Future Overwatch heroes thread?
Future Overwatch heroes thread?
Give me a Mexican guy who uses a flamethrower and flirts with Mei even though she hates him.
Add one of the thugs from Los Muertos and give him a flamethrower.
Give me a flame guy who can counter mei's freeze
>redskin rival to McRee
>blowdart main weapon
>run with buffalo ult that reclaims white mans land
>north korean omnic officer hunting down D.va to make her his gamergurl slave
>instead of a mech he uses a mechanical head shaped like Kim Jong Un
>ult unreashes da nucrear mishles
>junkrat/roadhog pursed by aussie park ranger
>uses a automatic dart rifle/kangaroo traps
>ult tosses a giant jar of vegemite to an area to slow everyone in the area
Probably an african black guy.
Or maybe a candian.
>tfw constantly worried that all the future characters are going to suck
Its such an irrational fear, but I'm always worried I will constantly be disapointed
You guys are adorable thinking that.
>Being disappointed
Blizzard can do hype pretty good. And chances are, they'll try to make enough characters to warrant making a full new row, either by compressing the current rows a bit, or putting 2 new in each category in a 2nd row up/down
Point is, Blizz tends to go big with their "good" products. And if that's the case, mediocrity will be the least of your worries until the Nerf hammer comes down.
Predict the full roster number by the time the game stops being supported.
where is OP's pic from?
>not wanting a fucking futuristic aztec warrior instead
Numbani, the imaginary guerilla city
Looks like Numbani
I want a magical girl hero more than anything.
Someone help me come up with her abilities
I don't know, some flashy lasers for her primary attack, a transformation sequence to boost her attack and defense, maybe a speech about friendship and doing your best to buff the whole team in some way?
>Not a wand that shoots hearts
LMB throws your primary attacks of magic missiles or some shit
RMB throws a slow moving Heart that stuns an enemy, if you shoot your missiles through the heart, you buff them and increase their speed.
Shift makes you spin through the air, healing every ally you pass by
E summons a rainbow from your location to where you're pointing, letting your teammates walk on it to reach high places.
Ult summons chibi versions of your allies that fight with them for a couple seconds, copying all their attacks
>and flirts with Mei even though she hates him.
Isn't that Junkrat?
This is all I can see looking at that picture
A guy with a crossbow as a primary weapon
He shoots cannonballs as a secondary
And for his Ult he uses his giant great sword and swings around really quick, the more damage he takes the more he deals but he also has a slow healing factor while in his Ultra and higher defense till he goes back to normal
They do make a very good team in game, their combo of freezing and blowing the frozen up is pretty good
That and the interactions are cute
when did this become a thing
Not him, but Mei calls Junkrat a bully for one of the interactions and Junkrat gets anxious around her
Quick Sombra sketch, forgot where I saw this design but I'm pretty sure it was tied to Sombra.
Spot on
Is that character speculated to be the same as pic related?
This is what I saw and what I based the sketch off of.
I wonder what her weapon will be.
Lately on HoTS, they release heroes in its OP state just like how DoTA does it.
Yeah the thing in your picture is her cloak connected to the hood in mine. She's speculated to be a support sniper. Looking at the picture in the paper it looks like she might have robo legs like Hanzo.
>release heroes
Pick one, hombre.
I want a young white brown haired male to be the next hero.
Sniper support with cloaking. Or a terrorist.
So whats the point of voting for the cards at the end? you dont even get extra points or achievements for it
You have a greater chance to be matched with them in the future and a spray.
>Hanzo has robot legs.
How did I never fucking notice that?
I want a guy that uses a bat and can charge his hits with it like that ness move in smash bros and can also shoot balls with it
How did you think he got up walls?
I want a cute robot girl
nose is wrong, eyecolor is wrong, brows are wrong, no freckles.
You are not adorable, you are disturbing/ed.
Kimono undressing, flashing enemy for 5 seconds
Osaka dialect, confusing the enemy walking direction for 2 seconds.
So is this game any good? I swear to god 5 out of 10 threads on the front page are about Overwatch in one way or another.
game pretty much only played by alaskan millennial goatfuckers, californian millennial memesexuals, and australian millennial tumblrmutants
so of course Sup Forums loves it
>Junkrat: Think I could have a look at one of those bombs of yours?
>Tracer: Over my dead body.
The game is fun, it has some issues but it has tremendous amounts of potential, given that Blizzard rarely doesn't support its games to death, so pretty much everyone is hyped about the future stuff coming for the game.
In the end, it is just an objective-based multiplayer shooter.
Don't you open those wounds, user...
I'm thinking a character based of a elite forces mounty.
all the girls love him because he has the BCD.
The boy turned into a girl? And now he's fucking robots?
Deepest lore.
dude, i think Blizzard might want to hire you when they hear your ideas.
The first time I see the whole picture. I always thought the emotion on his face was one of anguish.