Why do PS4 exclusive lists look like shit in comparison?
PC exclusives
these dont look like good/interesting or well developed games.
It seems a lot of it is experimental/indie/kickstarter
I really don't give a shit about any of the games you just listed lol
PC it's best games are properly ported multiplats
This list actually has games, bot just interactive movies and weebshit
>pc exclusives
>posts some multiplatform
Yeah ok
PC exclusives are usually exclusive because of the technical limitations of consoles, nobody pays game developers to make games PC exclusive. Like RTS games. I think that usually leads to PC exclusives having higher standards, although there is a lot of PC exclusive indie shit that's garbage. The PS4 has exclusives because Sony pays for shit, no matter how good or bad, to only be on PlayStation.
>not caring about mount and blade
>not caring about civ
>not caring about daw 3
>not caring about unreal tournament
>not caring about serious sam 4
>not caring about strategy games
literally a pleb
What's with this shit list? This the best you've got? What a joke!!!!
I would live without having them
The good actual PC exclusive is running youtube or Netflix on a second monitor.
>pc exclusives are only exclusive because my console is too shitty to run them
Put some fucking names on each square... I can barely see the shit title on them.
>btw consolecucks buttblasted
Literally beta testing: the list
Divinity II
>playing a crpg on a console
Divinity OS II (First one came out, with reasonable doubts this one will too)
IT plays fine. it's actually one of the major praise people have toward that game on console.
Lawbreakers might come to console, might not
M&B Bannerlord will probably take years to get a console release, if ever.
Well it always pauses when you're able to do actions doesn't it?
Makes it easy to play on a console.
you put Grim Dawn twice and Gothic Armada is shit
I had 2 pictures for tyranny, fixed that for (me)
yfw people use this reverse logic to say PS4 has no games because it's available on PS3
Arma's an ok game but there's no way to get to the action. It's like driving for 20 minutes, getting shot instantly and driving back.
>inb4 muh realism
Nigger I can drive a car down a road in real life.
The other games on the list appear to be actual, physical trash.
>The other games on the list appear to be actual, physical trash.
If you are 16 years old and don't know anything about pc gaming, maybe
confirmed for never playing real video games
Wheres the weeb game at?
If you are a weeb get a PS4
>defending Civ 6
>Listing Grim Diablo Clone as a valuable exclusive TWICE
>Half of these games can run perfectly fine on a storebought work laptop or handmedown PC
>Kingdom come deliverance runs like a screenshot on top hardware anyway, has shit gameplay so you might as well look at the pretty trees
I have a gaming pc too dude, I could play these if I wanted to, but I dont.
fixed one last fucking time negro,
also battlefleet is okay
That's why I play Squad. It's going to be superior in every way.
what's wrong with civ 6
>inb4 le mobile artstyle meme
the game looks fine.
day 1 pirate
grim dawn is on there twice
can't wait for mountain blade
I havent heard the developers say anything new about civ 6. They said that they were starting with civ 5 complete as a reference point, so as of now its just civ 5 with a dank League of Legends filter on it.
for (You) babe ;)