D.Va is useful

This is D.Va

Many think she is useless
However she is perfect and her primary use is to rush down a capture point, forcing the defenders to fall back and thus clearing a choke-point for your teammates to flood through

No other character does it as well as she does.

Other urls found in this thread:


You know why people think she's useless?

>her primary use is to rush down a capture point, forcing the defenders to fall back and thus clearing a choke-point for your teammates to flood through
But she's classified as a tank. Stop picking her as the sole tank of the party. You're not tanking shit, and your teammates are dying and there's no one protecting them.

>Stop picking her as the sole tank of the party.

Currently on a 37 win streak with just D.VA as our tank.

In fact we probably beat you today.

D.va is good if you know how to play her. No reloads and that no damage taken ability can fuck people up.

just so you know, tank doesnt mean damage sponge, go back to your shitty MMOs you fucking retard

>lowest DPS of all tanks
>squishiest of all tanks
>has only 1 CC ability and it sucks
>utility is significantly shittier than all tanks
>LOS's most healers
>ult is literally the worse in the game; people have all the time in the world to walk away
>most people who play this shitty hero fly into hoards of enemies and die within

this is not a Roadhog thread

>1 CC and it sucks
>Makes 90% of ults useless
What are you talking about

>squishiest of all tanks
Thats roadhog, Armor is tanky as fuck

>5 man cheese brigade

Of course you got 37 wins in a row, you loser.

>implying d.va will be alive to do her CC

I'd play her more if her attacks weren't so weak.

Well you should be if your healer is keeping you alive.

Her ultimate is good but that's it.
Not worth it imo

roadhog? squishy? you know theres an E ability right?

>Worst tank
>Not Roadhog, the walking hook

Roadhog is the character with my least amount of average deaths.
My problem is I don't know when to use his Alternate attack where he fires a ball

In terms of taking raw damage, Roadhog is the squishest with no armor. next would proably be Zaria, followed by winston. Rienhardt and Dva are the tankiest tanks.

reindhart is awful because retards just sit behind him until the time runs out on attack

>Doesn't need a pocket healer
>Highest health
>Can actually kill people

>Worst tank

>just went 32-1 as dva
feels good

I find Zaria to be extremely dangerous since she has good damage output.
Winston is shit though
Reinhardt is the best tank

Thats cool and all but I wasnt talking about best tank

He is huge and has no shields or armor.
He is extremely squishy and unlike other tanks has no way to actually protect his allies. He has his hook though and his shotgun can one shot several heroes up close so he seems the most offensive of the tanks.

In a prolonged fight, particularly without a healer, he's the least squishy tank.

Roadhog is literal hell when you're tracer. His healing is faster than you can deal damage and even the pulse mine still leaves him at like 200 health.

>Forcing defenders to fall back
what retards are you playing against

most reapers will just dig in their heels and hold down fire at you and they will 90% of the time be able to out DPS you

>Hear jets coming from a mile away
>Takes longer to kill people than Winston
>Maybe get one before your suit is destroyed
>Good Widowmakers will make sure you don't have a chance to pop out of your suit
>No one competent will get killed by her ult alone
>Ult negated by hiding behind a pole

Only reason people play her is because waifu

Tracers deserve hell.

The only true tank is Reinhardt because he is the only tank capable of PROTECTING HIS ALLIES just like Mercy and Lúcio are the only true healers because THEIR PRIMARY PURPOSE IS TO HEAL TEAMMATES

These other characters need to be shuffled into a new catagory. FEEDERS

Now that think about it, if she was a dude I doubt any one would play her.

He also feeds it like crazy, I love him but the downsides are real



Those two literally never die compared to everyone else. Also, I've seen plenty of Zenyattas that are competent at healing their team. I see your point, but every character has their use.



>tfw mako roadhog

>D.Va is useful

for fapping. That's it.

b-b-but she doesn't have a giant shield how can she be a real tank?

>No other character does it as well as she does.
Tracer does it much better, though most people don't play her that way. She can zip right past everyone who's trying to keep your teammates pushed back in their spawn and tap the point, then hide. It forces the enemy team to turn around and backtrack, allowing your teammates to push forward through chokepoints easily because the entirety of the other team is focused on getting tracer off the point

What do you guys think of Overwatches racism?

>south korean who plays RTS like starcraft
>duty/honor obsessed japanese guy
>evil mexican
>tech support indian
>cowboy american
>confident beat droppin brazilian
>german knight (reinhardt)
>mad max-esque australians (roadhog and junkrat)
>engineer swede
>idealistic american pilot
>strong russian with big gun
>cold hearted swiss (AKA german)

Also, everyone has Caucasian facial features.

nice tumblr post, reblogged

The difference is that you are an organised group as opposed to the retarded pubs

It's a ball that turns into a shotgun blast after flying a ways. It's mid-range.

D.Va is primarily a flanker who can support a team moving a payload somewhat competently because of her Defense Matrix. Her DPS is abysmal, but she can escape very quickly, and she's decent at quickly getting to a flank, removing an important support or squishy character, and zooming away whenever things get too hot. D.Va players tend to die very infrequently, but they also kill very few players and are often extremely unhelpful to the team. D.Va is also good, because of the boost and the defense matrix, of taking out snipers as quickly as possible. Ult is good for getting people off of points.

>forcing the defenders to fall back

How? You have no damage. They have no reason to not just shoot you. Even if you ult all they have to do is stand behind the nearest lamppost and they're fine.

Zarya is actually a good tank, better than Reinhardt for certain team comps.

you don't want to hit them with the ball, you want to hit them at the distance where the ball explodes. You just need to practice until you get the hang of the correct distance

even as junkrat i just dance around and hit the big target with pills and get free meter, make sure they stick around when she ejects and get a free kill too, and it's not like she'll ever be a threat with those peashooter shotguns doing 0 damage and slowing her to a crawl. and it's not like that suicidal asshole is fit to go toe-to-toe with actual tanks like hog and rein

I think OP just doesn't want to admit his team carried him

she is pretty though

I really hate the classification "tank" because it makes people think of MMO tanks who stand there and eat up damage.

>Reinhardt: true MMO tank
>Winston: harasser, great at flying behind enemies and taking a banana shit on their Lucio/Widowmaker. Same basic role as Tracer/Reaper.
>D.VA: See above, but not quite as good.
>Hog: front-line combatant, great survivability. Sort of like a weird mix of S76 and McCree.
The only thing all 4 have in common is a shitton of health, they all have different roles.

So yeah, "tank" doesn't just mean hurr durr eat damage. It's like thinking "support" means hurr durr heal people and that Symmetra needs a full rework.

Was there a drastic change between D.Va now from D.Va on open beta?

Because on open beta I thought she was pretty OP. And not just me, a bunch of people too.

>that suicidal asshole
meaning junkrat, of course
dva is also vaguely suicidal since her only good button kills her mech and can kill her too, but she's useless and doesn't qualify as an asshole

I'm sorry, I don't play on PS4.

I agree that D.VA isn't as bad as everyone says, but she most certainly isn't sole-tank material, unless you're going for a final push against Bastions. Negate the turret fire so the squishies can clean up, pop the Nuke to make sure they scatter.

D.Va plays best with other tanks, on claustrophobic maps she's good at moving payload with her size nd her shield ability, and on open maps she's good at flanking and disruption with her flight ability. She suffers when forced to engage enemies at range because she lacks the hard defense of Reinhardt, the self heal of Road hog or Zarya long range offense.


Play her as offense. You should be harrassing and singling out opponents, especially enemies in elevated parts of the map.

Walking towards turrets with the forward defenses active and then charging is enough to almost kill a turret before blasting it away.

Just keep Rheart, Zarya or Roadhog on the objective.


>but they also kill very few players and are often extremely unhelpful to the team

Play her as a mix of Tracer and Winston (Jump in and harass behind defensive line) and you'll break the enemy team and rack up tons of kills in the process.

okay I'll give you that one

Literally never dies

Once she charges up she has the best damage in the game

Goes bananas on your Mercy, Widow, Genji, Tracer, and Lucio, and is done by the time Reinhardt turns around and realizes everyone is dead.

Valuable for debuffs: brings down tanks without even trying. One of the only real threats to Roadhog

Not every tank in this game is a WoW tank, and not every support is a WoW/TF2 pocket healer. People arguing over healing per second are fucking spergs and you should not listen to them. Symmetra really should be defense though, I don't know who they think they're kidding

Genji or 76?

Not really. The reason you rack up kills is that people don't know how to fight D.Va. Do not try to 1v1 her, she has 500 health and then a second form where she also does significant damage. Use whatever mobility options you have and get back to your team while she's still in mech form. The turrets are squirt guns that keep D.Va from moving, meaning she pursues by holding down M1 as her opponent runs away and then holding shift to relocate next to her opponent and holding M1 again. I played D.Va against a good Widow who was generally able to use her grappling hook and make it back to her team still alive, in a ten second process, in which I consistently did not manage to kill her. I've had great rounds playing D.Va, but I think that's because people don't know how to deal with her. Very few characters in very few situations are forced to confront her.

D. VA would be alright for being such a shitty tank if her non-MEKA mode had its own set of abilities. Make her a true backline harasser that eats the big damage with MEKA, then has shit like Sprint and something else to fight with while she gets the suit back.

>Very few characters in very few situations are forced to confront her.

Then force them. You can shove people around almost as well as Reinhardt.

>d.va is bad meme

First of all, don't use D.va's ult for kills or getting potgs, use D.va's ult to block passages or make the enemy team get off the point. You'll still get some kills from using your ult and most of the time, people scramble like retards when they try to escape D.va's ult so they are easy pickings for you or your team.

If you find yourself getting killed when your meka gets destroyed, use your ult so that fucking dumbass reinhardt doesnt smack you with his hammer. Just use your alt right as your meka dies and it'll still activate.Most of the time you can get away aswell, but sometimes you cant, so dont do it in a situation when you cant escape. I included a WebM of this “techinque” in use.

Third, use D.va's combo, fly into the enemy for 50 damage then immediately melee, that's 100 damage before they can even comprehend what the fuck is going on. You can also knock people off cliffs by flying into them.

Third, use defense matrix to get up close and deal shitloads of damage. At close range D.va easily outdamages roadhog. You need to really be aggressive with d.va

Finally, be really aggressive when you dont have your meka, d.va can actually do tons of damage with her laser pistol, just move erratically so you dont get hit

tl;dr: how to get good with d.va

The problem with Zenyatta is that if the enemy team has a half-decent Widowmaker, you're gonna have a bad time

This. For rotary cannons they fire pretty fucking slow. She needs an attack speed upgrade.

D.va's ult is more about getting a free full health mech and going into pistol mode.

Her pistol is anything but weak.

Ironically, with D.va, the best way to reduce damage is to turn your back on the enemy, since her front critbox is so fucking huge

They're both pretty similar.
>Primary weapons that work well at all ranges
>Good mobility ability
I like 76 for the healing (you make a great secondary healer), but Genji has a much higher skill ceiling.

Genji's ult is also way better than 76's. 76 needs a new ult honestly, the visor is never useful unless you're dueling a Tracer or something.

No you can't you dumbass. You get a boost every five seconds. That sounds pretty frequent but in the scheme of things people can still run. Also, when you do charge people, they are thrown around in unpredictable ways. If you've tried to knock people off cliffs you'll often find them being thrown behind.

Winston outclasses D.Va as a harasser because he can move forward quickly while holding M1.

>tank doesnt mean damage sponge
Yes but that doesn't stop the 5 other fuckos on my team from thinking that

>tfw Zarya is best with another tank but no one will pick another tank because I'm Zarya

They nerfed her damage for sure

This is good advice, thanks

>I agree that D. VA isn't as bad as everyone says

You don't need to lecture me on one of my most played heroes, I know what I'm doing.

I'm just sayingthat, outside of specific situations, she is not a Primary Tank type of hero. She simply eats too much damage, and wants to roam too much, for that.

Also, fuck your name, supporting worst girl.

I want to fuck D.Va

They didn't do anything to any characters between the release.

>mfw 6% weapon accuracy
too bad he is still too much fun for me to care

>she's good because...I waifu'd her

That picture makes me feel very lewd.

This guy gets it, she takes sometime to get used to but once you got the hang of her you'll whoop ass and when your meka dies just stay back and fire into choke points until you get a new one and you'll basically never die.


Do you just sit around all day and post this shit in every overwatch thread?

Who needs accuracy when you can find a nice spot and rain hell for fucking ages, with an emergency escape on a miniscule CD.

Ilios Attack: Lighthouse is my favorite Junkrat map, since you can sit on a lower ledge and just constantly fire into it. Easy PotG from grenades constantly chunking idiots.

1. Knock them away from their group into any small space. Blast away.

2. Knock them off ledges on KotH maps. You can literally go off with them and turn around and fly back up. Or nudge two in one go. Her maneuverability when boosting is unmatched.

Easy. Enemies set themselves up for it all the time.

I know your pain
>Defending Volskaya
>Pick Symmetra for turrets, teleports, tankbuster LMB, and glorious RMB spam
>Rest of the team goes Genjis and Reapers because they think they have a healer

D.va actually has WAY more effective health than Roadhog in a fight because of how much fucking armor she has. Roadhog has more sustain but if he pops his gas while he's actually fighting someone it's a wash because they just unload into his fat head while he does it.

But there's a problem with D.va: she can't kill anyone. She has no damage. Roadhog is squishier than D.va but if you fight him he can fucking murder you to death. D.va takes longer to kill but you are in absolutely no danger while doing it because her guns are pathetic. Even with all of her armor she will lose a DPS race against absolutely any other hero in the game including supports and D.va pilots.
Also anything that hits the FUCKING HUGE faceplate on the mech counts as a headshot.

>tech support indian
lost it desu

This. Anything Dva does another character does much better

Choosing her means you are just fucking your team over by badly filling a few rolls

Roadhog doesn't die very often because he has fuckloads of HP and his E always keeps him full but you can build Ult off of him pretty easily if you just plink away at him from outside hook range whenever you see his fat ass waddling by.



>forcing the defenders to fall back
Force them back with what? Cause it certainly isn't that pitiful damage.

i love how dva's super power is running away.
you want to have people shooting at you from behind, focusing down the ones who arent looking at you and then once you get their attention you boost way.

You take fuckloads of damage if you 1v1 a guy, taking critical hits to the fucking face, but if you shoot at a nerd and then turn away while he fires at you all your fucking armor eats it up.

>when your meka dies just stay back and fire into choke points until you get a new one and you'll basically never die.
No fucking understanding of how the game works.

A good K/D means nothing. If you're going to play defensively and do nothing until you get a mech you might as well just die. Be aggressive if you want to be helpful to your team, they're already annoyed at you for picking a character who doesn't really work with or support the rest of the team. If you die you can get your mech back to where it needs to be quickly because of your mobility.

>use defense matrix to get up close and deal shitloads of damage. At close range D.va easily outdamages roadhog
D.Va never deals shitloads of damage, her DPS is pretty bad. Roadhog gets two shots into an armored tank and then he has to reload, that's why you kill him point blank. Other than that good advice.

>cool way to use d.va ult
>Drop it in front of an idiot walking straight into it
so this is advanced overwatch play......

>use D.va's combo, fly into the enemy for 50 damage then immediately melee
A good payer can dodge this and you get raped by anything but a 1v1, and even then. Tracer is much better for getting up in people's shit

>use defense matrix to get up close and deal shitloads of damage
In which time you can't do anything and the enemy has time to prepare, they know you aren't a threat when it is up. When it is down her huge crit zone makes it easy to kill her

>Finally, be really aggressive when you dont have your meka
This is because your guns are so awful you have to be very aggressive to get any damage and you can't be at even a slightly far range

By that logic there is only 1 tank in the game

with capping the point, fuckface

in volskaya everyone is choked up in the archway with the truck, but as a DVA you can fly around the side over the lake and start capping the point while everyone fucking scrambles to contest it. Everyone starts fucking you up and you absorb all the shots and boost to the 3 heal packs around to stay alive,

That leaves the choke completely open and your team just walks right through.

so when is someone going to register a website at D.va anyway?

it keeps autolinking it whenever someone posts her name but nobody's done anything with it yet

This is D.Va.

Many think she useless.
They would be right! "But I saw a good play by D.Va" you say? You didn't see a good D.Va play, you saw a good player. D.Va is objectively in need of a buff. She is simply far too weak. Saying "You don't know how to play her" is a pathetic arguement, on the same level as furries using the "you don't understand us" as a defense for their shit. She is in need of an adjustment.

>If you've tried to knock people off cliffs you'll often find them being thrown behind.
Have you not played this game? You can only do this every five seconds and they can generally run away. Waiting for an opportunity to trap somebody in a fucking corner with the perfect charge is ridiculous

>If you've tried to knock people off cliffs you'll often find them being thrown behind you

>Remove armor
>Give shields, allowing her to hit and run, like she is built for.
>Auto use shield when charging, remove it as active ability. Again, promoting hit and run.
>Increase the damage of her charge slightly.
There, fixed D.Va.

>>Drop it in front of an idiot walking straight into it
>so this is advanced overwatch play......

You do realize that they disabled the enemy D.Va mech and then ulted, yes?

As in, by the time D.Va pops out of her mech she explodes and dies.

You missed the part where Roadhog fucks your mom before you can do any of that

>character has a hard counter
oh fuck really shit how the fuck did this get past the beta jesus blizzard must be incompetent