Why does this board constantly apologize for Nintendo's awful practises?

Why does this board constantly apologize for Nintendo's awful practises?

>censors M-rated games because sexy girls insult tumblrinas
>region locking
>going slowly and slowly more mobile
>hardware from 2005 priced like hardware from 2015
>games never drop in price, stocks are intentionally crippled to keep prices up
>online is still shit
>Already ditched Wii U after less than three years
>keeps games hostage to a 240p platform
>Sells Happy Meal toys as DLC

Why is Nintendo always justified in its anti-consumer tactics?

Other urls found in this thread:


Because muh kiddie shit games intended for 5 year olds are totally still fun.

I dunno. Why do you still live in the land of burgers if this is a problem for you?

Good point, he should go to europe and never see a nintendo game again

There is not much you can do. If you don't buy it and it sells low it will be attributed to not being wanted. Or the normies buy it anyway.

The only thing you can do is to stir up bad publicity, calling them out on 'north korean practices of censhorship' or 'attacking freedom' or some other shit you 'muricans like.
Too bad nobody does that on a scale that seems effective.

Nintendo's retarded lately but starting a shit console war thread is not helping anything

Or just stop buying Nintendo shit and let this cancerous company die.

I come here for lewd and you fags are whining about SJWs and censorship. You idiots really are the other end of the extreme. Now post cute asian girls in bikinis like this thread should've been doing to begin with.

You go first

Kill yourself normalfag

Fine, I will.

It's called Nintendogaf for a reason.

>>going slowly and slowly more mobile
Everyone has gone mobile, I don't care as long as it doesn't go into "new mainline Breath of Fire and Seiken Densetsu games exclusively for phones" territory
>>Already ditched Wii U after less than three years
Cause the console fucking failed, you can't just undo three years of bad decision making. May as well start fresh and try to get things right with third parties and marketing from the start at this point.
>>keeps games hostage to a 240p platform
Now this is going into full retard PCuck "EXCLUSIVES ARE KILLING GAMING" territory

The rest is true though

Because they can and they do

>>censors M-rated games because sexy girls insult tumblrinas
sexy under age girls

Is that a bulge

They're not real. 17 or 18 shouldn't matter. Besides they censor adult girls aswell.

>17 or 18 shouldn't matter
tell that to the police

>They're not real. 17 or 18 shouldn't matter.
Thanks for sharing. Also, why bother giving them ages then?

Blind loyalty, nothing more.

They are when locked to hardware from 2004.

The police don't care about fictional 17 year olds in non-pornographic situations.

thx phamerino

>Also, why bother giving them ages then?

I dunno

Why bother giving them ages

I don't give a fuck about that shit

Police don't care about the age of virtual girls wearing bikinis or not. Am I going to get arrested for murder sprees in GTA aswell?

>why bother giving them ages then?
to appeal to pedos


I'm glad Nintendo's declining, it's their time.

>Wii U flopped
>The NX will probably flop because it's launching a few years into a generation
>Kids don't really care about Nintendo anymore
>Quite a few Nintendo fans are moving on because of censorship too

Aren't they like no younger than 14? They're not even doing it right.

>Police don't care about the age of virtual girls wearing bikinis or not
there was a man arrested for having graphical porno, you cannot escape

That must explain why that one XSeed guy insisted on keeping the SK girls at 15

>17 is pedo
t. Treehouse employee

The few adult fans outside of Nintendo's target audience are fanatical in their support.

Iwata dying also feels like it has accelerated their DLC practices on a random note

Still underage, buddy

>big tittied ninjas is pedophilia
Nintendrones getting more retarded by the day. Treehouse brainwashing got to you.

Developers are the ones actively choosing to develop games exclusively for the 3DS because it sells better than the Vita. The only case of something even remotely similar to your imaginary situation where Nintendo is holding them at gunpoint and forcing them to develop games for a graphing calculator is Monster Hunter where Nintendo and Capcom clearly have a partnership going on, but the entire reason MH is on Nintendo systems now is because Sony wouldn't cooperate with Capcom. Nice job posting a picture of a character from a DS game though, I thought you were against playing games on outdated hardware? Portrait of Ruin was locked to hardware from 1997 when it could've been on the much more advanced PSP.

Who /cancelledpreorder/ here? Thankfully Wii U modding is moving forward and my 3DS is hacked. Definitely won't be buying Pokemon Moon, Zelda Wii U, TMS#FE etc, I'll be playing them via homebrew.

In some stages it actually is. Even if you yourself are 18.

It's as dumb as it sounds.

I don't. I'm a weeb and I've dropped Nintendo after the Wii U for their bullshit localisation and region locking. Fuckers ruined #FE.

Maybe in Americuckistan. Not in Europe or Japan. And killing people is also illegal. But GTA ain't banned.

states*. Whoops.

I know that feel, brother. I had it preordered for so long and cancelled not too long ago. Look on the bright side, Wii U homebrew is here and eventually, someone will import the English text into the Japanese version.

Legal in most places.

We are taught to be respectful to the dead or dying.

Oh I forgot, it's okay since it's actually ephebophilia

not in 'murica

Amongst 17 year olds, yeah

Nintendo is dead to me. The last straw was zelda on nx. Just goes to show how tolerant I was towards their shit if THAT of all things is what did it. Now that I've woken up, I wonder how everyone else can't. Well, based on the sales numbers, it looks like most people have. And based on miiverse, it looks like most people with a wii u are kids whose parents bought it for them.

>Nintendrones resort to using laws applied for real actual people to justify NoA censorship

Kek. Why not just remove all violent games aswell becaude murder is illegal? Fucking retards.



>Now that I've woken up, I wonder how everyone else can't.
I mean, you just admitted to getting mad at a game being on more than one console so

I always disliked Nintendo, the PS1 was the savior of video games.

It's ok because it's a fucking videogame and it's not real you fucking cuck. Why not protest against all those awful murders in games that are also illegal?

Even in the states, but we safely assume 18 because state and federal laws are so fickle.

>Why not protest against all those awful murders in games that are also illegal?
But they're not real. Also, no one denies that those games let you kill others.

The point is that there are almost no interesting exclusives for Wii U. The one game that may actually justify the purchase of the shit console is going to be an inferior version of a game on the successor shit console. It's fucking bullshit because then if you buy the next console, you have to endure another cycle of bland games that no one wanted.

P U F F Y V U L V A?


I don't care about you being a turbo weeb who buys softcore porn. Now post more cute yellow skins.


You first

>This whole OP
How fucking new are you?

I figure you're some neofag here to get some shitposting in?

Do autists actually believe this board praises nintendo constantly when a majority of the time there is nothing but people shitting on them, this thread being one?

All of the day, bro.

>Do autists actually believe this board praises nintendo constantly

I'm still going to buy #FE, nothing you can do


To be fair, that was an A+ E3 presentation.
Too bad they shit the bed straight after.

>some guys paid money to play and advertise videogames

>A+ E3 presentation
Not really, everyone else was just embarrassing.

the biggest plus point was that it was 3 days of endless gameplay

the presentation itself wasn't important at all

Not in my state

That said I'd never date a 17 year old. Teenagers are annoying as fuck, holy shit

Because Nintendo is not Nintendo of America.

I sure as hell don't. Eat my dong.

Sup Forums is literally fucking /nintendogaf/ why is this a shock to you?

threads like this seem to be made by dumb sony fans wanting to justify the bullshit that is the PS4K when it happens. And when nintendo does dumb shit it's called out here all the time.

I'm into older ladies, personally, but can someone explain to me where the actual wrong in being attracted to fictional characters who are sexually mature but under the legal age?

We didn't set those ages based on biology or some shit--people were fucking 12 year olds for centuries before we settled on the ages we have now. We just decided as a society that individuals under these age limits don't understand the consequences enough to advocate for themselves whether or not to have sex.

In particular with bullshit anime 1000 year old lolis, there's literally no crime happening there. There's no victim. The problem is not with their body types, it's with the individual not being able to legally consent to sex.

The difference between a 17 year old and an 18 year old is fucking irrelevant from any view but a legal one--and there only really because we have to draw a hard line somewhere to make it enforceable.

>Why does this board constantly apologize for Nintendo's awful practises?
What the fuck are you talking about? Nobody defends those points here.

Except amiibos sometimes

Sup Forums hasn't like nintendo since their 2015 E3

Sup Forums stop being fucking cucks and realized their shitty children company doesn't care about them

I live in europe and the age of consent here is 14, that doesn't mean you won't get arrested for fucking a 14 year old.

Age of consent just means they are lawfully able to give consent to whatever, like mobile phone contracts, without a parent having to do it.

That's not what age of consent means in the states

It's the modern anti-intellectual left being retarded really. To get your panties in a twist because a 17 year old girl in a VIDEOGAME is in a bikini reflects a person who is sad and tragic and can't deal with other people enjoying what they don't enjoy. It's entitlement taken to a whole new level. Basically "If I don't like it, neither should anyone have it". And this mentality has spread like a wildfire in recent years. Babies in Universities being told they're special unique snowflakes that must be the moral guardians of the world.

they're both stupid actually. however the PS4K doesn't alienate regular PS4 owners like the 3DS/N3DS shit does.

The majority of Sup Forums just likes video games without sucking one company's dick, which is why support for or against a company seems to swing around wildly here compared to other places. Nintendo was shit during the Wii era, beloved after they started making fucking games again, and shit on again in the current era because that reflects their choices.

This confuses the shit out of console warriors who can't figure out why someone wouldn't sign their soul over to some corporation in blood

The Wii U came out in late 2011 user.

You must be confusing it with some other similar term in your native language because the English term age of consent very specifically means consent to sexual acts


Don't fucking pretend that right wing soccer moms don't react the same way. This isn't a bipartisan political thing.

When will nintendo unjust themselves Sup Forums?

I-It will be soon right?

>tfw no more Fatal Frame threads because censorship autists/Nintendo shitposters.

So it's the opposite? You can give consent to everything except sex.

Are you mad that your desperate reporting did nothing, fanboy?

Yes, they're the same. But usually we'd have leftists that would protect the artist from them. But nowadays even the left is consumed with this anti-intellectual bullshit of attempting to hijack artistic work to promote your own twisted gender beliefs.

Great pic OP

>tfw the greatest horror series you've ever played is nothing but gamergator shitposting material


>Shitty Amiibo shoving down people throats
>Unnecessary censorship
>Weak ass hardware
>Release shovelware like Chibi Robo Zip Lash, Mario Tennis Wii-U, Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival, Metriod Federation Force, Paper Mario Sticker Star 2
>Next console going to be on par with the XB1
>Gimmicks guarantee

I doubt anytime soon user, just get a PS4 or a gaming PC.

>Sup Forums
>Not PC/Nintengaf

Pick one.

What game? I need to jerk off.

>I doubt anytime soon user, just get a PS4 or a gaming PC.
But I already played Bloodborne and I have a PC

Nobody here defends modern nintendo anymore, Sup Forums stop acting like nintendo fanboys while ago.

Gimmicks are fine if it didn't force me to buy a 'normal' controller.