Who HYPEY for Mafia 3?

Who HYPEY for Mafia 3?

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hype only leads to disappointment

was 2 beyond just "good"?


I actually am, I feel like this is their last shot to flush out the game to its full effect, with side missions and exploration. Since they bankrupt thier company with Mafia 2 its a miracle this is even happening so theyre counting their blessings and going the godfather, GTA, saints row route even if they dont want to

Is that a black guy? wtf

id be more hyped of theyd release some more info of it
theres nothing but the same 3-4 videos of Lincoln attack those dudes in the graveyard. And I swear to Christ I better have more costumes then that fucking green army jacket

half black half something else
probably joe's son and thats why vito is back

Yeah, evidently mafia is no longer Italian, it just means "criminal"

so we have ungo bungo here as the protagonist of a series about the mob

>playing as a black guy

>it's another thread where people bitch about muh niggers, claim there were no nigger mafias, get proved wrong, then move the goal posts and then claim it doesn't matter

Ii dont get hyped anymore. I grew out of it. you know damn well they promote the best of any game at those E3 shows and the game itself might look half of what it did by the time its finished
Ill give it a month after its release and then ill buy it when its 30 dollars and forgotten

no, people here just plain don't like niggers.


thats not the point. there are Irish, Chinese, and jewish mafia too
everyone wants the classic Italian mob or some variation of it. I like the new setting but I cant help but think theyre going to pander to BLM and SJW's when I just want to play a fucking game

>I like the new setting but I cant help but think theyre going to pander to BLM and SJW's when I just want to play a fucking game

>you couldn't stop this

>it's a "the last level will have hardcore rap music playing in the background as the protagonist swaggers out towards the camera just as the credits roll" game

What the fuck

Goddamn niggers.

>Goddamn niggers.
clearly south american

and let's not pretend that there aren't thousands of videos and hundreds of websites with whites putting kittens under a slab of glass and and crushing it to death


Dog or cat?

fuck niggers

somebody post this on twitter and see if people will still defend nigs

Just when I thought I'd seen all sorts of fucked up shit.

Just when I thought Zippo Cat and Heel Cat were horrible enough.

This is why people think I'm weird.

You mean Brazilians?

yeah but that mother fucker JUST FUCKING ATE IT

no, he tore into it with his teeth you stupid white faggot. And is this really any worse than a bunch of white savages torturing and then slowly killing animals for the entertainment of other white savages?

I've seen the video with audio, they were speaking spanish.

Ever seen what average Chinese people to prepare dogs and cats for slaughter? Not much better at all.

At least that guy was probably the neighborhood insane dude.

>he's defending this

What the fuck?

Some other south American trash country then.

Nice bait

t. delusional and effeminate white animal that gets triggered when called out on his bullshit

on a phone, can't watch webms. what happens in it?


>Literally justifying a black guy eating a kitten alive

Jesus Christ

He isn't really defending it but more putting in perspective. There are a lot of ways you can make nigs look inhuman, but animal cruelty is something all races share unfortunately.

In other news, I heard elephants are predicted to go instinct in just twenty years. That's some upsetting shit.

Not really. I wanted it to go the natural progression to 60's and 70's Vegas.

The setting was EVERYTHING for these games.


>tumblr filename
Can't make this shit up

>black guy



WTF I hate mafia now

>playing as a bix nood

screencapping this so i can laugh my ass off when this actually happens

the next Homefront Revolution
as in the sequel no one asked for

Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.
>Also, negro on a greaseball game

he didn't eat it, and please quote the part where i justified it.

It's not called "Black Mafia" is it you stupid faggot?

Wait why is he black lol

>india in charge of being civilized

we wuz gangsters and shiiet

>Having an opinion different from yours means that I'm a tips-fedora m'lady type
>Everyone on Earth must give me fellatio immediately or else they are all the tips-fedora m'lady type
Stop being a child.

Doesn't have to be. A mafia is a mafia.

Mafia = Italian unless the ethnicity is explicitly stated. You're wrong, so stop posting

ten buckaroos says they avoid using "nigger" at all costs

how did Moonman become associated with racism against blacks?

Damn... reallly makes u think...

don't forget the Mexican mafia too.


News flash: NOBODY WANTS TO PLAY AS ANY OTHER MAFIA THAN THE SICILIAN MAFIA. You sir, need to learn two words tonight: humility, and authenticity.

>Stop being a child.
says the one quaking in his boots because he's afraid that the devs will """pander""" to some group he doesn't like, also """"pandering'""" to these groups will not stop you from playing the game unless they actually pause the gameplay to give you a 1+ minute speech.

what? That is the point of the game, everybody who is white in the game will call you or other black people nigger and it is your duty to kill them. The San Francisco based devs have said that they wish to send messages about current society through this game, and killing racist white dudes is one of them

>they actually pause the gameplay to give you a 1+ minute speech.
What makes you think they won't? You don't know the shit the fucking SJWs are capable of.

No way.
They'll use it quite a bit, but whoever does it, will be btfo'd, by this heroic young man who dindu nuffin wrong but the white man just be keepin him down.

>We dared Mhumbai to bite a cat in half and he did it the absolute madman

yeah, no. they want to be really "progressive" with this game, and in turn they're going to be terrified of showing some actual truth to the decade, and avoid anything racist
1. because they want to be progressive
2. because they know that no matter what there are people out there that will fuck up their marketing and reviews by twisting shit

this is the world we live in

>You don't know the shit the fucking SJWs are capable of.


>What makes you think they won't?

because they have common sense.

Nobody wants play a Mafia game in general so they may as well try something new and see if they can find new audience.

1, i'm not wearing boots, you're an ass
2, I'm not afraid of anything, devs have been and will always be dumb enough to not know exactly what the consumer wants, and
3, almost every other field of work has seen drastic downfall in efficiency in those filled with pandering devs. Halo 5 launched half-assed, and the campaign is a living pander. It took them three years what BUNGiE could have done in three months. So you tell me; who's the ones pandering here?

Also, here's a $5.00 direct deposit from Soros.

>""""pandering'""" to these groups will not stop you from playing the game

It will because it will make the game shitty

>protag not even a part of the mafia
>background just so happens to give him a stake in every conflict :^)

Gameplay looks ok though

>game isn't about mafia but about Vietnam and black segregation
>Devs claim there have been "plenty" of mafia games so they wanted a different focus
>You are taking out evil white racist mafia

You aren't even fucking part of the mafia just fuck this game. Fuck you sjw bullshit I ain't buying this crap.


Boogeyman means fake.

Are you seriously implying that SJWs do not exist and are not malicious in their existence? If so, I'm afraid you are a bigot, and your opinion is invalid.

It's not a boogeyman when they've had a real, tangible effect on the world.

The new Ghostbusters, Dina, Nadine in Uncharted, Bioware, the new Baldur's Gate. They're fucking dangerous. We've been at war with them, fighting for your fucking freedom, risking our asses in dangerous fucking operations, and you scream boogeyman.

Maybe we shouldn't fight this war for you faggots, and let you get stomped by their SJW heel. And then you'll fucking beg for our help, and you know what I'll say?

No. And then I'll spit in your nu-male beta fucking face. Goddamn, this must be how Big fucking Boss felt with all the world against him.

pretty much, if they called it anything other than Mafia I would have been fine with it, but this is just stupid

>b-but we want to send a message
fuck these faggots. i don't want a message. i just want a good fucking video game. if these people want to stand on soap boxes they should go back to college

>nobody wants to play a mafia game in general so they may as well try something new

Pretty stupid of them to call it "Mafia 3" then isn't it?


>. Halo 5 launched half-assed, and the campaign is a living pander

who were they pandering to and please post some examples of this pandering.

>It took them three years what BUNGiE could have done in three months

Your point?? 343 is inferior to Bungie, everyone knew this when they played Halo 4.

>almost every other field of work has seen drastic downfall in efficiency in those filled with pandering devs


>that spacing



To quote Carl the Cuck, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?"

The campaign of Halo 5 is probably the worst campaign of any first person shooter in the past five years. The main character is literally not a character. The devs expect us to believe that he is in fact one because he's black, even though everything he does goes against black stereotypes. On the mission where you're on Sanghelios, Vale literally says "it appears that the sangheli have women among their ranks. It's nice to see that they have attained equality". In-game dialogue, everyone.

Don't make me look for that "men are superior to women by accident" meme.

>Another strong powerful black with with a thick pulsating thug dominant black cocktail that white boys can't compete with liberal cuckold simulator.


one mary sue character makes a game sjw wow

Isn't Mafia 2 famous for using the word nigger more than any other game in history?

No, it's famous for saying "fuck" the most.

>The new Ghostbusters
what do SJWs have to do with ghost busters? I know they defended the game but are they the reason the movie is being made?


the girl from might no. 9?

>Nadine in Uncharted
are you referring to the fight between her and drake? seems like your standard action movie bs



bowing to the gay lobby and chasing gay money =/= pandering to SJWs

>the new Baldur's Gate

what's going on with this?

>We've been at war with them, fighting for your fucking freedom, risking our asses in dangerous fucking operations


> And then I'll spit in your nu-male beta fucking face

the only nu-male here is the one pretending he's some grizzled war vet because he sent out some memes to low level SJWs on twitter.

Oh. Well it used nigger quite a bit too if I remember right. Or maybe that was dago.

>The main character is literally not a character. The devs expect us to believe that he is in fact one because he's black

so he's your standard boring character with zero personality but the devs wanted us to believe he was one because he was black? Please provide a source.

>even though everything he does goes against black stereotypes

maybe because Halo is not a blaxpotation franchise and Locke's race isn't important for the character.

>Vale literally says "it appears that the sangheli have women among their ranks. It's nice to see that they have attained equality". In-game dialogue, everyone.

I cant find anything on this.



>nigger creates gang to kill white people
B-but this is totally unrealistic, r-right?

>one mary sue character makes a game sjw wow
It just takes one to ruin the entire experience.


2 was ok.

ayo imma stay loyal to my capo f.a.m.