Favorite Dark Souls 3 boss

Hey Sup Forums, I got bored so I made a poll to see which boss in the third installment of Dark Souls 3 Sup Forums thinks is the best overall.


Also Dark Souls thread.

It was so cool and it fits both the lore and the gameplay with all the chaotic fun of this fight, specially if you do it alone.

I consistently have the most fun fighting Dancer

Can I just say despite how easy the Yhorn fight was, it felt cool as fuck in a cinematic sense?

When I first charged up the sword and sent that tornado towards him, I got hype as FUCK

4kings felt more chaotic. If the watchers were easy because they're really early, if they were later they would have been more fun imo
>you can bs and parry them, even in the second stage

>the third installment of Dark Souls 3

>third installment of Dark Souls 3

So I haven't bothered to actually check. Is poorly drawn Pepe the new thing now?

>Prince Lorian
>Literally killing a cripple

Based Miyazakis done it again

There was a chart but I didn't save it

I wouldn't dare to set a foot on neo r9k to ask

I voted for Yhorm :^)

With or without your dick in hand?

Which one do you guys think looks better? Left or right?

You know what's hype as fuck? First time I fought Yhorm I didn't know about Storm Ruler and I just switched into git gud mode and did the entire fight with just my trusty butcher's knife without getting hit a single time.

right for sure my dude



Disregard rightfags

Right for sure.
10/10 fashion souls too. Props to you my man. Looks like a hybrid of the Old Monk from Demons Souls, Your average black man, and Lee Sin from League of Fucktards. If I'm not mistaken the lower armor in the right is Lorian's leggings, correct?

right, looks cool man nice

Right. What gloves are those?

Are that the Demon's Fist? Is it actually good?

Alright guys, thanks, and they're Karla's gloves.

Not great, but better than you'd expect them to be.

I go both ways

>Champion Gundyr leading the votes
>Fuck yeah


>no love for Aldrich
I mean, I thought he was cool.

What's the best weapon for a dex/faith build. I'm currently using an estoc and would like people to stop calling me a faggot.

>tfw summoned Master for Champion and beat him on first try
He sounds like he was such a cool boss.

I liked Aldrich. But in no way shape or form was he my favorite boss. I'm in the Gundyr memeclub. Aldrich feels satisfying as fuck to hit though. Not sure why but slashing that blubbery, fleshy black blob he calls a body is so satisfying. But his theme isn't the best, his moves felt cheapish, and other than slashing away at his blubbyness he wasn't very satisfying to fight.

Holy shit Gundyr is fucking destroying these rankings. I honestly thought that the memeless king or Soul of Cinder would've been Sup Forums's favorites. I mean, I'm not complaining, the Champ is my favorite fight but woah.

For all the buildup, he ended up being a boring enemy with a few cheap attacks who got his fearsome title by killing a joke boss from the first game while said joke boss was ill. Aldrich was a fart.

hey is the executioners great sword any good? This is my first playthrough and just picked this thing up. It looks rad.

Old Iron King shits on every Souls boss

Not really a feat when Yhorm can barely hit you under normal circumstances.

At 40 strength it pulls 441 AR, and at 40 str and 40 dex it pulls 484 AR. So, not bad.

Flamberge is the best greatsword, though.

Depends on what you mean by good, senpai. Basically any weapon that isnt a fist weapon/whip will carry you through the game.

It's average at best. You'd be better off using a faster weapon like Anri's Straight Sword, or a harder hitting slower weapon like my favorite weapon, the Greatsword.

Seriously, infuse a Greastsword with refined, go 40 in Strength and Dex and your AR will be around 603. Just don't tell anyone you leveled up Dex. Ever.

Well shit, if you want a big weapon and you're willing to go 40/40, farm yourself a Black Knight Greataxe and enjoy the 695 AR.

I voted crippletwins, but champion gundyr is also acceptable. It's also a lot of fun to dress up as him and invade at untended graves.

well im trying a str and faith build, because paladins are cool.

I dont even care if lightning is shit, i love chucking spears to finish off people.

It was my go-to weapon for a little while, would recommend but I'm the type of retard that thinks every weapon is good.

This is my first time trying to use the character creator instead of using a default face. How did I do?

Anri's scales with faith I think.

its been nerfed

How hard?

looks god awful

I've never tried doing a faith build with my weaponfu, the Greatsword, but perhaps if you go 40 str, 40 dex, 40 faith and get Sunlight Blade and whatever the miracle is that buffs your AR that may work well. Not sure though. Pretty sure you wouldn't have to bother too much with attunement, the deep ring will give you the slots you need.

Shit! Gundyr is about to be passed by Soul of Cinder! The Champ!! NOO!

man fucking waited forever for a farron invasion, right when i have the host on the ropes. disconnected. FUCK

Sorry, does this make it better?


also, where are my Gundyr bros at?

Codpiece. Everyone who says right is a beta cuck.

Is it bad I had the most trouble with Curse Rotted Greatwood out of all Dark Souls 3 bosses?

Voted for Wolnir. Was a very creepy and tense fight.

I'm genuinely curious how anyone could have any trouble with Greatwood after figuring out you had to hit the eggs.

Wolnir was spooky. But you're fine if you had trouble with the Greatwood. That flesh arm was tricky dicky.

Wolnir was definitely my favorite intro.
>goblet cutscene ends and the room is dark
>"huh ok I wonder what it did"
>go forward
>yell and jump in my chair

I fought it with the Large Club first and the thing's hitbox is all out of whack. I couldn't hit any of the weak points properly because the hurtbox on the club kept impacting the invulnerable parts first.

Between getting ganged up on by the hollows, some of the eggs being covered in bark, and the arm always being just out of my weapon's reach, Curse Rotted Greatwood just seemed to hit all of my weaknesses as a player.

Also loved how Wolnir and the fog would steadily creep up on you if you took too long. Was like the fight was timed.

>In the Darkmoon covenant
>Wandering around
>Suddenly get summoned
>Genuine surprise

Dark souls is in fact, a hard game you just....get better at it

hand grab move always gets me

I dunno why but I really suck at dodging the Greatwoods normal attacks where he just... moves. He sways his arms and I always get hit. I'm probably just not the best at weak spot bosses in terms of my playstyle. I always end up tunnel visioning on the weak point and end up getting lmao smashed all over the arena.

So far the top 3 are
>The Champ at #1 (Where he belongs)
>Soul of Cinder at a close #2
>Twin Princes at #3

Those are my top three favorite bosses in this game too.

Trying to hit the eggs with soul arrows was a huge pain. Took a while before I got good at shooting unlocked. Harder than lobbing talismans, or firebombs, that's for sure.

Twin princes is just dope as heck. That attack where Lorian stands up to smash you might be one of the coolest in the series.

I like the music for Twin Princes the best. Also the teleporting is bad ass as fuuuck

I also love that he starts out with a teleport after the cutscene, it's a great intro.

Twin Princes are like Gundyr in the sense that there isn't much bullshit you have to deal with. It's all fair as fuck. If you suck at the game you'll get wrecked. If you're good and learn to read attack patterns then you'll have a much easier time.

I like Gundyr more because I feel like even if you're doing well against Gundyr he can still kill you with his fast paced comboing. The Princes are very forgiving in that sense. They're a lot slower paced than Gundyr.