So is everyone looking forward to Blood & Wine?
So is everyone looking forward to Blood & Wine?
Ciri makes an appearance, but Yen doesn;t?
My SSD isn't.
DLC for games is taking longer and longer, far later than it should because by the time it comes out the game itself has already left the minds of their audience.
Wait, what armor set is that? I dont remember seeing that ingame
it seems kinda mediocre
hope cp77 doesnt disappoint
>self referential jokes
What do they mean by this? Referring to past games? That's pretty much required for a sequal game.
>main story and characters aren't interesting
Fucking idioits, Seeing Geralt being a father to ciri and yen going from crazy hard ass who gets shit done, to being very coy and motherly with Cri were great character interactions.
>Main story and characters aren´t that interesting
And this is why we don´t listen to reviewers user
>kinda mediocre
I just read the story in Sword of Destiny where Ciri is introduced as like an 11-year old. This picture makes me feel weird, and dirty - like seeing a favourite niece in pinup. Please delete this.
Is Ciri pure, Sup Forums?
you should accept her the way she is
Please delete this
the jokes they are talking about are like the candle joke from HoS where it exists only as a joke to the player and not Geralt.
Yeah, which was fucking hilarious. Same with the tax collector guy who asks geralt about the money making exploits and stealing from people's homes. Those jokes are far and few between, which is why they are effective.
When they are constantly in your face and done hamfisted, then it turns into a negative, which it isn't in witcher case.
Theres some internal inconsistancy with how geralt behaves and what he preaches. Mostly to do with how he loots anything and kills thousands of people/monsters which is 100% gamey and nothing to do with the books geralt.
>reading reviews
>caring about reviews
I will never understand this mentality
The ridiculous body count of these games always kinda pull me out of it. If a slaughter, in-universe, is considered 5 people in a market, then what about the rest of Geralt's killing spree?
Exactly it's 100% gamey. It can't be avoided. Unless they removed all interactions from the game, which would never happen, because it's a fucking video game. They wouldn't remove the interactivity of it. Besides those jokes are in the expansion, not the base game, so it's a place for the game to expand on itself and a place to poke fun as well. I think it is all in good taste, and people who think other wise have it bad, or are reaching to find flaws in the game.
Witcher three has many other flaws to poke at, the occasional joke is not one.
>the broken targeting system
>AI that stops fighting you sometimes
>horse that stops and turns when I dont want to
All for example.
Cocaine addicted lesbian is far from pure, user
Plus retarded skill system.
If cdpr actually did do a good job with the main story no one would slight it and give it praise instead. Its something that the studio should improve upon.
Modern gaming scores go:
10 is good
9 is okay
8 is mediocre
7 is borderline unplayable
This is a problem with almost all video games unfortunately, having lots of mooks to kill is a staple of action games
Is this one of those spot the difference things?
Why does white hair look so nice on fictional people but so bland on 3DPD? Even people who come out lucky with a melanin disorder that only affects their hair still don't look quite right.
Yeah, so many useless things. The adrenaline points were useless. Lots of worthless decoctions too.
Sweet. Ciri has a good fucking body.
>adrenaline points were useless
nah mang, being able to use 4 signs in a row is useful as fuck. Agree with decoctions though
Guess I never went that way with them. I went with a potions/oils build with mostly light attack buffs with whirl and rend abilities. Alt mode igni and a strong quen. Seemed to work pretty well on deathmarch.
my dick is, now
Adrenaline points saved my ass more times than I can count, when you're covered in mobs being able to abuse Quen is really useful. There is also another ability where if your health is depleted you will use up your stored adrenaline points to replenish it, which gives you enough time to roll away and chug potions
>he thinks reviewers opinions matter
CoD 20 10/10 masterpiece
Okay I'll take back what I said about adrenaline points, I never really understood how they can be used and never put points into them. I gotta say playing on death march, some enemies would do a double attack which would break my quen, and hit me before I could even use a white raffords potion. So annoying, but adrenaline would have helped me there.
>not putting your points into combat and spamming the dodge button so you can never get hit
Sometimes reviewers point out flaws that are there but might waved off by an average pleb who isnt judging every aspect of the game objectively.
>Ciri makes an appearance, but Yen doesn;t?
That's the Alternate appearance Free DLC, alongside a modded version without sleeves and more boobs.
Nice meme
good thing I picked Yen for this playthrough
If you rely on reviews like this to form your opinion then it will be.
Top kek, it's literally lowest score given.
Also keep in mind they wrote "not interesting characters" while there is Regis, most epic char from Witcher Book series. dis gon b gud
And I have no doubt
I did my end of the bargain with the genie of justice. I hope you did too, and you didn't fall for that rogue cosasck's lies.
That granny has some big eyes
why didnt his rings fall off when his fingers withered?
>making deals with a Satan
Gaunter defence force pls go
It sucks that im traveling 500 miles to an engagement party when this DLC hits.
let me fuck red riding hood
>not going toe to toe with a demigod
>not navigating through his tortured dimension and grabbing the sweet loot
Olgierd a shit but that ending segment is great
I kek'd, then remembered he probably dies horribly when the Hunt attacks
I really wanted to, but I wanted to see the rock off with the devil because it's more memorable
fuck Olgierd
Meh, I let him live. O'Dimm was an annoying cunt.
He died after years and years of guarding naked women swimming in the pool.
Letting him live and beating Gaunter is much more satisfying. Olgierd was a mother fucker but he is redeemable, and I felt like Geralt (who is also being played by O'Dimm, so they can sympathize with eachother's problems) would understand that too.
there's probably some irony in there. If he had been more vigilant and not distracted, he may have survived.
Olgierd and Geralt's conversation after you beat Gaunter is bro tier and something women will never understand. That guy who insists on letting him die must be a woman.
Will this DLC let me get the doppler mutagen I need since they only give you ONE FUCKING CHANCE to get it? Wish I killed that faggot now
just get it through the console commands
This legit? I'm guessing this DLC is based after the end of the game and that's why you can build a house and shit
no its a mod used on HoS party
>he didn't have Mad Rad the Lad win the war and purify the North
>letting someone live that will eventually kill everyone you love and then you
Literally worse than letting the devil make you his bitch by not defying him
Hype dead, selling my pc to buy an iphone.
mad rad must've walked home gently with philippa when he was young
game of the year edition with all dlc for 20 bucks when?
>if you disagree with me you are a woman!!!
The fact that you consider that statement an insult is even more pathetic than the flawed logic which birthed it.
Go back to Nilfgaard
>he thought one ruler was worse than the other
They're all scumbags my friend and taking sides makes you a pleb
You think the devil is worth siding with over a guy that made bad life decisions, you're pretty stupid desu
Average Metacritic score is 91
>They're all scumbags my friend and taking sides makes you a pleb
That's a nice fresh meme you got there. Dumb cunt
jokes on you I'm already there
Nope ,its fresh screen from CDPR. Its legit. is from Blood and Wine DLC
We can only hope that soon after this hits that CDPR finally releases modkit
If that's the case, then tomorrow Ciri, Triss, and Shani are going to be waiting for me in my bed when I get home from work.
Thought about it, but I was tempted to see if you could fuck with O'Dimm. Even though he sold his bro's life and got you trapped in the first place I kinda liked him. I loved hearing that creepy ass music with kids singing while a time limit counted down. Also, the party with possessed Geralt was cool as hell.
>no yen
Shit taste
Yen would make it weird for Ciri to be there, and Triss for that matter.
> She's off in a cabin with Geralt anyway
You think risking your life, and lore wise the lives of Ciri and probably all the world with it, since this quest takes place before the end of the base game, and all for some warlord thug, is the proper thing to do?
So shortsighted its sad Geralt was hired by the tax collector to gather taxes. The tax evader was brought to justice. There is no more to it. The fact that the tax collector is evil doesn't alter the situation itself. O'Dimm is in the right, Olgfried is in the wrong.
He's literally the devil you idiot and not freeing yourself by going against him would leave you to get fucked with in the future
>he is literally the devil
He is literally not the made up christian anti-god, because there is no christianity in the game, and whatever religions there are aren't established to be true, Geralt himself being atheist.
Stop bringing outside lore to the game.
>trying to be a smartass for no reason
If you want to be a faggot, replace devil with pure evil then
>laying in bed with the king of alders
>snorting fisstech with him
>completely nude
>cries when he does nothing but finger her
About as pure as ur mom m8
>makes contracts specifically to fuck people over and take their souls
>not the devil
this isnt r/atheism please go back there
First, the devil isn't pure evil even in christianity.
Second, O'Dimm clearly has a concept of justice, and unless you consider justice to be evil, he is thus also not pure evil. He is evil, but fair.
And you can definitely argue that Olgfried was also evil, for making the choices he did.
And even then, the task Geralt performed was making sure a deal, to which both parties agreed, comes to a conclusion. And he must do this to get on with his ultimate good quest.
You are short sighted, as I said.
Please do this
and never come back you cringey fuck
>atheist fedoralord defending satan
I'm not sure if Gaunter is Satan, but he's at least a Crossroads Demon.
>evil, but fair
>stabs a guy in the eye with a spoon for no reason
Gaunter a shit
You can't reason with people that think their viewpoint is 100% factual and true.
I think hes some sort of god from a different/higher dimension that likes to fuck with people. He tells Geralt that hes not demon or djinn and that he cant tell you his name without you going mad/dying. Not sure how much of that we're supposed to believe though.
so he's a lovecraftian entity
basically hes a shape-shifting immortal that can control time and travel between dimensions
Looking forward to it, but I'm not ready for it. Controller is broken as shit, and I don't feel like getting used to the KB+M controls.
kevin vanord(ex gamespot writer) said we wont see ciri yen or triss mates DREAM OVER