
Why is Tracer's Ult so shitty? Am I using it wrong?

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Tracer isn't made for damage

>Highest DPS weapons in the game.
>Not made for damage.

nigga u retarded or what?

Are you?

The Ults are either overpowered or downright shit


You stick it on tanks and leave them on like 100 health to finish them off with pistols.

Ultimate needs a buff to damage to 1000 though. Her ultimate is weak sauce compared to all other offensive characters but not even being able to kill a Reinhard with it after going through the trouble of sticking this one mine on him is bollocks.

I mostly just try throwing it in a big group of enemies and barely kill anyone.

Don't do that. It has a tiny blast radius.

Walk right up to a tank and stick it on him then press E to rewind to gtfo before it explodes. It will also tell you in bold letters "STUCK" if you sticked it to someone.

This way you can teleport through the enemy front line. Place the mine on one of the tanks. Then rewind to get back to friendly territory.

Tracer has a high skill cap tho so unless youre really good at twitch movement and shooting I wouldn't recommend her.

Pic related. Advice from someone who likes having a dedicated ABORT PLAN button.

>Console version
Alright kiddo keep pretending your opinion means anything.

Alright cool, I'll try doing that from now on.

I find it annoying that her bomb goes through reinhardts shield.

Assume more asshat

>Get a triple kill as Tracer using alt
>100% damage on all three enemies
>Play of the game goes to Soldier 76 doing 75, 15, and 45 with his ult
What is this bullshit?

Attached wrong picture. Correct one here.

So I guess you never switch to counter. And when no one picks heal or tank you still stay with tracer? Cancer.

Are you too retarded to use a print screen button?

hes trying to proove he plays on a computer, friend.

because her base skill set is good enough that a shit ulti balances it out.

it's not like you cant get a good few kills with it, but it doesnt compare to other teamwipe ultimates.

I have to shitpost from my phone. Can't be bothered to send screenshots to phone.

>enemy uses Reaper's ult
>gets PotG
>use Reaper's ult
>die without shooting anyone despite being surrounded point blank

Then why wouldn't you print screen in the first place tardo? Who the fuck takes a screenshot of their computer using a phone jesus christ

got him lmao

don't use either, is there a difference between hanzo's arrow ability and widowmakers visor ultimate?


Duration and Range.
Widow's lasts longer, and enemies don't have to be close to each other for you to see them.
Hanzo has to shoot his arrow near the enemies.

The ult is for taking out entrenched high value targets like bastions and tanks. Its good because it has a low charge cost.

you lost bub

Are you purposely being obtuse or what?

You want a shitty ult? Look at Roadhog and Pharah