>tfw no space for a second monitor
Is it even worth it Sup Forums?
Tfw no space for a second monitor
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Probably not, you look poor.
Only if your computer is by your bed or if always have tabs open with different things but it gets annoying switching between settings.
its nice but it isn't vital.
get a better bigger L desk first and then the sky's the limit.
What's wrong with your chair?
It was a hand-me-down
Its good for work and streaming. If you're usual guy you don't really need it.
Just make room on the desk by putting your PC on that vent. Turn on the AC and blast cold air into it. You'll never overheat.
If you sit at ur comp all day, then yes.
I always have a Twitch streamer and/or Spotify goin on the second mon.
>tfw that webm isn't in reverse
I would say so
This is rigamortis and it's gorgeous when you die
I fell for the dual monitor meme then realized I actually don't really need it. It's become a screen exclusively for consoles, so I guess there's that.
For actual work? Yeah, it's worth it.
For just playing games? No, not really.
What do you boys think about this Rosewill RGB80 i bought? Good or nah?
Doesn't that get annoying man
You already know
>glass table for maximum smudgy fingerprints and messy wire viewing
>keys on the glass table because smudges aren't bad enough -- you need scratches too
>two different monitors, not even lined up
>all that clutter
>Windows 10
>leaving the TV on when you're not watching anything
No, not at all. I don't see why people hate it.
>not being able to stare at your dick while you jerk off under your desk
Cleaned up the desktop a bit since
You need to hand it to a trash can
I have 2 monitors and almost never use my second one.
Get a Arm and you can do it. They are about $130+ for a GOOD one but its nice to have two monitor
>that case
Well fuck
Because you're a pleb
Sucks, getting Black and Orange matching hardware is fucking impossible. Everything's black white or red
>remove the black stand thing and put monitor on the actual desk
>move case
>instantly room for like 8 monitors
>Move case
Not putting that shit on the floor, and I actually like having free space on that right part of the desk
I dont really wanna detract from OP getting answers but i dont wanna make another thread since this ones right here, im wondering, is the point of this shit to help with high field of views?
This would be a cool alternative to a whole triple monitor setup, obviously it wouldnt be as wide, but still.
But then why do TVs like this exist? You cant adjust the FoV of prerecorded content.. and as far as i know no media is filmed for something like this
didnt say put it on the floor, if you move it a little to the right you'll have enough space for a second monitor
where did you get your chair? did it come from the twin towers?
and why don't 5ou get a fucking life. fuck you
>rolling papers
Hahah nice dude gotta catch that buzz right
Only if you are hard core, like me.
Can you even multi-task while playing vidya?
I got a second monitor just yesterday and have to alt-tab out of my games to use my other screen anyway, really doesn't seem worth it.
It comes in handy. Though getting appropriate wallpapers slowly becomes like a second hobby.
>yes its dark, its 2 am and im too lazy to turn on a light
wanna go ahead and post the wallpaper on the left?
It's not that bad... if you don't mind wasting extra money on RGB shit.
Also apparently we have, more or less, the same desk
my question was about this, not dual monitors, obviously you cant play games on two monitors
>mfw slowly realizing that wasn't just a launch played in reverse
>dragon ball super
>windows 10
Oi I'm laffin
Exact same actually, I didn't want that shelf nonsense so I just took the board and put it across kek.
also my keyboard shelf broke so yea
It's great being able to play a game and watch a movie or video in the background.
I work from home so it is cool having one monitor for docs and emails and another for vidya and personal shit
Holy shit, OP, I have that same mouse.
Lately it's been clicking like 3-5 times each time I press the scroll wheel. I've had it for about 2 years. How's yours?
I hope you have back up mice saved for when old faithful dies
Dead. Got a corsair mouse and keyboard for $40
It lasted me a good amount of time though
Got a couple kicking around, yep.
MFW I realized One Finger Death Punch was a kike ploy by the mouse industry to make me buy a new mouse
It has it's uses, sucks about the keyboard shelf though, how did it break?
Also the whole multiple monitor thing isn't bad, personally I don't have a use for one, but, I've seen some friends of mine use multi monitors for overclocking or build guides for RPGs while playing said RPG.
[Spoiler]I guess you can also shitpost while playing too[/spoiler]
>that "taskbar" position
ma nigga
they did it right, i heard. So, reusable rockets, everyone - massive savings. Roskosmos is fucked
>monster monsume
good taste
Neat wallpaper.
clean your fucking fish tank
Did the guys inside dieded
True man, and it's shitty particle board, I think my knee hitting the right side a few times just made it obsolete, the actual sliding part broke off from the board, so I just got rid of the whole thing
Yeah they dieded
>those temps
Its one of those set up for dual monitors. Its a hiroshige painting that bends into the digital. So the left side is more normal.
as someone who has 2 monitors and discovered the beauty of borderless window mode, yes it's worth it.
there was nobody there. Rockets mostly deliver satellites
This was private company's long-goint experiment on reusable rockets development. They successfully landed 2 this year
Thats a marimo moss ball,
and the rocks just kinda look that way.
Its perfectly clean... I scrub that shit literally every week, keeping the filter in check.
I can't remember when I got these guys, they said 5 gallon per for each but I wasn't having any of that bullshit. I've owned some before when I was younger, very hardy fish.
Fuck, I constantly hit it with my chair's armrest whenever I spin back to face my screen
What kind of fish?
Slightly different Neon tetras (Paracheirodon simulans)?
>assasins creed
That feel when you realize people build $3000 to play garbage like this
>people spend money they earned on what they'll have fun with
Fucking casuals, amirite?
I'm not even gonna give you the "that shit looks embarrassing to anyone other than you" shitposting. But honestly it looks like shit, no one gives a fuck about your desktop. Stop posting it like anyone is gonna ask you about it.
Or just not include a picture with my post at all, fucking asshole.
just wait until this happens
never had a second monitor. how do you switch your mouse and stuff between monitors is there a button or something
I'm always paranoid my second monitor is taking power from my gpu even when its off
>pc in the corner with airflow blocked at the back
i hope you have some decent cooling
you just kind of move it over there to the side, you can even set it so that it moves to the next when you move it to the bottom or top of the screen
It just acts as an extension of your main monitor, you can drag the mouse and windows back and forth.
There's a new chapter out today
you gotta hit it pretty hard for that to happen.
>Is it even worth it Sup Forums?
Definitely if you can afford it but looking at that chair you're probably a poorfag.
Your desk won't really work for dual monitors either. You'd have to buy yourself a proper corner desk or install an arm mount on the wall.
Nice tissue box btw. At least you hid the lube I suppose.
Not poor, but really cheap. Although I spent about 1.1k on my PC.
And hey man it's the only actual desk in my room, what's wrong with a tissue box. Plus lube is waste, fuck that