 will not be the last.

> a hero who, despite his shitty life, believed in people, and inspired all of humanity to help him end a catastrophe, which he gladly gave his life to do
>worse than a brat who is handed deus ex machinas because he's born into an illumanti-tier rich family

ded gayme ded franchise on ded platform

im not banned anymore so i can post this finally

wait thats not it

Was worried for a moment.

i wouldnt complain if they announced a vivi's adventure game tho....

This is the last E3 isn't it?

It cant be the last, what will happen to the hope of every user?

this part of metropolis always make me cry

well yea, it'll be E4 next year obviously


i only meant to stay awhiiiiiile

This year has high potential to be the worst E3 of all time.

Just be prepared for the worst guys.

But Xelda U will be GOAT.

not happening
I'll eat a shoe

We look forward to it.

Which one do you think is going to happen?

He means they're counting on them not happening in spite of their hope.

That's how wishing for good things in vidya works most of the time.

I just can't see the new Zelda being GOAT at all