How exactly did they manage to make a video game this imbalanced and add this many characters that either are no fun or...

How exactly did they manage to make a video game this imbalanced and add this many characters that either are no fun or completely useless?

The only way this character can be useful is when teams are completely imbalanced and you dominate the enemy anyway.

Not to mention she factually is only useful when defending and as long as the enemy didn't reach first checkpoint or take in first point.

And how did they manage to break Team Fortress 2 engineer into two classes and make both boring instead of just copying the engineer and make one fun class?

Other urls found in this thread:

Not even mentioning how characters have low skill ceiling, you master them in 10 minutes, how sticky jumping with Junkrat is embarrassingly bad and physically incorrect compared to the Demoman or how there are no dedicated servers which is some third world shit.

How can people shill this game for free?

Wew, look how crazy this fella on the left is. He is all burnt and dirty because he crazy and playing with bombs too much.



holy sheeeeet

>Double Trips
Thread Derailed


oh good, weeks of this being spammed here we go



Jesus lord almighty

Junkrat is the most easy mode character in the entire game. You literally do not have to think when you play Junkrat, just randomly fire in the general direction of the enemy team from a safe distance and enjoy your hard earned kills.

>It's a Mei is on your team episode
>It's a playing against Mei as any tank or support episode

>lel just stop playing the game and wait for your teammates to kill her for you.

This character literally saps the fun out of every match she's in.

thanks for advertising what a shitter you are

its actually kind of unfair how good she is and how utterly cheap her kit is.

go back to posting up at the edge of the maps with widowmaker you tard

did you try looking at her and clicking the right mouse button?

can confirm - this is how you play every character

>sticky jumping
>implying there is such a thing as physically 'correct'


I played a whole match like this as reaper

didn't go well




>Playing torb like a TF2 engi and just wacking your little camp in a corner like a spy is gonna fuck you up at any second

wew lad

>complain about imbalance
>when you can literally change to any hero you want during the game

>It's another the character is shit because I'm a shitter episode.

>It's another the character is op because I'm a shitter episode.

When will these threads die down?

I find all of them balanced except for mcree stun and hammer combo and mei

literally watched a team of 6 symmetras successfully defend a control point

git gud, scrub

Give people time to git gud at the game and to learn how different heroes work. The same thing was rampant in tf2 whenever new weapons came out. As soon as people learnt how to deal with the new weapons the crying stopped

>TFW don't do this and earn my kills
>Tried doing this once
>Got one kill cause it's EXCEPTIONALLY OBVIOUS
>Went back to earning kills and got consistent double/triple kills excluding Ults
Thanks, but no thanks, I'll stick to pro strats outside level 1s.

>competitive pokemon single battles

>2 things of Singularity
Was that necessary?


Its blizzard, they are shit tier to begin with, and this gay game is just multi-cultural pals the video game.

ill never get how people actually care about "dubs" and "trips". is it supposed to be some sort of ironic-autism meme that is just flying over my head?

the first one is the intro to the next one so yes

It's playing the video game that is imageboard shitposting. You win when you get repeating digits, It's found gameplay. Yes you are actually stupid for not realizing this man.

>shitters cry about mei
>they usually run right into melee range to get frozen instantly and cry
>stand still or run in a straight line and get sniped by icicles and cry
>bunched up into a mob and got frozen by her ult
>got cockblocked when they popped their ult and she just walled them in to stop it

Reminder that mei is almost useless 2v1.
Reminder that when she comes out of her heal shell she can't act for a split second and even a reaper can one shot her from full hp.
Reminder that her main weapon is worthless if you A) don't blindly run right into her, and B) zig-zag.

its more of a 'statistical improbability' that you would ever have a post that managed to get that number - or be in a thread when it happens.
anyway, here's your newfag badge - back to r/Sup Forums with you

so essentially the "dont step on the floor because its lava"-game of Sup Forums?

but the number 1183444 being "trips" and the number 1219321 being mere "singles" has objectively no meaningful mathematical significance, its just a dumb random coincidence originating from our number system centered about the number 10, which is only important to humans because of the number of fingers we have

>And how did they manage to break Team Fortress 2 engineer into two classes and make both boring instead of just copying the engineer and make one fun class?

>place a sentry
>it gets explodified by a stealth rocket the second it leaves your hand
>build a dispenser nest
>spy immediately decloaks, kills you and destroys everything

Sounds like fun.

I don't understand how those two games are in any way related. There's no mathematics or multimedia input in the floor is lava game. There's no symbolism, culture or creativity in the lava game. You're looking for any way to make this place seem childish and retarded and the only evidence you will find is in the mirrored monitor you are reading this message off of.

>getting killed by a SPY

Floor is Lava is "found gameplay" in the videogame of real life

also getting "achievements" in videogames

theyre gameplay features not intended by the original creator of the media, but created by the users

I wanna be in the r/Sup Forums screencap too!

Not all spies are shit, believe it or not.
Then again even the worst spies can pocket kill engineers.

Spies don't even have to be good to wreck any nest.
Just red tape, spycicle, and dead ringer. And you can just spam down anything.

Holy shit, that literal autism

im just trying to make sense of all this post number nonsense, fampire

It's a fucking joke, you socially retarded lemming. or to simplify it for you 2nd gen millenials, a dumbMEME that people just fucked around with pre vg



cool joke there bro

i refuse to believe people that are supposedly not retarded are actually this retarded

Free shilling is a myth. It can be fun for a few days, just to rage people, but after 1-2 days, it's almost always paid shilling. I know because i worked at a call center and it's somewhat similar. Not to mention you'll be hitting your head to the wall after pretending to like things you don't like.

how the hell do you pay someone to shill on Sup Forums? $1 per post? give me a break

What do you guys think of Overwatches racism?

>south korean who plays RTS like starcraft
>duty/honor obsessed japanese guy
>evil mexican
>tech support indian
>cowboy american
>confident beat droppin brazilian
>german knight (reinhardt)
>mad max-esque australians (roadhog and junkrat)
>engineer swede
>idealistic american pilot
>strong russian with big gun
>cold hearted swiss (AKA german)

Also, everyone has Caucasian facial features. Pharrah has light skin.

>Reality is racist

I love it. People should embrace people's stereotypes, it's nothing to be embarrassed about

>Caucasian facial features

THAT is actually what i would call racist. If anything, that's the false assumption that general aesthetic human facial features are "caucasian features". Go to Europe and check out all the fucking ugly white people sometime

>people shit on Symmetra for some reason
>consistently go 22+-2 with her
You need to know where to place turrets, and you need to not be afraid to run in and kill fuckers with your tether gun. She is honestly one of the best supports in my opinion, but she can't healslut so she sucks.

Also best waifu

>>german knight (reinhardt)
How is this even a stereotype?

How about we all say that this game is a terrible rip off of tf2 and is a shit-tier multiplayer game. Plus the game doesn't even have a cynical insane German doctor! Just a crappy one off whore...


And so a new meme was born.

symmetra is amazing but you wouldnt know that, shes only for skilled players. its high noon amirite?

No beta.

Instead they used that period for marketing.

This. But fuck healing, that aint my job anyway, let someone else do it.

Also knowing where to place teleports can change the tide of the game immensely. Its cringeworthy watching someone place it literally in the battlefield

The first time I saw Pharah's fucking jetpack compared to TF2 rocket jumping, I knew the game was gonna be casual as fuck.

>Overwatch is bad

Please stop posting

Nothin wrong with casual games


I just feel like they're less rewarding

You need a life

Spotted the newfag

It was retarded back than and a lot of us hated it, it was primarily used to just ruin threads for the fuck of it.

The only gets that EVER matter are milestone ones. Everything else is shitposting

>Reminder that mei is almost useless 2v1.
Well not really, she can keep two people busy for quite a long time with wall and shield, during that the other 5 players on her team can gangbang the 4 on yours

This is true of every hero pretty much if you're skilled with them. You can tie up multiple heroes with squishy ass genji just by dashing around and poking for example.

>Also, everyone has Caucasian facial features. Pharrah has light skin.
Doing otherwise is considerably more racist.

Most niggers are ashamed of their heritage/culture, which is why we have these We Wuz Beethoven memes in the first place.

If every ethinicity doesn't look and act like caucasian, its racist. Although, they can be better than caucasians. You can say that black man is just white man, but more athletic and with bigger dick, which is PC and not racist at all.

Should I feel bad for getting a boner every time I see Symmetra?

She's designed to fuck with Reinhardt and that's really it. She can fuck with Bastion a little, but it isn't worth it unless you have a real healer.

That is unless they rebalanced everything again for the retail version. I've gotten POTGs just walking around shooting balls.

>Wew, look how crazy this fella on the left is. He is all burnt and dirty because he crazy and playing with bombs too much.

If dubs I'm buying overwatch tomorrow .

Check my 7.
