Balding like the average white man.
going bald sucks
i though science cured baldness in rats a while ago what the fuck is taking so long to get to humans
there are literally hundreds of companies that offer services to restore hair growth
but i doubt a video game Youtube Celeb can afford it
So he is using a wig or something?
>constantly worried about making enough money with Youtube
>Fans pressuring him to make good avgn episodes
>wife cucks him on a regular Basis
>daughter had difficulties at birth
>being inferior to Mike in every way possible
>getting worse and worse at Games
If that doesn't make you go bald, i don't know what does.
there's a drug you can take but it has an insane amount of side effects
He's 35
He's less annoying than Mike
Introducing OVATION Cell Therapy! Thiccer longer, and stronger hair in just two weeks!
I have to fucking listen to that shit every day I turn my radio on.
Why don't people just fucking shave it off when it starts looking like that? Good hair runs in my family, but when the time does finally come fuck it. I'd rather be a cue ball than look like I'm clinging to something trivial.
Just shave it off. Don't fall for the hair replacement jews.
hes 60 years old give the old cuck a break
The horrors of time.
Yeah I think that looks better too.
You fags are gonna be defensive as fuck when you get older and start losing your hair.
some people have ugly fucking heads
seriously i have weird shapes on the top of my head when i went bald once
wore a beany for months after that
Shaving requires effort
Fuck effort
>shave your balding head meme
Nope, a real alpha would just own it.
Some people don't look good bald. Weird shaped heads and all that. Im scared as fuck of going bald.
>Jews will never go bald again
Oh well.
>tfw 27 and starting to both bald AND get white hairs
Not a wig, it's legit, and he literally said it costed him 10000€.
>tfw when not a balding ginger
I have no fucking chance with girls these days.
nothing can cure baldness, they just have stuff that slows down the balding process.
and most of the side effects is just low sex drive.
but if youre balding, chances are you wont be able to have sex anyways because you look creepy as fuck.
Are you a grill?
If not, man the fuck up and embrace the regal life. Salt & pepper hair is hot.
What's that in American? $1000?
Why would you ever want to go bald as a ginger?
Having red hair is literally your gimmick, and because it's so rare, if you manage to pull it off decently you'll have an easy as fuck time getting girls because of its desirability.
That's the problem though, the only people can that really pull off the look are guys who have the figure of Vin Diesel or jason statham. Your average vidya gamer doesn't look like that so having hair is obviously the best option.
It requires as little effort as shaving your beard if you use a standard razor, I;'m pretty sure there are electric head shavers that can make iot a million times easier
>Sup Forumsirgins in charge of knowing what's considered attractive
into the trash you go.
>marvel nigger
fuck off to tumblr
What the hell does 'owning it' mean? Looking like Ludwig Von Drake? You have to be realistic about what options you have aesthetically. Of course, leave it to some retard still hung up on 'alpha status' to miss this point.
ginger here.
Are you a nigger/chink by any chance? because you're wrong as fuck.
he aged.
it'll happen to all of you.
Age doesn't automatically mean you lose your hair. It all depends on your mothers side of the family.
Holy shit, you're retarded if you don't know what owning it means.
>not caring about being an alpha
No wonder you're an lonely autistic beta fag that jerks off to chink cartoons, faggot.
>fathers side full of balding men
>mothers side full of men who have full heads of hair
im losing my hair, that statement isn't true at all.
>hating one of the best supports
No, YOU fuck off
>on your mother's side of the family
Because that's sure how genetics work
You don't have to have male pattern baldness to lose your hair
he's getting old
most men start losing their hair noticeably at their late 30s, so it's normal
now losing your hair on your 20s, that's JUST status
Nope. Ginger.
If you get no female attention maybe you just lost the genetic lottery and have ugly bone structure or something. Not all gingers look like fucking carrot top or Ron weasley.
You hurt me so bad, I could cry.
Still don't know what your idea of owning it is though.
It's a lot better than getting hair cuts at the barber every other week and your hair still looking like shit
I've saved hundreds of dollars and time with just investing in clippers and shaving it myself.
If you're losing your hair for reasons besides MPB, you need to visit a doctor.
And the guy's right. Even though one of the most major genes contributing to MPB is sex-linked, it's not the only gene involved.
look how much nice thick hair mike has. And his teeth are perfect
are you implying that balding is attractive?
note: i said BALDING instead of BALD which is two different things. im guessing thats whats triggering you.
>It's a lot better than getting hair cuts at the barber every other week and your hair still looking like shit
>every other week
You mated with what? I get mine cut once a season at best. Experience the entire spectrum of buzz to long.
Don't forget his 15x15" cock.
Fuck man I'll never get the peppered hair look my hair is super fuckin blonde so I'm just gunna go bald with none of the fun in between
mmm, where do you live? faggot. Chinks/niggers think it's the best thing in the world.
There is a cure for baldness guys, its called Progesterone, the only thing is, the side effect turns you into a girl not joking
Dr Strange is just a combo extender
He sucks but at least it's fun seeing how anchor Dr Stranges waste their bars and X factor the second they see you move
give it to james, then we can have mike and james fundays
Well if I'm concerned about balding I'm likely to be the kind of guy who wouldn't mind being a women. I'll just grow up and look like a viking/redneck.
ikr his dick is huge
I used to have a tumor on the side of my leg that made it look like I had a humongo donger. Helped with the women up until the point they saw what it looked like.
What a shame...
That can't be real.
>Start balding at 17
>Somehow manage to not kill myself
>Try all sorts of drugs and products
>They either don't work or fuck your shit up even worse
>Hair transplants are 10k USD and are designed for older men
Just. I'm 22, and I've finally decided to shave it all off tomorrow.
>be mostly bald
>will never be CIA
It hurts
its a screen-cap from one of his live streams. does he even work
this is so retarded it's gotta be bait
I know this gets posted a lot, but unless the dude is aroused playing that game, that isn't his cock. In fact, considering the folds of the cloth, it looks pretty photoshopped. I can tell from pixels and shooping quite a whoops in my time.
Well if you are serious about having a balding problem, I would recommend a book called The Peat Whisperer by Danny Roddy. Might change your life
You should have shaved it off five years ago.
>still not lifting
He looked less like a douche before the transplants
>no argument
Try reddit, you could just downvote there, you colossal enormous faggot.
>Mum is 51 and still has completely black hair with no hint of greying.
Should be in the clear.
Does hair ever naturally look like that. I've had a couple of white hairs around in different parts of my head.
Matei has a massive penis
Just shave your head and grow some facial hair
That fucking back.
Statham is like 5'7" lol
Take the blue pill, f'am.
>take finasteride
>4 months later no bald spots
you can see his huge bulge in lots of pictures. he's got an anaconda
>anything to do with balding
Are you gonna spout any other memes?
>losing my hair at 24
I have a very angular skull due to the birthing doctor having to use motherfucking clamps to get me out and he allegedly fucked up so its gonna look fucking awful once its gone.
pray for me lads
and he's dating a 5'10 Victoria Secrets model while jerk off to hentai
what the fuck.
Being alpha doesn't mean looking a moron on purpose. Alphas get haircuts just like anyone else.
Jesus Christ he looked fine for a bald guy too. Retard pissed away 14 grand.
Did you also suffer brain damage?
>take finasteride
Some user told me about that a month or two ago, might've even been you.
Is there any significant side effects/health risks associated with it?
I'm seriously considering it at this point as long as I don't fucking die or get fucked up by it.
Matei legit has a 10-11 inch dick
it paid off tbqh
I've never been diagnosed with anything. I'm sure I would've had problems by now if so.
unless i'm actually retarded and blissfully unaware
>not achievable natty
Might as well just post a fatty.
>being this much of a stupid nigger
topkek, I'm glad you wont reproduce, fucking massive behemoth faggot.