What was this enemy?. Is it the only one in the game with that color? Post other interesting stuff

What was this enemy?. Is it the only one in the game with that color? Post other interesting stuff


It's just a Geemer.
Yes, it was.
It's special in that it's programmed to follow Samus.

This never happened.

Metroid has the deepest lore.

Was he an enemy?

What is this?

Kulrathi battleship is too massive to escape a gravity well.

No, it's a shot from the early versions of OoT, shit was pretty rough.

We had a really good "cool details in vidya" thread a little while back. That was nice.

Ben drowned

Is that a Tectite down there?

it's spelled Tektite and it's Link, dipshit

Who was this?

for what purpose

Some loser who couldn't even make it past the first eyeball door

Because it was cool and mysterious.

If you dont attack it it'll follow samus. I honestly have no clue for what purpose. Its also the only area it shows up. Someone explain this shit.

A chozo.


Is that a shark? Fun fact: some sharks need to move to be able to breathe. Nice animal abuse, nintendo.

You wouldn't keep a shark pit if you were a crazy old man?

Probably for potion reagents or something. Sharkfin ingredients, I suppose.

I guess you could say, Deepest Lore?

gta5 has a ton of details that are mysterious


What about that one stupidly convoluted BF4 easter egg that had a solution unique to your specific copy/machine?

That is some grade-A autism on the part of whoever snuck it in

"Early version"
""""""""""Early version""""""""""
running at 1080p

fuck you creepypasta fags are stupid

Beta/debug ROMs of OOT exist though and are easily obtainable

Excuse-making exists and is even easier to attain

Which is why your image & story is fake as shit


Just looks like reusing assets to me.

Has no one ever noclipped to these areas? We must have access to these cheats by now.

What's this guy's deal?

>dude there's so much sand and dirt here
>>yeah let's go get something to dig it off
>nah man that's not silly and unpratical enough
>>well then what's your idea?
>okay, hear me out...

Enemies that only appear once thread?

Perhaps the entire water area was a mining site, then they accidentally tapped into some underground water reserve and flooded the whole place. Draygon's lair was probably a storage chamber, that's why it's surrounded with spikes for security.

I had no idea about these guys until someone posted it in a thread.

i've only seen 1 of these ever and it was the spiny non-crab variant

people don't leave items out anymore

>That turtle and her buzzy beetle kids
>The little robot dudes in the wrecked ship
>This guy

And you killed them to save some gay ass monkeys. You sick fuck.

out of ~1000 hours in dark souls 1 i have only seen one of these guys at the bottom of the ladder in darkroot basin

simultaneously the most strange and interesting enemy i have ever seen


Some federation trooper who got his shit kicked in by Ridley. He threw him back here to rot.

God damn, I've clocked about 750 hours in DaS1 and I've gotten like ten of these things. I've seen them in the burg, multiple times in the parish, dark root basin, the depths, and anal rodeo.
I was more spooked by vagabond items, though.

Some Federation soldier who was probably with a group of soldiers sent to investigate Planet Zebes, but got caught off guard by the pirates and they were all killed off he made it this far but the eye door slaughter his ass. When Samus sees him she puts her hand on his shoulder and slowly shakes her head wishing she was there to aid them, then she goes back to doing what she does best, killing aliens.

What are they?

Vagrants. If I remember correctly...
>Dark and light version; dark is a hostile crab in the original pic, light version is more of a walking egg
>Dark version drops humanity, light drops various "Soul of ____" items (I think)
>They can attack, dark is more aggressive and shoots homing needles at you
>Spawn from players with really high soft humanity/souls dying and failing to collect their bloodstains; one random player gets a chance to kill them and get their loot (only like a twin humanity or 5k souls)
They were common in PvP and fightclub areas.

Vagrants spawn if a player loses a stack of 5+ Huamnity or if certain items they've dropped aren't picked up after it's moved to 10 different players. It's completely random who will find a Vagrant and it's an online component, so there's no real way to encounter one on purpose.

I heard about these but didn't know how they looked in game, and it fucked me up hard with missiles.

Armstrong Houston.

Too bad they never brought him back.